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Posts posted by niall0

  1. I know most things have been mentioned here and there in this thread, but could someone list the major "inaccuracies" that have so far been discovered?

    So far what I've gathered is that the L85s should have an ACOG variant and one of the tanks has a wrong turret or something. The turret is probably too much to ask, but maybe BIS could be persuaded to add an ACOG variant L85, and perhaps some other relatively minor stuff before release.

    Considering that the release date is a month away, perhaps it would still be possible.

    From what I have seen people state;

    Eotech sights are a no no.

    Warrior turret as mentioned.

    L86's are basically obsolete.

    Wrong GPMG bracket on the WIMIK

    L85 with Ris attachments barrel 'looks' to be very long. http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6373/getfilen.jpg

    MTP isn't the best shade.


    Thats all picked up from forums. IF BIS wanna make it more accurate there are Mod teams they can surely ask for references from, or just straight whats up with it.

    To quote one mod British mod maker 'If it's paid consultancy i'm all in'.

  2. Quoted from Sethos:

    It's very easy for people to comment on how BIS goes about making sounds. I think if you spent 1 week in their sound department your opinions would change drastically.

    And what, you never played cold war crisis or resistance?

    That makes me sad inside.

    Your comment makes me sad, he is comparing people like Rock, who work in their own time, using their own resources and pretty much zero budget (i.e not that of a dev studio) to make their sounds, that in some cases are better than that of BIS. Yet seemingly your giving them no praise/support for what they do.

  3. I seem to be having MAJOR issues with this working.

    It loads up ACRE and Arma2JayLib, or what ever way round it goes, join the VCB server, get my gear and the personal radio is ACRE'd, but then I can't seem to get lips moving, nor the 3d sound working.

    Have followed your trouble shooting guide yet still not working?

    Got any advice?

    See my .rpt file attached if that is of use http://www.mediafire.com/?2hny25blldn5ly8

  4. I chose Muslim countries because Syria was talking about Muslim countries, so it sort of goes part and parcel.

    Furthermore, if you fully quoted I even stated other Religions cause conflicts too.

    But quoting that single chunk was your choice, not theirs.

  5. Look, all recent terror attacks, major wars, current conflicts ect. about 75% ( a rough estimate) have came from Terrorist claiming to be Muslim.

    Apart from Iran/Iraq, Somalia??? Iraqi Invasion of Kuqait? All the in fighting in Lebanon? Hezbollah?

    Need it be continued?

    Now Im not saying other religions don't have conflicts, as they do, but thats another discussion.

  6. Fact is, even Russia are starting to turn against Iran, so would an attack be justifiable?

    Cos, if I was Putin, it would seem more logical to either support the US/UN or be Neutral than be against them backing Iran.

  7. To be fair, building a robot like Asimo, but with less movement probably isn't 'Having robots that run like the Japanese ones'.

    More having Robots that look the the Japanese ones.

    Think of it as going to your local market, and seeing a bloke selling knock off Kelvin and Clien Boxers, or Dolce and Banana T Jackets and you have the Korean robot. Easy to imitate, tricky to do it well.

  8. Hi all

    Things seem to be heating up!


    As Always follow the link to see the original text and full story.

    I have also heard a report relayed on the BBC from Iran about a group of people attempting to enter an Iranian facility (nuclear?) who were captured (after a gun battle?)

    If any one can shed some light on this last I would appreciate it.

    Kind Regards walker

    Yet, if you really looked on BBC, Turkey and Isreal have held 'secret' talks. Although what on is not confirmed, plus Turkey saying no conclusions have been bought to, but a goal of the relations being rebuild is put forth.

    As always, follow the link to see the original text and full story.

