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About Zerolimit

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  1. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    I just tried it on XP and it locked up with some major screen flickering. Wah! i just want to play :(
  2. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    I've read through most of those other posts. They're are all mainly from 07' and had a different issue that was at start up. I just tried the Nvidia beta drivers, still no go. I'll wipe the drivers this time and give ARMA 2 another shot. EDIT:: No luck :(
  3. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    BSOD Displays.... Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed STOP 0x00000116 also mentions Nvlddmkm.sys
  4. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    only on ARMA 2 and far less often in Americas army 3. I've push my card many times in other games. I find the problem only specific to these games, the problem must lie in the game right?
  5. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    Coolermaster also adding vid card temps whilst playing arma is around low 70's.
  6. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    updated, that was foolish of me to leave out. but anyways my PSU is 850w so not an issue. I notice that my crash/ bsod occours when i do an action, that or its just plain coincidence. For instances my last crash was when i was trying out commander in the tutorial. it happened just as i click next button after i spawned.
  7. Zerolimit

    Blue Screen Issue

    It's funny you mention Arma 2 and AA 3 that cause you to blue screen. I also experience bsod during both these games with the same description you provided. TBH it's rather strange and random that it only happens on both of these games only (for me atleast). does your blue screen say the same thing? "Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed." My rig is CPU- Phenom II 940 - quad MB- Asus M3A78-T Vid- EVGA 8800gt KO edition 4Gig Ram 850w PSU Windows 7 RC 64-bit (Not meaning to Hijack or anything)