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Everything posted by Bahger

  1. I'm using this wonderful script in the unit's init field to randomise the placement of a hostage: if isserver then { private ["_pos","_arr"]; _arr = [[3460.97,3589.02,19.0014],[3449.96,3595.83,19.0014],[3445.34,3612.19,19.0014]]; _pos = _arr select floor random count _arr; this setposasl _pos; }; The array being a list of precise positions in buildings on the map. It works beautifully to randomise the location of my civilian hostage, but only when there are no OPFOR guards in close proximity. Once I placed OPFOR men who are guarding the hostage, when previewing the mission (playing as an OPFOR unit), the hostage starts in the right, randomized, location but after about half a minute, possibly in reaction to my entering the room he's in, flees to the location I placed him in before I added the above script to his init field. I have tried the following commands in his init field to get him to stay put: dostop this disableAI "MOVE" unit allowfleeing 0 but none of them stop the fleeing behavior. In desperation, I used DisableAI, which worked BUT it meant that the script I'm using to enable the player (rescuer) to take command of the hostage and have him follow, is also disabled; the hostage is prevented from all movement. Maybe there's a way to re-enable the hostage's AI when, say, all the guards are dead, or the player is within a certain proximity? I'm out of ideas, gents. This is a promising mission but this glitch has set it back enormously and I'd really appreciate your guidance. Thanks.
  2. I got this code from Jester's tutorial. It places the coordinates in the task text field but does not hyperlink so that the map centers on the location when clicked. Nothing happens when clicked, it's not clickable. In the "Create Task" module Description field, I enter the description text. The associated marker is called Obj1 <marker name = Obj1>030062</marker> "Groups of synchronized objects" selected in Create Task module "Apply to" field, module synched (not grouped) with group leader. Is there some small syntax element missing?
  3. [Apologies if you have read a similar post in the ArmA 2 Editor forum; I posted it there in error] Building a single-player mission using the High Command module I cannot figure out how to: - Get a helicopter that is under the player's control in High Command (and therefore has no pre-plotted waypoints) to RTB (i.e. leave the mission) when a mission trigger fires. - Get enemy units to spawn in by the same trigger, or the trigger plus time delay, i.e. 30 sec after the chopper departs. I'm sure this must be easy for many of you guys but I struggle with not having a coder's brain so the simpler you can make any explanation, the better for me. I would really appreciate your help, thank you.
  4. When the player first calls the helo, it's through the High Command module so my question is, how can I associate a trigger with this event?
  5. I have taken the time. I have a dozen editing and scripting guides neatly filed away on my PC. My biggest asset as an ArmA scenario designer is my very advanced knowledge of military tactics and doctrine. However, my trying to master scripting and the more complex logical functions of the Editor is a bit like a tone-dead person trying to learn to sing. What I really need is a collaborator. All of my missions are pretty good once I've sweated them into existence and tested them extensively.
  6. I found this great Kylania script, which, when a named trigger is fired, spawns AI and moves them from one marker to another. Obviously you need the updated A3 classnames. My question is, rather than entering single units in quotes, separated by commas, is there any way to get the script to spawn a unit, or even units, in formation that would move to the destination marker?
  7. Thanks for your patience. This is a large-ish mission that is testing my meager scripting abilities to the full. I'm about to start testing what I want to to with this group of two attack helps. As we have discussed, I want them to RTB and I will use the method you suggest but can you think of a relatively easy way I could get a group with no WPs but under High Command to RTB by timer in this specific way: 15 minutes after the player first calls on them via HC to maneuver or perform a task?
  8. You're right. I apologise. I know more than I give the impression of knowing, i.e. I'm pretty good in the editor, I';ve made some decently rated ArmA 2 missions but no matter how hard I try, I do not have the brain for scripting. I struggle hugely with it. I want to understand it but usually end up copying and pasting until I have the functionality I want. I won't bother you again and I very much appreciate your help.
  9. Thank you for your patience. I guess one of my incorrect assumptions was that I needed code in the trigger's activation field. That function is taken care of by the init.sqf I assume.
  10. Thanks again, Iceman, I really appreciate this. The script you linked is for Stratis. I'll investigate, I'm sure it can be adapted... ---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 AM ---------- Can someone please confirm that, to make the above code do what I want it to in my mission, in groupSpawn.sqf I substitute my marker names (Spawn01 and Move01) for the word "this", in quotes, as follows: if (isServer) then { _grp = [getPosATL (_"Spawn01" select 0), EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _grp addwaypoint [getMarkerPos (_"Move01" select 1),20]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE";) }; Also, sorry, but I do not know the exact (execVM?) code for executing the above .sqs file in my trigger. I have done all of the above but it's not yet working. OK, well I have run out of ideas to get this to work. I'm sure it's user error, but to help narrow it down, here's what I did: - made init.sqf file in Notepad inside my mission folder, copied in the above code exactly, no substitution for "MyMarkername". - made groupSpawn.sqf file in Notepad inside my mission folder, copied in the above code but sustituted my two marker names, so: (_"spawn01" select 0) and (_"move01" select 1) - Changed all the side, faction, classification, unit info to the desired Arma3 values, so groupSpawn.sqf now looks like this: if (isServer) then { _grp = [getPosATL (_"spawn01" select 0), EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons" )] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _grp addwaypoint [getMarkerPos (_"move01" this select 1),20]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; Note I changed "west" to "east" in both instances but kept the same case. - Opened the mission: - Made a civilian player character - Made the two markers, named them as above - Made a trigger, fired by "Civilian, present" - put this in the "On activation" field": _handle = player execVM "groupSpawn.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _Handle}; after trying various forms of "execVM" code combos to no avail. Nothing works. I've been at it all morning. Got to get some lunch now. Out of ideas. I know I'm a noob but can anyone help me out? Iceman77, I sent you a friend request on Steam (I'm "Strummer") in case it might be more convenient for you to talk me through this on Steam PM. Thank you.
  11. Thank you, Iceman. Apologies for being dense but do I replace the Kylania code with the code you supplied or do I combine it with Kylania's spawn AI script? If the latter, could you possibly explain what goes where? I understand the classname syntax in your code but am not sure how to integrate what you have supplied with the existing script because I notice that your code references only one player-named marker, not two, which Kylania's script calls for...unless your code is just another way of doing the same thing with only one marker?
  12. This is so helpful to me, dr, thanks a lot. With apologies for my non-coder's brain, q couple of quick follow-up questions: - Can I use a marker name instead of those coordinates for the helicopter's RTB destination in the above script? - As for the enemy spawn script, this works beautifully and does exactly what I want, all code in the trigger activation field with no need for a script document. Obviously you need all the right ArmA 3 class names, which I found here.
  13. I want a "Blue Present" trigger to fire, but only when one of two units are present, not ANY Blue unit. Let's say I name two troop transports Truck01 and Truck02. What syntax do I use in the trigger's activation field with (with "Activated by Blue" and "Blue Present" set) in order to get the trigger to fire ONLY when one OR the other of these units is present? Many thanks, as ever.
  14. This is great, thank you so much for going to the trouble.
  15. I'm making a singleplayer mission using the High Command Module. It's promising but there are a few complications that I'm having difficulty resolving. These are: i. How do I get a helo group to RTB (i.e. leave the mission) via a trigger when that group has no pre-plotted route waypoints but is commanded only inside the mission and with the High Command interface? I'd like both units to bug out when a certain number of mission goals have been accomplished. Or I could do it via a timer. ii. How can I get enemy units to spawn in for a counter-attack via a trigger, also when the same mission goals have been accomplished and the player and the units under his (direct, not HC) command have reached a certain zone on the map? I spent a lot of time researching this one but most of the discussions apply specifically to MP missions. Basically these two things are connected; if I can't get the helos to leave and then spawn the units for the counter-attack, the helos will find them and kill them before the player has a chance to engage the enemy units, so my notion is to organise the following sequence of events: - Player accomplishes two out of three mission goals - Player and his squad arrive at a briefed location. - Helos bug out - Enemy counter-attack spawns in, with warning message to player I'm not experienced in scripting, i.e either in the init-file syntax or inserting scripts into the mission root files as Notebook files. I have a lot of experience making tactically realistic missions in many PC combat and flight sims but I just don't have a coder's mind and get perplexed by stuff that many of you seem to have mastered very easily, so I'd be really grateful if you could frame the answers to either of these questions as though addressing an intelligent novice. I have made several ArmA missions over the years but my ambitions always seem to outpace my ability to master the scripting aspects of the Editor. Many thanks.
  16. I'd like to enhance replayability in a mission by placing identical OPFOR reinforcement convoys in three locations, giving each specific orders (waypoints, etc.) but here's the tricky bit: I want only one of the three groups to spawn and deploy, i.e. for there to be a 33% chance for any one of these three groups to appear and once one does, the others do not. Over the next playthrough, another of the three groups might spawn and deploy, but never more than one per playthrough with an even chance of any one of them being "selected". Can anyone guide me here? Many thanks.
  17. I'd like to make .ogg sound clips in Audacity and drop them into missions, not as radio items but as triggered actions, so a sound file will play when a trigger fires to announce the success of an objective, etc. The Audacity stuff will be easy for me, including fuzzing up the output to make it sound like radio comms and converting the output file to .ogg. I have used triggered sound files many times before in DCS A-10 scenarios but never yet in ArmA. What I'd appreciate is a little help with how to get these files into my mission in the ArmA 3 Editor and how to have them play by trigger. I'm not sure where to place the files (I think I have to make a folder somewhere in My Docs/ArmA 3) or how to get them properly situated in missions. I'm using the Steam version of the game and am working only on SP missions at the moment so there will be no complications re. dedicated servers etc. I have searched the net for guides but have only found MP guides or those for custom radio item sound drops. Many thanks in anticipation.
  18. Extremely helpful, guys, many thanks. The info here should get me sorted.
  19. I'm getting back into ArmA mission editing but I'm either a bit rusty or I'm not understanding something new to ArmA 3. I want to place objects that can make a site where a few troops have gathered look like a field HQ, i.e. tents, tables, etc., but I cannot find a way to accomplish this in the Editor. Also, I do not know how to put down an LZ. Apologies if these are very basic questions but I would really appreciate a little guidance. thank you. EDIT Oh, I think I got it: Unit/Empty
  20. I make a lot of missions for DCSW A-10C. I tend to favor tactical scenarios with a lot of support and good balance so that the player will not get killed if he has good SA, communicates to his squadmates and knows his mission. MP missions with unlimited recycling of lives are fun to play but they also encourage recklessness and after a while, all tactical cohesion is lost. My first MP mission for ArmA3 (a beta right now) does not have respawns yet; it's a village sweep with mortar support and assisting AI infantry and overwatch. I was just wondering, if I released this with no respawning, will anyone play it. or will I be the laughing stock of the ArmA community?
  21. I want to set a couple of locations for pre-planned mortar impact locations that can be triggered by the player using "Radio Alpha". I found Armaidiot's excellent IED tutorial and thought I'd adapt that, but when trying to paste the code he supplies into the "On activation" field of the trigger, I get a "Missing ;" error message. The code is this: Trigger On Act.: bomb = "M_RPG32_AA_F" createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 0),( getMarkerPos "bomb1" select 1), 0]; There might even be another, more appropriate code; ideally, I want to create three mortar-sized explosions at the marker, with a realistic dispersal area. Can anyone help me out? I think I have the right sequence of steps to do this (marker/trigger/Activation "Radio Alpha" but I do not seem to have the right code. Thanks!
  22. This morning I discovered that the scripting of my mission -- which works fine in SP and hosted COOP -- does not enable certain functions when it is played on a dedicated server. I'm hoping that if I describe the problems clearly enough, it might not be too much of a PITA for someone to either adjust the code or advise me how to. As you can see from the download link here, I've used some great scripting tools. It appears that Kylania's process for bringing the hostage under the Group leader's command using "rescuePOWs.sqf" (see download link for mission below) does work with a dedi. I think the little script I used to randomise certain unit start positions also works. We determined that the following aspects do not work: - The trigger that summons the extraction helo did not work (it uses player's proximity to the POW): player knowsAbout p1 > 0 && player distance p1 < 5 - The POW's init loadout data did not work, as he appeared fully clothed even though I put him in his skivvies in the unit's init file by removing all uniforms and equipment. - The ability to get the AI to use their laser optics by putting them in combat mode did not work even though they have the correct loadout and it works in SP. The command I used in the units' init files was: (units group player) enableIRLasers true I'd like to make more missions for enthusiasts to play on dedis so it would be really helpful if someone could assist me in learning how to adjust mission design for dedicated servers. Could someone take a look at the attached files (I hope I am making this very easy) and advise? Thank you! Here is a link to the mission with the scripting links I used. Here is the discussion page on the BI forums. Here is a download link for the .sqm and sqf. files for the mission. All the other scripting and adjustments are in the units' init fields and trigger fields. As soon as you guys can help me, I will re-publish the mission with changes made (as long as dedi adjustments do not mess with non-dedi MP functionality). Thank you very much.
  23. The Mission: An allied pilot ejected over eastern Stratis last night. Intel sources indicate that he has been captured by anti-NATO militia and is being held in the abandoned fishing village of Tsoukalia. We need to get the man back before the militia trade him to the Iranians. You will lead a four-man SpecOps team, inserting by boat south-west of the village. Your team will assault into the village, locate the POW and liberate him. A helicopter will be standing by to extract him. Expect determined resistance. However, your training, NVGs, body armor and night optics should give you an edge against more numerous but less well-equipped militia forces. Features: No re-spawn; the mission is short, replayable and very winnable with proper tactics. My missions strive for tactical realism and are extensively tested to eliminate needless imbalance and/or frustration. The POW's location within the village is randomized within certain parameters (i.e. he will always be located somewhere that makes sense.) Certain enemy positions and movements are randomized. The SpecOps team has a custom loadout including laser optics and suppressors. The defending militia also deploy custom loadouts and equipment. They are not equipped like regular Iranian army personnel. Mission tips & gameplay: To complete all mission goals (i.e. to take command of the POW unit) you will need to play group Leader, or have a human take that role in MP. To enable AI laser optics, select team/team members and place them in combat alert state. The option to bring the POW under your command will appear in your HUD interaction menu when you are within 5m of him. IMPORTANT: Use this option to bring him onto your team and issue him with a "Stop" order as soon as possible (i.e. even before you are clear to extract him). This is because when all enemies are dead, the POW's movement AI is reactivated and he tends to run around like a headless chicken and you will have to chase him in order to bring him into your control. If you "Stop" him as soon as you have encountered him and put him under your command, you'll be able to find him when the firefight is over and order him to move where and when you want him to. When you discover the POW's location, you will call for the helicopter to fly in for extraction. You will see a comms message to this effect in your HUD. The process is fully automated. When it is safe to do so and the helo has arrived and is hovering over the village, order the POW to board the helo, which will land in the village and take the POW on board. Issue "Radio Alpha" to command the helo to depart and extract. The helo does not have sufficient passenger space to extract the POW and full SpecOps team. The mission will end soon after the POW is airborne. Mission editor's notes and acknowledgements: I realize that hostage rescue missions are dime-a-dozen so I have sought to make this a good one, with extensive randomization, AI IR optic enabling and top-to-bottom custom loadouts for combat personnnel on both sides. I am proud of the standard of execution of all of the above, and of the helo extraction. I must thank the following ArmA script gurus, in whose footsteps I aspire to follow: - Kylania for this really elegant hostage rescue script. - Shuko for this fantastic way to randomise unit start positions. - Jester (MacScottie) for his indispensible series of Editor tutorial videos. - Everybody in the BIS and Armaholic Editor forums who has shown such patience with a newb. I'm an experienced wargaming scenario designer but I'm relatively unfamiliar with this Editor. Download links I'm happy to say the the mission plays very well in both SP and MP. Singleplayer COOP 04 MP Please comment and/or rate on Armaholic when uploaded there. I'd really appreciate feedback, both public and private.