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Everything posted by Nemorz

  1. Charming :) Edit: switchMove "animationname"; and playMove "animationname"; Either in trigger or units init (although if it's hand gestures, I assume you'll want to see it so put it in a trigger) unitname switchMove "animationname";
  2. Nemorz

    Modules BIKI

    I 3rd this motion! I'd like to see all the pages updated to be honest, I'm a bit stupid when it comes to scripting (and very new to it) so examples there aren't even close to helping new people out.
  3. Code: gestureAttack = {"GestureAttackStand", "Gesture"}; gestureGo = {"GestureGoStand", "Gesture"}; gestureGoB = {"GestureGoBStand", "Gesture"}; gestureFreeze = {"GestureFreezeStand", "Gesture"}; gesturePoint = {"GesturePointStand", "Gesture"}; gestureCeaseFire = {"GestureCeaseFire", "Gesture"}; gestureCover = {"GestureCover", "Gesture"}; gestureUp = {"GestureUp", "Gesture"}; gestureNo = {"GestureNo", "Gesture"}; gestureYes = {"GestureYes", "Gesture"}; gestureFollow = {"GestureFollow", "Gesture"}; gestureAdvance = {"GestureAdvance", "Gesture"}; gestureHi = {"GestureHi", "Gesture"}; gestureHiB = {"GestureHiB", "Gesture"}; gestureHiC = {"GestureHiC", "Gesture"}; gestureNod = {"GestureNod", "Gesture"};or this?? Code: GestureSpasm0 = {"GestureSpasm0", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm1 = {"GestureSpasm1", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm2 = {"GestureSpasm2", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm3 = {"GestureSpasm3", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm4 = {"GestureSpasm4", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm5 = {"GestureSpasm5", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm6 = {"GestureSpasm6", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm0weak = {"GestureSpasm0weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm1weak = {"GestureSpasm1weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm2weak = {"GestureSpasm2weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm3weak = {"GestureSpasm3weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm4weak = {"GestureSpasm4weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm5weak = {"GestureSpasm5weak", "Gesture"}; GestureSpasm6weak = {"GestureSpasm6weak", "Gesture"}; Seek and ye shall find.
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76033&highlight=animation+viewer Nifty little mission, load it up, find the animation and copy the name to clipboard :)
  5. hint format ["%1", getPos player] I took the code from my mission.sqm coz I was busy on another map at the time (and the map it's in has a shedload of addons lol). It added a couple of quotation marks in mission.sqm. My bad! :D 1. Heres an excerpt I have in an init.sqf to spawn stuff (on start, although you can spawn them through trigger too) One = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4224.5923,10778.191,339]; The [4224.5923,10778.191,339] being the co-ordinates. (x,y,z). As was pointed out to me, if you ever extract co-ordinates from mission.sqm, that will read (x,z,y). Worth bearing that in mind. 2. Ellipse/Rectangle is just the "shape" of the trigger. setTriggerArea I think is used for defining size and shape. Again, never used createTrigger just read about it so you would probably have to test. 3&4. setTriggerStatements (it's all there on the wiki) 5. setTriggerActivation trigger setTriggerActivation [by, type, repeating] The last part of the array, replace "repeating" with true, for repeating or false, for once only. 6. Not sure 7. Title it whatever you like, so long as you can called it. "Createmytrigger.sqf" for example, as long as you know it's name and it's in the missions folder. 8. Not sure what you mean by init line, but init.sqf should always be run automatically when player joins or dies. 9. You should be able to add them all to one script, but that's where I lose interest because it gets more complex being able to call single items when all items are in one script. For starting out, I suggest creating as many individual scripts as you need and call them individually. Btw, I don't mind, I've had alot of help from others here and despite having little knowledge myself I'll help out where I can.
  6. Hey I have a question (and trust me I searched for hours finding nothing on the subject). Well, I have a Sniper Target Range setup, which I tend to host Locally, the problem is people who join can't see targets at 700m or over dropping whereas I can. I have viewdistance set to 3.5km server default (and in the maps init.sqs). I tested the clients moving up to the targets, and they drop fine under 700m. Just wondering if anyone came across this or knows the reason for this happening? It's a bit of a killer when people are trying to learn long-distance sniping. Regards, Nemor.
  7. In all honesty I've no idea how to use that right now :D
  8. You probably need to look into http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createTrigger Add that to your On Act conditions then a new trigger will be created (and rather than try to move one which I don't think is possible, when one trigger is on "Once" as opposed to repeatedly, it's automatically dead). Using createTrigger you can create new ones anywhere after conditions are met. As for no enemy on the map in editor, that's because he puts them in dynamically via script, i.e. when the trigger is touched off, it will spawn those units via script. I haven't looked into his method, but createUnit is a good start (look into wiki). It's also possible to spawn units with x,y,z properties i.e. you go into the editor, take your player character to where you want them to spawn and find those co-ordinates. There was a nifty little Radio Command to show x,y,z where you stand for that. Create a new Trigger, Radio Alpha, Repeatedly and put this in the On Act: hint format [""%1"", getPos player] Now when you go to that position, and press that radio trigger, it'll give you x,y,z coordinates. For ensuring no enemy remains after a trigger has ended you can use: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (units GroupNameHere); deleteVehicle VehicleName; Into another script run from the On Act of a trigger Condition being met. Dunno if all of this makes much sense or is even what you're after, but hey, I'm trying :D
  9. Alternatively I could just use "One setHit ["terc",1];" in the On Act of the triggers I already have in place and work to knock down the targets correct? As the event handler you provided I didn't feel the need to use. Although without your other stuff (spawning them through init) I'd be nowhere right now!
  10. Yes mate, no one can see anyone elses hits but the fact they see all messages on their own is a big boost (and lets face it, I can have x amount of people down-range at any given time without people complaining about hitting someone elses target!) Much thanks once again!
  11. 1- Easiest way is to create the red circled marker in the area you wish (switching from Icon to Ellipse/Rectangle). For example name it Marker_Enemy. Create a trigger with Opfor and Not Present, in the on act put "Marker_Enemy" setMarkerAlpha 0; This removes the marker when there is no enemy present. If you want it to turn green rather than just disappear, create a second marker called Marker_Safe, and create the line; "Marker_Safe" setMarkerAlpha 0; in your init.sqf (This means when a player starts, the green one is invisible and the red one visible on start). Now, add also "Marker_Safe" setMarkerAlpha 1; into the On Act of your Trigger Opfor Not Present. When there is no enemies left in that area, Green will turn to Red. You can use any condition really !alive UnitName etc. 2 I can't help you with coz I haven't looked into parameters myself.
  12. No Doolittle mate, on both Local and Dedicated that works for me. But tcp's edit is worth a look.
  13. nul = this execVM "ammo.sqf"; - In the crates init line Create new file called ammo.sqf (be sure the hidden .txt at the end is removed) while {alive _this} do { // Remove the stock items from the crate clearMagazineCargo _this; clearWeaponCargo _this; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RU WEAPONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Battle Rifles (MBR) //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_kobra",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_kobra",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_GL_pso",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_107_pso",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_74",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_74_GL",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_M",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AK_47_S",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_kobra",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_pso",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_U",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["AKS_74_UN_kobra",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["Saiga12K",5]; // Submachineguns (SMG) //_this addWeaponCargo ["Bizon",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["bizon_silenced",5]; // Light Machineguns (LMG) //_this addWeaponCargo ["MG36",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["PK",5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["RPK_74",5]; // Sniper rifles //_this addWeaponCargo ["VSS_vintorez",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["Huntingrifle",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["SVD",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["SVD_CAMO",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["KSVK",3]; // Pistols //_this addWeaponCargo ["Makarov",30]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["MakarovSD",30]; // AT & AA //_this addWeaponCargo ["Igla",2]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["MetisLauncher",2]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["RPG18",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["RPG7V",3]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["Strela",2]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RU AMMO ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Battle Rifles (MBR) //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug",100]; // Submachineguns (SMG) //_this addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_Bizon",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon",100]; // Light Machineguns (LMG) //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x54_PK",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK",100]; // Sniper Rifles //_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD",100]; // Pistols //_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD",100]; // GP25 ammo //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25",100]; // AT & AA ammo //_this addMagazineCargo ["Igla",10]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["AT13",20]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["RPG18",60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7V",30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7VL",30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["PG7VR",30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["OG7",30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["Strela",10]; // Items //_this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 100]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", 100]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["ItemGPS", 100]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["LaserDesignator", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["LaserBatteries", 100]; // Grenades & Satchels //_this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_East",100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["TimeBomb", 40]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["MineE", 100]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // US WEAPONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Battle Rifles (MBR) //_this addWeaponCargo ["G36a", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["G36C", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["G36_C_SD_eotech", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["G36K", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M1014", 5]; // Combat shotgun //_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A2GL", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_GL", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG_GL", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M16A4_ACG", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_RCO_GL", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_Aim_camo", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_carbine", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_carbineGL", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_compact", 5]; // Submachineguns (SMG) //_this addWeaponCargo ["MP5A5", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["MP5SD", 5]; // Light Machineguns (LMG) //_this addWeaponCargo ["MG36", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["Mk_48", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M240", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M249", 5]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M8_SAW", 5]; // Sniper rifles _this addWeaponCargo ["DMR", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M4SPR", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M8_sharpshooter", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M107", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M24", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M40A3", 5]; _this addWeaponCargo ["ukf_l96a1_cam",5]; // Pistols _this addWeaponCargo ["Colt1911", 30]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M9", 30]; _this addWeaponCargo ["M9SD", 30]; // AT & AA //_this addWeaponCargo ["Javelin", 2]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["M136", 2]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["SMAW", 2]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["Stinger", 2]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // US AMMO ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Battle Rifles (MBR) //_this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", 100]; // Combat shotgun // Submachineguns (SMG) //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", 100]; // Light Machineguns (LMG) //_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 100]; // also for Mk48 //_this addMagazineCargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", 100]; // Sniper Rifles _this addMagazineCargo ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["ukf_10Rnd_762x51_mag",100]; // Pistols _this addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", 100]; // AT & AA //_this addMagazineCargo ["Javelin", 20]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["M136", 60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEAA", 30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["SMAW_HEDP", 30]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["Stinger", 10]; // M203 ammo _this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203", 80]; _this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_Smoke_M203", 60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", 60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", 60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", 60]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareGreen_M203", 40]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed_M203", 40]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareWhite_M203", 40]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["FlareYellow_M203", 40]; // Items _this addWeaponCargo ["Binocular", 100]; _this addWeaponCargo ["NVGoggles", 100]; _this addWeaponCargo ["ItemGPS", 100]; //_this addWeaponCargo ["LaserDesignator", 100]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["LaserBatteries", 100]; // Grenades & Satchels _this addMagazineCargo ["HandGrenade_West", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShell", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellRed", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellYellow", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellOrange", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellPurple", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["SmokeShellBlue", 100]; _this addMagazineCargo ["PipeBomb", 40]; //_this addMagazineCargo ["Mine", 100]; // Restock time. 1800 = 30 minutes. sleep 1800; }; Simply remove the // quotations from whichever Weapons/Ammo/Equipment you need. Can't remember who's script this originally was, but it works well.
  14. Nice mate I'll give this a try shortly. Works a treat, I didn't need to bother with the hit thing really though, my original triggers worked just fine. Thanks very much :D
  15. JW's version is better, that should work well ;) I think I'll rob that also. *YOINK*
  16. Nemorz

    Extending AI engagement range

    You could also look up "Indirect Fire" on the search, I came across something the other day where you can inform units to fire on invisible heli (dunno if it will work at distance, may be worth a shot though)
  17. #top "MarkerName" setMarkerPos getpos UnitName ~40 //Seconds it refreshes, best to have some type of wait otherwise itll continually loop goto "top" copy/paste that into marker.sqs then add a Civilian well out of harms way (or just add this allowDamage false in his init line so he can't die) and this exec "marker.sqs" That's a very simple solution I had working. If you die it stops working but for the purpose of your mission, it should suffice
  18. True galzohar, to an extent. I'm training Snipers and it's ideal to train on long distance static targets to begin with. Something I really need/want! :P
  19. "TargetHit" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) setDamage 1;}; One = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4224.5923,339,10778.191]; One addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Two = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4276.1729,339,10692.745]; Two addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Three = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4328.2852,339,10606.874]; Three addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Four = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4379.5269,339,10521.958]; Four addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Five = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4430.8252,339,10436.975]; Five addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Six = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4482.4575,339,10351.16]; Six addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Seven = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4534.0742,339,10265.364]; Seven addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Eight = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4585.6982,339,10179.458]; Eight addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Nine = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4637.0703,339,10094.114]; Nine addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Ten = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4688.8188,339,10007.999]; Ten addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Eleven = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4740.6343,339,9922.6123]; Eleven addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Twelve = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4792.27,339,9837.7158]; Twelve addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Thirteen = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4844.2544,339,9751.7559]; Thirteen addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Fourteen = "TargetPopUpTarget" createVehicleLocal [4893.7275,339,9682.2324]; Fourteen addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 1; TargetHit = (_this select 0); publicVariable "TargetHit";}]; Having put the above into the init.sqf and uploaded the mission with nothing else on the map, but one player I see no targets. I assume with createVehicleLocal theres no need for me to place a physical target in the editor unless I'm missing the point. Anyway, I don't see those targets having done exactly what you said. It's possible I'm just missing something. All the locations were copy/pasted from my original mission.sqm, with the same targets names also. Oh, last but not least, assuming I do get this method to work. How would my trigger to say the Targets been hit be called? publicVariable = "TargetHit"? "TargetHit" = true? I ask because right now my trigger is set like this; Condition: One animationPhase "terc" > 0.1;
  20. Ack it gets worse, on a Dedicated server you can hit targets up to 900m. But 700,800 and 900m targets stay down :O
  21. In my init.sqs I have setViewDistance 3500 and although its not showing 3.5km I can see my targets which are up to 1.4km away. As for "drop targets" I mean when you hit it, you see it go down. The Dummy Targets I mean.
  22. I personally have mine set on High, I had 3 people testing the map, 1 with it on Very High, 1 with High and 1 with Low, neither could see the targets drop. If you mean whats the server set to, I assume it will be based on my settings as I'm locally hosting. Unless I'm missing the point altogether? :P
  23. In your Vehicle/Aircraft init you could have [] exec "resupply.sqs"; Create a new .sqs file and inside there put #top "Vehicle" setFuel 1 "Vehicle" setVehicleAmmo 1 ~30 goto "top" Assuming the Aircraft or Vehicle you wish to constantly re-arm is called "Vehicle" in it's Name field. I think once it dies it stops running the file. This is very basic, someone will probably be able to help you out with something more robust.
  24. Nemorz

    Deploying Mortar tubes and artillery?

    I'm not the best at scripting but my best guess would be; 1. Add a mortar already in the map, give it a unique name e.g. "Mortar1" 2. this addAction ["Deploy Mortar","exec mortar.sqf"] 3. Create a "mortar.sqf" file with "Mortar1 getPos setPos Playername" which moves the Mortar to the players location Fire away. I also realize the code isn't exact, but if you search "AddAction" and "set Position" I'm sure you'll find the correct commands and be able to come up with something. Sorry for not getting all the code myself, but I'm tired :P
  25. Run in Expert/Veteran I beleive turns off enemy markers.