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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Why in the world....

    Well i get better performance with higher settings, weird but true :s
  2. zzZZZzzzZZ.... if he just spent a little time reading/searching this forum he would find solutions/answers to most of problems he would encounter... but no it's much easier to complain than starting to read and learn :bounce3:
  3. jw custom

    SP Campaign

    Really... omg if you just knew what you were missing out on ;)
  4. jw custom

    Arma 2 Loves Windows 7!

    Crysis... lol.. i played it on WinXP with everything on max and that was on my previous computer. Maybe it's about the computer it's played on :eek:
  5. jw custom

    Broken Sound

    For me yes.... never had any sound issues but with the beta it's really bad!
  6. jw custom

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    So for how long did CM know about Rambo 5???
  7. @Tophe So your saying that now you got rid of the "mouse lag" but you got stuttering when aiming now? I never had any mouse related problems until i tried the beta, then it turned aiming into BF2 style aiming by letting player spin around like on a plate in a split second.... BUT it also added stuttering when trying to aim. Now on latest beta build if i set mouse smooting on max that stuttering is complete gone!!
  8. I get that message on some servers aswell, never installed any mod of any kind! I haven't been kicked for it so it's not a problem for me, but it's weird it says i got modified files :confused:
  9. jw custom

    semi realistic games

    Give OPF-DR a try when it comes out :D
  10. jw custom

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    LOL... if your buying OF-DR because of that you might get dissapointed :p
  11. OS: WinXP 32Bit SP2 CPU: Intel Core i7-920 MOBO: Gigabyte EX58-UD4P GFX: GeForce GTX 285 RAM: 8GB DDR3 Corsair Dominator
  12. jw custom

    How to fix Arma 2 in 11 easy steps...

    Well redfist got a point there, though AI has gotten better now there's still issues with AI being able to pinpoint you down to milimeters from behind trees, bushes and grass!
  13. jw custom

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    Yeah man i remember Airborne Ranger, was pretty awesome :cool: Another game i really enjoyed was SpecOps: U.S. Army Rangers(though i played the PC version, not sure if this is that one). <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcLq7zbBeVA&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcLq7zbBeVA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  14. I normally play with postprocess effects off as it looks crappy with it on, objects on distance gets blurry and closer objects glows like the sun on a hot day :p Anyways, i just tested it and ended up with same result as topic starter!
  15. jw custom

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You got that wrong dude! People come here and compare ArmA with BF2 or other similar shooters and want changes made like mouse doesn't react like they are used to when they get their 50-100 kills per round in the games they usually play. Really annoying when this is about simulation and not about having a frag fest!! Correct, but then those people should go to the forum of a game which your description fit!
  16. jw custom

    Red Dawn: Endgame Arma 2 Trailer

    Thats awesome work :dancered:
  17. jw custom

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Of course it will, thats why CM turned realism into arcade style, much bigger audience ;) When watching vids and pics of OF: DR it reminds me of Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising... it was great fun!
  18. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    Seems like they were right :rolleyes:
  19. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    Yes it's impossible to spent a little time tweaking to find out whats best for your computer and yet so many people are playing and having fun :confused:
  20. jw custom

    Still BSOD

    Try without OC your CPU, I've got a 920 aswell and had a lot of problems with it OC'ed along with ArmA2!!!
  21. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    I know but who the hell think 512mb is VERY HIGH when you can chose normal or high!!!! That been said, i dont think it will do much difference but only let you be able to chose higher settings for stuff like textures etc ;)
  22. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    If you rather put all YOUR energy in posting whine posts then go ahead.... BUT if you actually read a little around the forum you would know that what your asking for is EXACTLY what the devs are working on... PERFORMANCE and "mouse lag" :eek:
  23. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    Well thats exactly what they are working on for next patch!!!! Please do not read the forum is forbidden :eek:
  24. jw custom

    BIS - help us help ourselves!

    Really?? when in 2003??