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About K4neX

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  1. K4neX

    Saitek X52 Joystick

    It is normal, what you need is delete the wrong input and assign your own one. I do not have any problem in game with the X52 pro.
  2. hmm, if that's true. Then the game simulates quite poor in this area. I mean, how would one explains how bullet sound travels faster than explosion sound? Sound only travel at one speed (hence speed of sound). But at the end of the day, it is better for you to fire before your enemy does :) teh you won't have to worry about the sound.
  3. Speed of bullet is quicker than speed of sound. So it would make sense if you get shot before hearing the gunfire.
  4. K4neX

    X52 Controls Not Saving

    I am using the X52 and have no problem with it, I have the steam version of ArmA 2 as well. I guess 1 thing to check is if you make your config file read only. Many people have been through the forum, edited their config file and made it read only. That prevents the game from over-writing the file when you change the setting in the option menu.
  5. K4neX


    To me the logic is simple, if you manage the simulator, other arcade style FPS are easy to play with. My first FPS game was OFP, I played hours after hours when I managed to get some spare time from my studies and job. Then I moved on to BF series and COD 4, the skill and experience you learn from simulator really helps in those games. And now I'm playing ArmA2, despite a few bugs and graphics issues, I have been waiting for this for a long long time. I am also hoping that Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will not be too arcade.
  6. As the title suggests, I suggest the radio channels should be broken down into squads channels. Say for domination where you have Engineers, Arty Operators, and Squad Alpha, Bravo etc. It will work better if each squad has its own channel instead of usingone side channel for everyone. It is quite hard to work with your squad in pub server if everyone uses the same channel. Battlefield 2 / 2142 has a system like this and it worked pretty well. I'd say keep the existing channel but add in squad channels. Also, my mic works in other games but not this one....:( Another thing, it would be good if they list the names of the players in the soldier tabs when you lead the squad, so that i know who is who in my squad instead of numbers.
  7. Just want to know if anyone experienced that much swaying in RL with aimpoint / iron sight while walking. I do not believe that the weapon will sway as much as what we have in ArmA2 while walking slowly and we human are more than capable of stablizing the sight and minimize the sway during walking. What do you think?
  8. K4neX

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I got that package, and the protrack is just for headphones, the normal proclip will do just fine if you don't use headphones. But then, I have AD700 headphones and I can clip the pro clip on top of the headphones and will look like an unicorn :P
  9. K4neX

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Try this http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=284 They are in Victoria, Australia I have just got one from them, quick shipping and you can choose direct bank deposit as payment method since credit card incurrs 2% surcharge.