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About Groo

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  1. Having the same troubles in this first mission, seems that various triggers break down at different points and we can't seem to figure out why. Playing under fully patched version 1.02 A friend and I started out playing in coop mode for the campaign, and after several broken attempts finaly gave up and just played online. We tried many variations of completing objectives in different orders, and even tried playing individualy in normal single player. The common "breaking" points we encountered were; -After disembarking from the helicopter, squad freezing and not continuing to reconoiter the village. -After laser designating and destroying targets in the village, house, camo'd tank etc (in any order, including those given by battlemage) -After choosing to not spot targets in the village, because it had been a long night -After proceeding to point liquid, with the entire squad, the squad leader announces the next destination, but no update The result was the same at all of these, way points not updating and the mission seems to stall. No amount of time waiting, or moving away and returning to the location seems to trigger anything. Very frustrating.