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About mercenarynox

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    Private First Class
  1. mercenarynox

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Hey guys, great videos! I've been following this thread for a very long time. I figure I'd just throw this out there, its a really great piece of music (beginning at 53 seconds) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUSpJR6eS-U&feature=related . Maybe it could be incorporated into a video? I dunno. I find all sorts of great music from soundtracks n' stuff, and wish I had the stones (and the comp) to make a good video in Arma to go with them.
  2. mercenarynox

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Thats awesome! I love to see videos based on real emotions and stuff. The CoD4 campaign was brilliant with the music, it captured the feel epicly on alot of the parts like from the first mission as another example. Towards the end, when the drum beats start to the main theme, very epic. Edit: BloodnGuts, I do enjoy your videos quite a bit :) Same for litos
  3. mercenarynox

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Someone should make an epic video to this music. I know some people hate CoD4, as I don't like it much, one thing I did like was the soundtrack, and the one thing im excited about for CoD4 is that Hans Zimmer is doing it for MW2
  4. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    They never said it was a port, they were making a seperate version for the consoles. Plus nothing is confirmed or unconfirmed, for all you know, as Placebo seemed to hint 20 - 30 pages back, they need a publisher for it. For all we know it could be in Alpha stages right now, it just needs a publisher before that can offically say anything on it.
  5. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    It'll be worth it I suppose. Its annoying how a lot of the big sites like G4tv and IGN thinks its Q3 09, G4 and VGreleases even says sept 30th, which is complete bull crap. Though it'd be sort of a dick move, I can see it actually being released the 30th of sept and completely stealing the thunder of OFP. "This is the oonly game of its kind on the market" Then Arma2 comes in on consoles a week or so before OFPDR:p If only it were true. Atleast I'll have OFPDR to hold me off until Arma gets here.
  6. mercenarynox

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Very nice video, it was actually pretty epic in couple seconds before and after 2:20 with the music and all. Make sure make some videos on OFP as well! And BloodandGuts, that aircraft carrier video was bad ass.
  7. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I think I know BIS plan... They are going to release OAH, get all the bugs with that smoothed out and everything all fixed and purtied up. Then after that long process, they'll announce the 360 version. Just like OFP: Elite, where they included the expansions ect.
  8. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    So thats it? It's over? Like 70 pages of you guys talking about it then it burst into flames and falls into nothing? Anyone from BIS want to say anything? Even if its just a "Hang in there" or a lolcat, something to keep the consoles group going? :(
  9. mercenarynox

    The Corpsman is a Sailor, not a Marine

    In Iwo Jima, if a Marine was hit, he'd yell "Corpsman!" for a medic. And I didn't hear anyone complain about the medics beating their ass. Maybe times have changed, either way, doesn't seem like a big deal.
  10. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Bump to the cause.
  11. mercenarynox

    Attack Helicopter Question

    Most attack helicopters engage enemies from pretty long distances. Most enemies cant even hear an attack helicopter until they've been torn to bits with the 30mm or rockets.
  12. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Agreed, I don't think its legit. But if it was coming out for the 360, thats (november - december) the timeframe i'd guess of it being released.
  13. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I dont understand what publisher wouldn't take Arma II. I'm sure it'll happen soon though. I just hope they dont pick a publisher that tries to change the game. Though I have no doubt BIS wouldn't let that happen
  14. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Umm? Didn't North America already get Arma 2?
  15. mercenarynox

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I know you didn't confirm anything, but its so good to read that from you. Though I wonder why publishers aren't pouncing on that. I know if I was the head of a company I would, and not just so I could play it either. That could really be a big break in the normal console cycle, thus bringing in tons of cash. Either way, like I said, I am kind of relieved that you posted in here.