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Jimmy the Saint

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Everything posted by Jimmy the Saint

  1. Jimmy the Saint

    Where do you live?

    That's just a saying. I was actually thinking of Willy Wonka! :p
  2. Jimmy the Saint

    Where do you live?

    I do live here click.
  3. Jimmy the Saint

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    I don't want to spoil your expectation, but I don't think you're going to see a PS3 version of "ArmA 2". The game seems to be too complex. Just think about how long it took to convert "OPF" to a gaming console.
  4. Jimmy the Saint

    Compatibilty mode

    "ArmA 2" supports WinXP, you don't need to activate any compatibly mode.
  5. Jimmy the Saint

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

  6. Jimmy the Saint

    strange unit icons

    Those are high command symbols and show you different groups (depends on symbols) under your command. You can change between high command units and your fireteam/squad by hitting "Ctrl+Space". ;)
  7. Jimmy the Saint

    AI After ejecting get wounded?

    You have to compare "Eject" with a emergency jump (out).
  8. Jimmy the Saint

    AI After ejecting get wounded?

    Be careful when giving the command to "Disembark". Sometimes A.I units tend to get injured or killed when jumping out of a vehicle while it's still slightly moving. So be sure the vehicle has come to a full stop and doesn't even float on a hillside. ;)
  9. Jimmy the Saint

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

    The thread starter made one incidental remark about the featured islands (Utes and Chernarus) in "ArmA 2". In my opinion they're just too few and do not satisfy my demand in numbers.
  10. Jimmy the Saint

    CO 10 Dawn Breaker v1.1

    This is a multiplayer co-op mission which I've created before and has undergone some (major) changes. I'd like to present it to the ArmA2 community in hope to get feedback this time. By leaving a short message which explains your poll rating you can help other people to evaluate the mission. You can aswell help me to improve the mission at specific points in a further release. This mission was formerly known as "CO 14 Secure Pusta v1.0". Short Description of Operation Dawn Breaker Since "Team Razor" destroyed a ChDKZ Reconnaissance System in the Village of Pusta, Insurgent Raids are a possible threat for the Inhabitants. USMC Team "Dawn Breaker" will be deployed near Pusta to Seize the Village and dig in until Allied Forces are ready to move north-west of Chernarus. Team "Dawn Breaker" will leave the USS Khe Sanh via one MH60S Transport Helicopter callsign "November" at 0700. Scheduled Insertion Time is 0715 on a field 300m east of Pusta. Here's the download link from FileFront (110kb .zip file): CO 10 Dawn Breaker v1.1 Content of the .zip file: co10_dawn_breaker_v1-1.chernarus.pbo co10_dawn_breaker_v1-1.chernarus.txt co10_dawn_breaker_v1-1.chernarus.jpg How to Install and Play: - copy the *.pbo file into the Arma2/MPMissions folder - start a new multiplayer session and browse through your chernarus multiplayer missions Good Luck and Enjoy!
  11. Jimmy the Saint

    CO 10 Dawn Breaker v1.1

    Cheers! :) I always liked the exemplary Operation Flashpoint missions a lot. Of course, they might have been straightforward at times, but they had some pretty intense and remarkable moments because of their up close and personal situations (without the possibility to respawn). Those situations and the limitation of resources forces every player to become a tactical part of the whole team. I believe that's the essence of Operation Flashpoint, ArmA and now Arma 2.
  12. Jimmy the Saint

    little question

    Do you get a response like "roger" from your team or do they ask "Where are you?" Maybe you've just forgotten to select your team? Setting your team to "safe" or even better "aware" is a good hint aswell!
  13. Jimmy the Saint

    Bad Lands it is!

    By looking at the title of your thread, I guess you're fully aware of the problems within this mission. Maybe you should really try to use the search function or look for the numerous threads with the same content. You might aswell search for "Endmission". *by the way, Badlands will be fixed with the next patch, so they say
  14. Jimmy the Saint

    Big Problem with Arma 2

    You cannot argue like this, because there are exceptions of the rule. I could say ArmA2 runs best on a 32bit OS because ArmA2 is a 32bit application, but my statement could be wrong too. Have a look around the forums and you'll notice that people made different experiences. :) *But if you're having enough time and you're able to do it, I'd say, give Win7 a try aswell.
  15. Jimmy the Saint

    It seems a bug on M4A1 sight

    I agree with that! :)
  16. Finally somebody brings this thread back to its topic. :)
  17. Jimmy the Saint

    Annyoing Texture pop-up after zoom

    A already known problem, please close.
  18. Jimmy the Saint

    Big Problem with Arma 2

    Instead of uninstalling Vista, you should have created a second boot partion for WinXP. It's hard to tell what the problem is. Have you done a clean uninstall of Vista? Removed all the drivers? Formated the old boot sector? Made a new boot partion? Created a WinXp boot and rescue disk? Done a fresh XP installation? Downloaded all WinXp updates? Installed WinXp Service Packs? Downloaded and installed the newest XP drivers for your hardware? What about your other software, having any problems with them?
  19. Jimmy the Saint

    no cross hair

    I haven't used any addons yet, but as far as I know they should/can only be activated with string commands like this "arma2.exe -winxp -maxmem=2047 -addonstring". Other addons (if they do actually work) might change the core files of the game and may result in unwanted outcomes.
  20. Jimmy the Saint

    Choppers crashing into trees

    Sometimes they'll fly too high and sometimes too low crashing into trees or woods. However, if you're creating your own missions you can script the flight high and speed.
  21. Jimmy the Saint

    Fast walk - how?

    Here are the default keys: evasive forward - "not assigned" forward - "w" fast forward - 2x "w" slow forward - "not assigned" walk or run toggle - 2x "left shift" walk or run temporary - "left shift" prone - "y" (or z) crouch - "x" stand up - "c" Those are all the options you have to combine and you might get your favorite stance. No problemo, right? :confused:
  22. Jimmy the Saint

    Cannot load savegame error

    You might aswell consider that savegames are sometimes lost when ArmA 2 crashes to desktop while saving a process. Therefore it can be helpful to make backups of your savegames.
  23. Jimmy the Saint

    It seems a bug on M4A1 sight

    Sun reflection on a important military utility? But the same effect happens on the M4A1 Holo sights.
  24. Jimmy the Saint

    Fast walk - how?

    There are 3 possible ways of moving I can think of right now. While "W" is the standard key for moving forward, you can combine it with the "Shift" key and by double tapping the "W" key. Try it - it depends on your key configuration! My configuration is this: Hitting "W" key - walk forward. Double tapping "Shift" key and then hitting "W" key activates - fast walk forward. Double tapping "Shift" key and double hitting "W" key activates - sprint forward.
  25. Crosshairs in real life? How can you even compare live shooting with mouse button clicking anyway? *ugh* Anyway, I'd enjoy the ironsights much more then the crosshairs. :rolleyes: