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Posts posted by niall0

  1. Ive found a problem with the GMG acogs/susats, When i press zero they go to a white, black edged screen. It looks to be the same scope thats on the M2 which was working fine for me.

    I did get a few errors. But i didnt read them in my eagerness to drive around in something british :-D

    Love your work :-)

    Found the problem: the optic model in UKF_shared has some textures pathed to the updated version of the UKF weapon pack that we're working on. The textures aren't present in the public release.

    Fixed version of UKF_shared:

    VOLCBAT Mirror

    Cracking work guys, quite possibly my fav vehicle in Arma 2.

  2. C'mon England!

    Tbh, I think Serbia will be surprise team of the tourney (well I hope so, it's what I have told everyone.).

    SA v Mexico was a bit average, Mexico should have bagged it.

    France v Uruguay was also not the best, neither team really looked like scoring.

    Just hope it gets better from now on.

  3. Having used McAfee, AVG and most recently avast! I would say for my uses avast! is best.

    Light, runs scans effectivly and nice interface. Plus, have a gaming mode.

    That said, the Gremlin on AVG when you get a virus is nice.

  4. Good to see us Brits getting dicked on as per usual.

    Shame Game aren't stocking it, as when I picked up Arma 2 in there not only did I trade in games to get it, but also there were only 2 copies left and it was 1 selling game that week.

    Plus, as mentioned have seen no UK adverts. Which sucks for us UK players wanting an influx of new people to play with.

  5. To be fair, with datings of the photo being taken, the OP seems to have assumed it was taken in 2009. As, the article it's on is from '09, yet talks of Somali. Not Monrovia.

    Plus, if you actually read the original article, it not only states its from 'AP' but also a Photographer called 'Van Zuydam' took it.

    That 'batshit' took my approximatly the 3 minutes it takes to read the article.

  6. Well, 505 Games are very poor at advertising games if they do that side of things. All I have ever seen advertising there games is an Il Sturmovick (Sp?) and Armored Core 4 banner on Gamespot.

    But, OP I get where you are coming from, I only heard of Arma 2 through word of mouth from someone telling me the size of the battles they did on Armed Assault.

  7. It's very very rare that I fall in love with someone that is a male, and not a male pretending to be female. Even more so over the internet.

    BUT, they are immenseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Red said they were good, but them pic's made me want to have a Time machine to use them

  8. Firstly, background info.

    Im making a hunter/hunted style game for my group for none op nights. Just 1/2 hunted being chased by however many hunters. Here are a few issues I need help with.

    1) Is there any way I can script Opfor (hunted) to randomly spawn in a few pre-defined spots as so it wont render the mission useless after being used, as the hunted will know where they start?

    2) Is there any way to make Markers visible to Opfor or Blufor only? I tried searching but saw nothing.

    3) Is there a way to make unit's spawn ONLY if the slot has been filled. this is so AI doesn't call out people that have been seen on the other side, when human blufor hasn't seen them.

    4) Making it so if an opfor unit enters a vehicle it brings up a message saying so. (this is because getting off the island will involve a boat, and it's a bit gay having the Opfor drive for miles to finish the game. Plus, I only just thought of this and cba search it)

    Many thanks in advance.

  9. Quite simply, who is better and as such would win in a battle of Jungle fairing, Green Beret wearing one man armies?

    My vote is Rambo, by quite a country mile. Mainly due to the fact that he is a one man killing machine, adaptable to many different situations and of course Rambo is a better film series.

  10. Can I ask what the general view is in India in the conflicts in Afghanistan and West Pakistan? Seeing as they are quite close neightbours.

    To be fair, although I knew there was a bit of a relationship with Russia and India, I never knew it was so strong, and being British I'm surprised we don't have as much input into the military over there. Being a former colony and that.

  11. Sure, then someone can post videos of US soldiers torturing and raping prisoners and innocent civilians in the country they're supposed to be helping, or even raping their own soldiers.

    Could have least posted an actual video...

    The Taliban had a twisted regime in Afghanistan and often hung and murdered people for petty issues, plus kill females who go to school.

    Dehumaised yes, it's a total different level to the US soliders you posted. They're isolated incidents, Taliban did things all over the country.

  12. To be fair, they killed the bloke. What more did they need to do, it's easy enough to for a Intel Agency to say 'Wasn't me' and point the blame or just out right blame some Merc's which they probably where.

    Plus, SURELY you should also be critising the geezer that got hit. He is a big player in a globaly critised terrorist group/Political party yet let them in with little to no security.

  13. hi, im using the latest version of ace and i have a problem where sometimes my guns sound will just dissapear and i will get no noise when i shoot, i can hear everything else around me including my squad mates/enemies gun shots, just not mine.

    it seems to happen randomly, for example at the start of the mission i could hear my gun fine but then it suddenly seemed to stop making any noise mid way through the mission.

    does anyone else have this problem ?

    Same, but it doesn't happen for User made weapons like the PLA and P:UKF.
