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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. So you wanna open other peoples missions up in the editor. Well use the link i provided and download unPbo. Now unPbo the mission you wanna look at and open it in the editor!
  2. What is you wanna do? You wanna edit the editor :confused: You wanna edit or look in other peoples missions? If it is the last then you should take a look here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Community_Tools
  3. jw custom

    Trigger a flare

    Do something like this: [b]alarmStop = false;[/b] [b]alarmOn = true;[/b] while {[b]alarmOn[/b]} do { [b]if ([color="Red"]alarmStop[/color]) exitWith {};[/b] // Random values used to select flares and positions. myRandomVar = round(random 100); randomX = round(random 200); randomY = round(random 200); randomZ = round(random 150); // Height in meters. initialZ = 250; // Start at this position. initialX = getPos flaretrap select 0; initialY = getPos flaretrap select 1; // Where we are actually going to drop the flare. dropPosX = (getPos flaretrap select 0) + randomX; dropPosY = (getPos flaretrap select 1) + randomY; dropPosZ = initialZ + randomZ; if (myRandomVar <= 50 ) then { if( myRandomVar <= 25 ) then { flare = "F_40mm_white" createVehicle [dropPosX, dropPosY, dropPosZ]; } else { flare = "F_40mm_red" createVehicle [dropPosX, dropPosY, dropPosZ]; } } else { if( myRandomVar >= 75 ) then { flare = "F_40mm_green" createVehicle [dropPosX, dropPosY, dropPosZ]; } else { flare = "F_40mm_yellow" createVehicle [dropPosX, dropPosY, dropPosZ]; } }; sleep 15; }; sleep 40; }; I have high lighted the edited parts. Set the alarmStop boolean to true the same place where you stop the alarm when intruders are not detected anymore, then flares will stop too.
  4. Ahhh Falcon 4.0 and my cheap ass M$ Sidewinder joystick brings up good memories :biggrin:
  5. Your gonna be spanked for that :p Can't answer you questions, but i would like them aswered aswell :)
  6. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    True, but without any protection they are begging to get the game hacked. Even the poorest hacker got a chance :eek:
  7. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    I'm looking forward to make missions on that map :cool:
  8. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    I dont see any buildings on this picture there ain't in your video :confused: Maybe i'm blind :o
  9. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    It's fine here. Does it show up as New Skooma on your map?
  10. I'm trying to check from a triggers condition if theres less than 4 east units left within a trigger area. I tried this but with no luck. ({alive _x} east countSide thisList < 4) How do i do this?
  11. Thanks for the tip. Thanks man that was exactly my problem it was set to NONE, i've spend several hours on that lol :p
  12. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Looks great, thanks for the update/upgrade :cool:
  13. jw custom


    Very nice, thanks for sharing :cool:
  14. When you open the unit dialog set Control to Non playable and then under Side you can select empty :)
  15. It does work but not sure if it works on all objects though!
  16. Thank you so much for your patience, this has been a problem for me understanding but now i'm progressing. It's REALLY appreciated :cool: Thanks to all who took the time and replied :)
  17. Thanks :) So i can have this in my init.sqf spawningDone = false; publicvariable "spawningDone"; and this in my serverside only spawn script at the end: spawningDone = true; publicvariable "spawningDone"; and have a trigger checking if spawningDone = true and if true showing a message which all clients see?
  18. Try this: _veh setVehicleInit "veh = [this, 600, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM ""vehicle_respawn.sqf""; "; processInitCommands;
  19. Could you please show me how to do my example using publicVariable? Is this what you mean? publicvariable "getMsg"; getMsg = false; *EDIT* What i'm trying to figure out is how to pass a variable from server to client. I have a script that is run server side which spawn some vehicles. At the end it does a waituntil !alive vehicles and then i would like to pass a variable to clients letting them know all vehicles is out!
  20. Ok thanks its starting to clear up a little bit for me now :D Yet another question: I have this variable: getMsg = false; in my init.sqf and i got this: if (getMsg) then { hint format["Hello world"]; getMsg = false; }; running in a script on a client. If i set getMsg = true; from server only will the client running the above script then get the message "Hello world"? After the the message i set getMsg = false; again but it's done client side so will this be updated globally so server knows its set to false again?
  21. I would love a jungle map but with AI pin pointing you with deadly accuracy through heavy vegitation it would be a pain. So i vote for "Big residental areas" :)
  22. jw custom

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Hehe well bridge issues or not your map still rock
  23. Thats awesome news This sure is something i've been waiting eagerly for :cool: