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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    XP-pro versis W7

    I'm using 191.07 and it's all dandy. I didn't notice any difference going from 191.03 to 191.07 so it's not like your missing anything, thats my experience :)
  2. jw custom

    Making videos for youtube?

    Thanks for the info i'll deffinitely look into that :cool: Thanks for the input. I'm into programming but my video/sound/graphic knowledge is somewhat on the noobie level :p I'll give VirtualDub a go :)
  3. jw custom

    Making videos for youtube?

    2 GB limit :) Thats Fraps ruining it, it's the voices that gets messed up. I'm using "Use Windows input" if i use "Detect best sound input" it's even worse!
  4. I have a few solutions, but they are far from optimal: 1). count opfor units(countSide or countEnemy) and check if count = 1 but then if your not using CAS(inside trigger area) but manully kill the opfor the trigger will go off when there's 1 opfor left. 2). Check for units alive in groups. This can be annoying if you spawn random units as you have keep track of all spanwed groups.
  5. jw custom

    Making videos for youtube?

    Thanks for your replies. So i now made another video using the codecs suggested by ziggy. Yet again i managed to make a video that looks decent compared to the raw recording from Fraps. Raw recording from fraps = 2.86 GB Compressed by Windows Movie Maker WMV-HD-1280x720 = 250 MB On my computer the compressed file looks decent and i'm satisfied with it, but when it's uploaded to youtube it looks like crap :( Here's the uploaded video: Where's the HQ button? Does it re-encode the file upon uploading? How do you guys keep decent quality? *EDIT* Weird now the "HD" appeared on the uploaded video, guess it takes a little time before the video is 100% processed by youtube. Anyways it looks better now :p I am still interested in hints to improve quality :)
  6. I have the same problem, it seems like the bombs or the laser(where you point) adds something that is counted as opfor. I tried counting enemies(countSide) and if count = 1 then trigger works, so it is confirmed CAS somehow adds a opfor "unit". Here's my thread about it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=88239&highlight=som+trigger
  7. jw custom


    Yeah it could be that Vista holding him down!
  8. jw custom

    Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?

    I get better performance out of Mine sweeper, but with the features ArmA 2 offers i think i can survive with the much lower performance!
  9. jw custom

    BWMod release thread

    Awesome... love flecktarn Great work, thanks :cool:
  10. jw custom


    Do you have PhysX and Vsync disabled? Again, maybe it's because of Vista(some seems to have performance problems on Vista).
  11. jw custom


    Compared to my score i would say yours should be higher! http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1465788&postcount=609 I see you are on Vista, not sure if that has anything to say but some do!
  12. jw custom

    Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?

    Too bad for you it didn't deliver what you expected, but we are actually quite a few who are satisfied.
  13. jw custom

    Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?

    But again it depends on which type of players playing. Some games got really many players/servers but most of them are filled with kids, cheaters and whiners. So more is not always better. Another thing making ArmA 2 great is the community and it's players, this game attract more mature players which shows ingame, sure there's always an idiot around but overall it's a good crowd :cool:
  14. jw custom

    Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?

    Wuhuu i'm on Windows XP 32-bit without a SSD(for now) and i can run ArmA 2 very nicely
  15. No it's not, but with your rig you'll have to tweak and compromize a bit to get a acceptable performance. You should be able to get on the battlefield soon :)
  16. jw custom

    Specs to run Arma 2 falsely advertised?

    OMFG here we go again... buhuu performance is poor, game is broken, according to xfire nobody is playing ArmA 2..... wahaaaaa! Take a look around the forums and see how much is going on, people creating mods, maps and missions, tons of people helping eachother with scripting everyday.
  17. jw custom

    Real life COD/Flashpoint/Arma spoof

    LOL nice video :p
  18. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I have tried to take DR as just another shooter(BF or COD which i enjoy), but even then i can't get myself to play it. The washed out graphic and the console feeling you get simply ruins everything. Ohh one thing did work.... closing my eyes but that brings other problems :p Thats the best kind of yoghurt :D
  19. jw custom

    APC's have super vision

    That sounds like something from v1.0. I hated how super aware the AI was. Now on patch 1.04 it's very possible to sneak up to the enemy, that be foot soldiers or vehicles.
  20. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Really, it's called out as the sequel to the original and got the name "Operation Flashpoint" in it's title.... what are people supposed to think then?
  21. jw custom

    I7 + Nvidia GTX 2xx = crash

    Try these settings:
  22. jw custom

    Is BIS gonna..

    It wouldn't hurt if they added the animations, but i can easily live without them :)
  23. jw custom


    Yet another advicer BIS should hire.... Thank god your bringing important issues up.... lol
  24. jw custom

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Thanks for the link, interesting article :cool:
  25. jw custom


    Well how about you use the 'stay crouched' command instead of 'keep low', wouldn't that be easier. Nobody is denying there's bugs in ArmA 2, some more annoying than others. I personally scream when AI absolutely have to step infront of my SMAW in same second i press fire, happened more than once. This doesn't make the game bad and unplayable.