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Everything posted by xPaveway

  1. Insulting them doesn't help. They watch these forums and love it when people get pissed off :D
  2. The police are not going to go after internet game cheaters... lol walker, I know you tried to bark up that tree before but it's not the way. ---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ---------- Yeah that's the thing though, signature verification and BE are not catching this stuff. Hopefully they'll catch up, but in the meantime I'm not sure what else I can do, since it's difficult to even tell who is spawning the stuff. If we could just see who's doing it, that would be a world of difference.
  3. Right, the issue is I need some way to see who is running createVehicle, but I'm not sure what commands I could use to try and dump it to the .rpt file. I know there was some kind of sniffer for ArmA, but I don't think it's supported for A2:OA
  4. Yeah this is what it seems to be. AFAIK we have signature checking enabled but someone still seems to randomly connect and spawn a bunch of bombs all over the main base. Is there any way to see any of this on the RPT or log file?
  5. I appreciate the help, however, there were 30 C130s that were all crashed into the main base, they came in from an angle that didn't have anything to do with taking off or landing. That big was fixed for the C130 taking off at an airport.
  6. ?? What is the difference between an "empty" hatchback and a "civilian" one? A car is a car is a car...
  7. What are you talking about? deleteObject was never a script command and hideObject is a new addition by BIS...
  8. xPaveway

    What happened to hide body?

    Did you try it as a special forces unit? I'm pretty sure hide body only works for guys like force recon or special forces
  9. xPaveway

    Get plane weapons right.

    Wow, touchy much? Is it some kind of jealousy that MMA came up with a good mod? Sucks that you don't want to use MMA though, it adds a lot of realism to flying and makes the missiles way more realistic. I've learned to accept that BIS can only get Arma 2 so far, it's up to the modders to add the specific details.
  10. xPaveway

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Yup, looks like things should be working on beta patches, now we just wait for the release of the patch and new dedicated server files...
  11. So apparently steam is not up to 1.52.71816 build? This has been causing a headache for me with scripting. When can we expect to get steam updated to 1.52.71816? Mine is currently 1.52.71612. Apparently the new Turret methods such as magazinesTurret do not work in 71612. This has caused Domination to become broken. Hopefully the next patch (1.53 or something) will be the same across retail and steam
  12. xPaveway

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Xeno, apparently the issue with your script is fixed in 1.52.71816 of OA, however steam users (and dedicated servers) are stuck on 1.52.71612, and as such, I don't think those scripting commands work in the 71612 build. Once everything gets patched up to 1.52.71816 it should work fine.
  13. Hey all, I was wondering how people make good looking bases such as http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10100 Is this with the RTE editor or the 2d editor? The problem I have with Arma 2 is that the edit objects all appear to be different in game from their icons. It's really hard to line up sandbags or H-barriers. Is there something better than the 2d editor for this?
  14. Ok I found out whats going on, I put "pause" into the .cmd file so I could read what it's saying, and it's basically saying this: I am running XP, looks like its not reading the registry correctly or something. I verified that everything is there using regedit so I don't know why thats the problem. Basically I just replaced everything with And it started up now
  15. Tried launching using this and a command window pops up for a second but then immediately closes and nothing else opens. What should I do?
  16. xPaveway

    Helicopter scenerios

    Hey guys, I like the ideas. I want to make some missions like this. I'm familiar with having AI pop smoke etc. I'll post here if I come up with some things. My brother is also interested in looking for this kind of stuff, so I'll have a go at it. I would like to see more missions with transporting supplies/troops, so maybe I can help contribute to this.
  17. xPaveway

    OFP:DR $7.50 US on Steam

    Though I know most probably don't like Arma 2 over OFP:DR, it is a whopping 75% off on steam right now. I'm considering just cause its so damn cheap, I would never pay full price, and I doubt it will get any lower in the future. Just sayin
  18. You could have a loop in a script that would check objects near the trigger using http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObject If the nearest object was a man type object or something you could set it's damage to 1, or if you're needing to kill multiple people, you could have them all run scripts or something that checks the distance between them and the trigger (or marker) and kills them. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/distance
  19. You might try enclosing the scriptDone _script_handler || my_condition_to_exit_var in parenthesis. You need to put some hints in there to help you debug it. Is the script getting past the waitUntil? try adding a hint in there that says something like " waitUntil finished" and then a hint inside the if statement to see if it's firing etc.
  20. The 'exit' statement does nothing for sqf files, it's old sqs only. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/exit
  21. For adding the handler you'd do this soldier addEventHandler ["Fired", "_this exec 'yourScript.sqf'"] Where in yourScript.sqf you have the _ammotype = _this select 4; Because the "Fired" event passes an array of: [unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]. Since you are selecting index 4 of the array (ammo), _ammotype will be a string with the ammo name. To check that it's a smoke grenade you'd check that with if (_ammotype == "SmokeShell") then { //do your code like create vehicle or whatever } List of possible ammotype strings: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons Also: why are you using exit and stuff? are you writing .sqs scripts? I'd recommend .sqf, it's at least somewhat more like a scripting language. Also I'd recomment using an if block rather than the question mark stuff
  22. I would recommend condensing that script so you don't have to write so many duplicate lines... Something like ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Randomize placement of a group within 6 spots ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (! isServer) exitwith {}; // NOTE: in multiplayer, only server should create random numbers. // Create Group for units to be spawned into; must have group created BEFORE spawning units in. groupPrimo = createGroup RESISTANCE; // Pick Location /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// n1 = round ((random 6) + 0.5); // generates random number from 1 to 6 switch (n1) do { case 1: {_markerPos = getMarkerPos "marker1"}; case 2: {_markerPos = getMarkerPos "marker2"}; //etc... }; G1 = "GUE_Soldier_CO" createunit [_markerPos, groupPrimo]; G1 setdir 180; G2 = "GUE_Soldier_MG" createunit [_markerPos, groupPrimo]; G2 setdir 180; G3 = "GUE_Soldier_GL" createunit [_markerPos, groupPrimo]; G3 setdir 180; G3 = "GUE_Soldier_AT" createunit [_markerPos, groupPrimo];