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Fuzzy Bandit

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Bandit

  1. Ok, just posting final code and files to the end of this thread in case anybody else wanted to have a bash. In this scenario, we have a unit named 'man1' being able to call in the artillery, and 'man5' is the designated... designator. :D There are a total of two laser-guided rounds available to the squad. After that, the action will be removed and artillery support will no longer be available. Upon first calling the Artillery, HQ will tell you whether they can see the target or not. If they can, then the next time you call them they'll fire the first round. The third time you call they will once again scan for Laser Targets, and if found the fourth time you call they will fire the second round and become unavailable. If at any point HQ can not find the Laser Target, they will let you know. I'm happy to interpret these scripts for anybody that wants slightly different setups or the like. arty.sqf (The first line of this script highlighted in blue is where it defines which unit will be designating. For a specific unit, do as I have done, using '[man5]' or '[delta4]'. If you just want the player, leave it as '[]'. The line at the bottom, highlighted in red, removes the action from a specific unit after two rounds have been fired. If you want one specific unit to have the action to call in the artillery, specify him here. Mine is 'man1', the Team Leader. If you have set the top line to '[]', then use 'player'.) [color="Blue"]_myLaserTarget = [man5] call getMyLaserTarget;[/color] if(not isNull _myLaserTarget) then { artilleryuse = artilleryuse + 1; if (artilleryuse == 1) then { [west,"HQ"] sideChat "Confirm Laser. Target acquired and cranking round the gun. Call us again when you're ready to fire."}; if (artilleryuse == 2) then { [artbatt, getposASL _myLaserTarget, ["IMMEDIATE", "LASER", 0, 1]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; sleep 1; [west,"HQ"] sideChat "Round one away! Splash ETA 1 minute. Stand by and keep the target designated. You've got one more shot at your disposal."}; if (artilleryuse == 3) then { [west,"HQ"] sideChat "Confirm Laser. Target acquired and adjusting aim. Call us again when you're ready to fire."}; if (artilleryuse == 4) then { [artbatt, getposASL _myLaserTarget, ["IMMEDIATE", "LASER", 0, 1]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; sleep 1; [west,"HQ"] sideChat "Round two away! Splash ETA 1 minute. Keep target designated and stand by. Bingo on Laser-Guided Ammunitions. Stay safe."; [color="Red"]man1 removeAction 0};[/color] } else {[west,"HQ"] sideChat "Negative on that request. No Laser Target found - check your batteries are loaded!"}; func_getMyLaserTarget.sqf (The line highlighted red tells the script to use the man you specified in 'arty.sqf'. If you set 'arty.sqf' to '[]', delete the red line.) (All words highlighted blue are also if you specified a specific unit in 'arty.sqf'. If you did not, find and replace all '_unit' occurances to 'player'.) //by Bon_Inf* /** returns the laser target the player is lasering at, or ObjNull if it does not exist **/ private ["_xpos","_ypos","_myLaserTarget","_lasertargets","_dir","_distance","_min","_target","_targetpos","_targetdistance","_aimpos"]; [color="Red"]_unit = _this select 0; // _this = [man5][/color] _lasertargets = nearestObjects[[color="Blue"]_unit[/color],["LaserTarget"],2000]; if(count _lasertargets == 0) exitWith{ObjNull}; _xpos = getPos [color="Blue"]_unit[/color] select 0; _ypos = getPos [color="blue"]_unit[/color] select 1; _myLaserTarget = ObjNull; _dir = [color="blue"]_unit[/color] weaponDirection "Laserdesignator"; _dir = (_dir select 0) atan2 (_dir select 1); // get direction of the lasermarker aiming at _distance = 99; _min =99; for "_i" from 0 to (count _lasertargets - 1) do{ _target = _lasertargets select _i; _targetpos = [getPos _target select 0,getPos _target select 1,0]; _targetdistance = _targetpos distance [getPos [color="blue"]_unit[/color] select 0, getPos [color="blue"]_unit[/color] select 1, 0]; _aimpos = [_xpos + _targetdistance*sin(_dir), _ypos + _targetdistance*cos(_dir),0]; if((_targetpos distance _aimpos)<_min) then{ _myLaserTarget=_target; _min = _targetpos distance _aimpos; }; }; if(_min>2) then{_myLaserTarget = ObjNull}; _myLaserTarget init.sqf (The line highlighted in red adds an action (in the Scroll-Menu) to the player 'man1', which you can change to specify only one person who can call in the Artillery. You can also, however, put the code on a trigger. Set the trigger to BLUFOR, Present, Once, and in the 'On Act.' box, type: 'man1 addAction ["Call Artillery on Laser", "arty.sqf"]', man1 being the interchangable part. If you do add that code to a trigger, then remove all lines highlighted in red and blue.) getMyLaserTarget = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "func_getMyLaserTarget.sqf"); sleep 0.1; // give precompiling a break ^^ [color="Blue"]if(not isDedicated) then{ //prevent a ded. server to try to assign an action to a (then) non-existent player unit[/color] [color="Red"]if(player == man1) then{player addAction ["Call Artillery on Laser", "arty.sqf"]};[/color] [color="Blue"]};[/color] In your Mission you will also need: A static Artillery unit (Such as a D30 for OPFOR or M119 for BLUFOR). An Artillery Module (NOT VIRTUAL!) named 'artbatt' placed near to the Artillery Unit and synchronised with it. A Game Logic containing the simple code: 'artilleryuse = 0'. That should be everything! This has worked out pretty well for me at least! Pretty much all the credit goes to Bon for his fantastic scripting work finding the Laser Designator. I pretty much just called in the artillery and made it limited! :) Hope anyone that has any use for this has fun with it, and I'm happy to make slightly different versions of the script(s) if you need them, or I'm sure Bon would be happy to help out! Cheers.
  2. Fuzzy Bandit

    Respawn help please

    Not fully understanding your mission design at the moment! :D Anyways, I don't think it's really possible to give singular units different respawn points. You can give different respawn points for West (BLUFOR), East (OPFOR), Independant (CDF) and Civilian, but as far as I know not for individual units. You could always just delete all respawn markers and then the player would spawn where they died. ^_^
  3. Fuzzy Bandit

    How real flying ?

    I'm sure you could quite easily change things like handling, speed and acceleration. The physics system though...
  4. The best I've found today is using Actions (using the Scroll-Menu in-game) instead of Radio Commands. Radio Commands are apparently quite a poor fit for multiplayer games, as the functions they produce effect all players, and scripts you have written or whatnot can get repeated multiple times for no reason. As well as that, there's seemingly no way of differentiating between who can see the Radio Command and who can't. You could specify the exact units you want to have the action, but it might be a bit long-winded depending on what your trigger does and how many units you have. Regardless, assuming that a unit on your battlefield is called man1 and you're calling in CAS using the script "CAS.sqf": man1 addAction ["Call in CAS", "CAS.sqf"]; If the radio command would be to blow up a BMP called BMP1: man1 addAction ["Destroy BMP", bmp setDamage 1]; Anyway that's the best I can come up with at the moment. What exactly does your trigger do?
  5. Fuzzy Bandit

    Respawn help please

    W0lle's right! You'll want to create (if you don't already have them) triggers which detect whether or not the towns are taken. Usually these are done by creating a trigger with Activation set to OPFOR and then selecting the "Not Present" option. Create one of these for each town. Next, we're going to make some blank markers. Using the Marker Tool, create markers where you want to respawn in each of the towns and call them "respawn2" (for town2), "respawn3" (for town3) and so on and so forth. Next, create a marker called "respawn_west" inside your first town (town1). Now, we want to make it so that when we take a town, the respawn marker becomes that town. We'll start by editing the trigger in town2. In the "On Act." box inside this trigger, type: "respawn_west" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "respawn2"; Then we'll move on to the trigger in town3 and type: "respawn_west" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "respawn3"; Every time the trigger (which detects the lack of enemy presence) goes off, the respawn moves up to the corresponding town! Hoorah!
  6. What do you want the Action / Trigger to do?
  7. You sir, are a star. Just tested it on my own server with a friend. He was the Team Leader (man1) and I was designating (man5). Worked flawlessly. Changed arty.sqf slighty too to be inkeeping with the "Limited Artillery" idea. Changed if (artilleryuse == 2) then {player sideChat "Used ALL!"; 1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; to if (artilleryuse == 2) then {player sideChat "Used ALL!"; player removeAction 0}; Thank you so much, AGAIN, for all the help! You've been invaluable!
  8. You can put certain code in the Initialisation box of the AI Tank to remove weapons and magazines (ammo) from the vehicle. Let's say I want to remove the main cannon ammo from a T-90. In the Initialisation box of the unit I would put: this removeMagazine "22Rnd_125mmHE_T72"; Using removeMagazine is probably better, as I'm not sure about how removing weapons copes with vehicles. Also, tanks might have multiple magazines as well, if they do, just type the code out twice. A full list of all the Vehicle Weapon and Magazine 'classnames' are listed here. Down the right hand side it tells you which Vehicles (by their 'classname') use each weapon.
  9. You are a fabulous man Bon, and this is fast becoming one of the best lessons yet! :D So I understand about adding the actions and quickly looking at the different scripts (also thanks to your comments inside and outside the scripts) I think I've got an understanding of what's going on here. As a last quick question, (apologies for this but thank you so much for the endlessly good support and lesson-teaching! :P) in the Init.sqf is the line: player addAction ["Call Arty on Laser", "arty.sqf"]; Is it possible to add that, instead, to a trigger, and substitute 'player' with 'man1' for example (my current Team Leader) to make this in a trigger: man1 addAction ["Call Arty on Laser", "arty.sqf"]; The plan is for a fellow teammate (a Rifleman named 'man5') to have the Laser Designator, but to make sure that only the Team Leader ('man1') can call in the Artillery. However, are the lines preceding the addAction command essential to the overall working? My theory is that (and please correct me if I'm wrong, as this is more of an assumption) everything contained within Init.sqf is run as soon as the mission begins. So my un-script-educated mind tells me that as long as the func_getMyLaserTarget.sqf is still being pre-compiled at the beginning of the mission, it shouldn't matter when the player receives the action to call in Artillery. If that all works out then I do believe we've got ourselves a working Laser-Guided Artillery System! :P Thank you, once again, so much for all of your help and damned fine scripting! After you've quickly clarified the above points I'll get off your back! I hope you're getting paid for doing this! :D Thanks some more, Jack
  10. Bon that answer is terrific! I do have a couple of questions however! ^_^ How do I precompile and then call the script? What will the name of the Target be? (i.e. for me I would type "getPos player" - for the laser target do I need to type "getPos myLaserTarget" or something to that effect?) Thanks for all the help guys and apologies for my not-so-good knowledge. I'm trying to understand what's going on, and I've figured out quite a few things, but I've never dealt with scripts before! Cheers! P.S. Below is my current code that goes in my trigger's "On Act." box if it were firing at "arttarg". "artilleryuse" is a pre-defined variable that is originally set to 0. I made this so that the artillery can only be used twice before becoming unavailable. [artbatt, getposASL arttarg, ["IMMEDIATE", "LASER", 0, 1]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; artilleryuse = artilleryuse + 1; if (artilleryuse == 1) then {player sideChat "Used one!"}; if (artilleryuse == 2) then {player sideChat "Used ALL!"; 1 setRadioMsg "NULL"};
  11. Ok, it will be used for a short(ish) multiplayer mission, but I won't worry about that too much. Just tried entering it into my trigger and got a blank error upon trying to click OK - any ideas?
  12. Mmm I thought that might be the issue. Just for clarity so I can help test, what's the setup of the mission? I'm assuming there are two sides, BLUFOR and OPFOR, and both have AI? Are all the units on each side set to "Playable"? Or is there a set place for the player? Will have a look later tonight if I get the chance!
  13. If you want the Radio options available from the beginning of the game, then in your inital trigger (the one that says 'Activation: Radio Alpha'), in the "TEXT" field type: NULL Next, in all of the units you want to have the Radio command available (in this case BLUFOR), type this in their Init box: 1 setRadioMsg "WhateverYouWantItToSay" Not 100% sure if this will work, and I'd test it myself but I'm not near an ARMA computer at the minute! :D I had a look on the COMREF though, and found nothing to do with Radio Sides!
  14. Fuzzy Bandit

    Calling off Air Support

    Apologies for this, but BUMP. I did have a quick think, however. Would it be a good idea to maybe split the group of four A-10s into two groups of two A-10s. Then, set each group a "Destroy" waypoint on top of (therefore attached to) each BMP target. Would they then move on to the next waypoint after their target is destroyed? Cheers again for any help.
  15. Heh fair point! ^_^ I've also heard that overheating can be a problem too, especially with the Turbo Boost setting (overclocking), though I think there are apps which allow you to control the speed of the fans in the laptop and whatnot. Do you reckon it could even be worth buying and fitting (if it's possible, i.e. not soldered to the motherboard like DELL do! xD) a better graphics card? Or would that just cause issues all over the place? Or would an upgrade to a slightly better mobile card just mean I get a tiny performance increase for a large hunk of money? Cheers
  16. You say that the performance of this particular GPU is severely lacking, but my friend (who I mentioned in my post beforehand) who has an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.3GHz and the NVIDIDA GeForce 9600M GT (which rates 5063 for 3DMark06) can run ARMA II at medium to high graphics with an FPS of ~25-30. So you're telling me that the NEW MacBook Pro GPU is going to be worse than my friend's, when all specs are the same (RAM, for exmaple) or better? (The NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M (512MB) scores 6126 for 3DMark06) Now I don't have any idea about benchmarking, and honestly I don't know what 3DMark06 is or what the number means. Hell, a lower number could be better than a higher number! But surely I'll be able to run it at the same if not better graphics than my friend's computer? Specs of my friend's computer and my would-be computer are below. Anyone else have any input or any reason why my system would run slower than my friend's? Friend's System: My System: P.S. On reflection this post seems a bit moody! :D I'm not meaning to be nasty or rude in the slightest. Just trying to get to the bottom of all this, and buying a computer is a lot of money (especially Macs), so I just want to make sure that whatever I do buy I'll be able to use for the things I want to use it for! :) All information and guidance given is valued and appreciated!
  17. I'm looking into purchasing a MacBook Pro, and before anyone says it, I've made my decision and I'm not gunna sway! :P Anyways, I wanted to know how well it would run a game such as ARMA II. I'm hopefully going to get one of the brand new models which have just been brought in this April, and I have a friend who has a MacBook Pro (bought about a year and a half ago) which can run ARMA II with ~medium graphics and run at a fairly decent FPS. I'm at school at the moment, and the Apple site is blocked, so I can't list exact specifications, but I believe I can remember the general, important bits! Intel Core i7 2.66GHz NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M (512MB) 4GB RAM 1440 x 990 Res (May upgrade it to 1680 x 1050) I'm not sure if the Intel Core i7 2.66GHz is Dual Core or not, but it is advertised and benchmarked as being MUCH better than the previous models (Intel Pentium 4 Dual Cores?) Anyways, that's all I can remember off the top of my head, but I think that covers the main stuff. So really all I'm wondering is how well will the system run ARMA II? Oh and yes I will be using Boot Camp to run Windows - my friend also uses Boot Camp to run ARMA II and still receives decent FPS. Cheers, Jack
  18. Well, you all make fantastic points. However, I believe that that would be an equimenical matter…
  19. Fuzzy Bandit

    A Consistent Server

    Hey all! Been playing the game multiplayer recently and loving it. I usually ferry people to and from objectives, picking people up on the way, MHQs and whatnot. Still, I end up with more points than everyone else for some reason, and get a fair few from repairing damaged vehicles and my own chopper every now and again. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. The reason I'm here is I was wondering if there are any "consistent" or "24/7" servers out there which only play the Domination mission (or preferably "co40 DomiA2! Ranked West [1.09]"). The reason being that I was playing on a server earlier today in which I was doing great. I had 180-odd points and just hit Major, when the whole damned thing reset and changed to "co40 DomiA2! Ranked East [1.09]"! So, I was back to Private again, and a bit peeved off. :D My question is are there any servers which consistently play / repeat one mission, without changing to a load of different ones? I guess I don't mind if I get reset to private every now and again, but I'd at least like to be on the same team! ;) Cheers!
  20. Fuzzy Bandit

    A Consistent Server

    Ha - that was the one, then I had to go anyway. xP Good to hear about the ranks as well! See you on the battlefield!
  21. Fuzzy Bandit

    A Consistent Server

    Hah! I found your server late yesterday and began having a lil' play on it! :D Your invitation is much appreciated and I'll probably stick to your server from now on! Also, speaking of "Taxi-Pilots", my name in-game is "Taxi 1" and I'm supposedly from a dedicated "Taxi Squad". Cool eh? :P See you on the battlefield I guess! :) P.S. This sounds silly, but although I'm pretty sure my rank will be saved on your server, I'm not totally sure. :D If I get to Sergeant or Corporal, then leave for a bit before coming back, will I be a Private again on my return? Or will my old rank be "saved" as it were? Thanks!
  22. Fuzzy Bandit

    Blue Screen Issue

    Yo, I originally had an issue involving blue screens, which my original post below explains. I fixed this issue by buying a more powerful PSU (Power Supply Unit) to handle the power needed by my video card in this pretty resource-intensive game. I upgraded from a 300W PSU to a 750W PSU and it cost me £44.99. I will keep this top post updated with other solutions to different blue screen issues. Just send me a PM with your solution details in it, including original problem (in detail) and exactly how you solved it. Any URLs or the like that you used on the way would also be appreciated. Cheers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Post Hi, I've been having this issue for a while and simply put it down to my videocard overheating, but recently, after feeling temperatures, I've come to doubt that hypothesis. The issue is that, when playing ARMA 2 (demo and/or full release with the latest patch) or America's Army 3, I get a blue screen. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no consistency to the issue. The only clue I've gotten is that when the video settings are set on "High", although the computer can take it and run at a steady 20 fps, blue screens seem much more frequent. When set to low, blue screens do not seem to appear as much, although they have in certain cases. I also play Empire: Total War, which is a very heavy game in terms of specs, and requires a lot to run, but that seems to play absolutely fine, even on high settings. I can play ARMA 2 semi-comfortably by lowering all the graphics down to the bottom, but it's annoying knowing that my computer should be able to take it but just decides to blue screen! Could there be a certain similar problem for both games? Maybe a certain setting that is common between the two? Another thing to add (which is why I expect it to be something to do with my video card) is the way the blue screen appears. The game will suffer small half-second pauses a couple of seconds apart, and then after about three or four of these, the screen will go completely... well... messed up. Many different, short, horizontal multicoloured lines will appear for half a second, and then the blue screen will appear. I can also tell you (if it helps at all), that I have two monitors, and the game runs on one while the other just shows an extended desktop. All graphics card and sound card drivers are up-to-date, and I'm confident that the anti-virus software (Windows OneCare) is good, and I always keep it up-to-date, so I heavily doubt it's a virus. I can't give you any specific specs right now as I'm not on my computer while typing this, but I can say I use a quad core if that helps, as well as using Vista 32 bit. Any advice or suggestions is much appreciated, and just tell me if you want more information! Cheers, Jack.
  23. Yo! Now, I've been working on an SP mission for quite a while now, and it's coming along nicely. The only downfall is that there is currently no speech what-so-ever. I say in another thread someone being told to use the "kbTell" command, but I've had a look at that and I still have absolutely no idea how to make it work! :D I know about "player sidechat", but that doesn't make them say anything, it just appears as text on the screen. So, if someone could put it really simply for me, that'd be grand! For instance, to create speech, and maybe even conversations, do I have to have triggers which activate "kbTell" commands? Can I do it with waypoints as well? As simply as possible please, I'm still a noob at this coding malarky - I'm trying to learn, but I've got majorly stuck on this, as everything I try just ends up with 6 guys sitting in a chopper... all ignoring eachother. :D Cheers, Jack.
  24. Fuzzy Bandit

    How do I create dialogue?

    Can't look at the OFPEC topic at the moment as I'm at school - 'tis blocked. :P Anyways, the other topic is just like all the others I've found. Long, unexplained and with no examples! :D Is this just really, really complicated or something? Is there no simple command like: soldier1 kbtell soldier2 "Hello!"
  25. Fuzzy Bandit

    Carrier landing

    I second that - any ideas? :D