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Everything posted by roadrunner20

  1. Been looking at topics and google about convoys but a lot of them a lot more complex than what i want and most of them require a lot of pre know how which i dont understand a lot of the script. i really want to do a simple convoy ie couple of jeeps couple of trucks then couple of jeeps at back then they move together in a convoy like way and dont drive stupid. I been trying to use waypoints and such but it never works and looking at the script from topics just totally confusing and makes no sense. is there a simple script i can just copy and past into each truck or jeep to stop them driving stupid and simple convoy?
  2. roadrunner20

    mission editor simpe convoy

    thanks for help. tbh i still cant get it to work as i want as it seems very random and hit and miss rather than dead black or white trigger works or not which is anoying. does the game allways have this randomness when you try use editor or is it pretty much down to you and no randomness happens( i ask this as i seen many people say multiplayer games random a lot)
  3. roadrunner20

    mission editor simpe convoy

    noob question what you mean grouped to me? if you mean have i made the triggers which i have then put the sound effects on and then using F2 grouped them onto myself no. For example one trigger is trigger on the enermy base with "activated when OPFOR detects BOFOR" then has a effect of an alarm. am i ment to put this trigger where BOFOR is going to be with "detected by OPFOR rather than having trigger on the OPFOR base on detected when they see us? a bit confused as the trigger i find could work in dual ways but unsure which one is the correct, either on their area with them detecting us or our area with the same detected. cofused i am a bit:yay:
  4. roadrunner20

    mission editor simpe convoy

    i also made another mission where a special forces team helichoppers into a hilltop to assualt a enermy base, when the enermy are alerted they send for reinforcements which arrives. problems i facing here are quite ironic as the enermy Ai drives perfectly fine to and from the base BUT i finding the triggers for ending the game and music triggers really not working at all. I used a trigger in the base for when the BOFOR are detected by OPFOR the trigger will go off and in the effects a alarm will sound. problem is i cannot hear the alarm when the trigger goes off, nor can i seem to get the music triggers to go off when the reinforcements arrive on the trigger location. any ideas why this might be? singleplayer has alarms which go off in the pretty much exact same way and i can hear alarm from a long disstance away
  5. roadrunner20

    mission editor simpe convoy

    thanks for the heads up when i saw game and then saw the mission editor i thought this would be a great game for making some detailed mission and convoy ambushes and great convoy fights ect. As you say the AI seems to have a very anoying way of driving trucks and all things moving, seems they only excell in ground combat and at times can perform in air. I also been searching for briefing for missions and displaying objectives and markers on map for multiplayer. I would really like to be able to tell people in multiplayer what to do, ie dont shoot untill convoy is within the "KILLZONE" MARKER ON MAP. Is this possible without having to make a lengthly script and then place into a file?(bassically want to make simple objective for players using mission editor) cheers
  6. roadrunner20

    AI pilots and formation issue

    cheers i searched google and forum and mostly can find only mandos missile mods and such other mods rather than any heli script help for getting choppers to land properlly when underfire for example.
  7. I been trying to edit a chopper to drop people off on hill then fly away. i have used video guides and have managed to get chopper with us inside to fly to a point then "GET OUT" but then the helichopper lands and engine turns off due to the pilot getting out of chopper... i been trying to work out why this is, is this because he thinks he is part of our squad? and if so how can i stop this as i hear people say" dont let them become part of squad" but cant find the key or butten to use to stop this. any suggestions? (also just to make sure GET OUT is the right key isnt it for a quick helichopper drop off correct? LAND and GET IN are for landing engine off and landing for people to enter) cheers
  8. roadrunner20

    AI pilots and formation issue

    i tried again and managed to get the pilot to stay and made sure that the units were not grouped as one. question though: i really want helichopper (littlebird) to quickly insert the squad then quickly take off. atm what is happening is: Chopper comes in well then as it comes near the H landing area it slows down and turns sideways as it comes in, lands, then the AI squad i have used slowly exit chopper. is there a way to get the chopper to quickly land/hover kick out the squad (ai or human either way) ??? On another issue how can i get a AI squad to move following waypoints once they been dropped off? can i still use the typical waypoint system giving them waypoints even when they still at start in chopper?
  9. roadrunner20

    What am I doing wrong?

    i had same issue but simple solution is to sync the following UAV mod to be synced with following MQ-9(uav drone, set to flying, non playable) the player or yourself(unit/man ect) Then terminal UAV ( empty, backpack uav terminal for example) just 3 lines from mod needed
  10. Hi I downloaded demo of arma2 OA and the demo pretty decent though it a shame there isnt more missions. I been trying to use mission editor to create some fun missions for myself and multiplayer fun. Problem is the mission editor quite complex if you want to do some simple actions like, a convoy entering a city then gets attcked once it enters city then reinforcements come when they get attacked ect. the forums here are if i may say rather over complex considering how many subforums are here. Can somone link me or tell me where i can find a quick guide to using arma2 OA mission editor as id like to make some simple missions to play with while on demo and try out, Also how can i make AI fly better? atm they pretty bad to the point of stupid when you try get them to fly a chopper or UAV(maq9 i think it called, have no idea how that flys) cheers
  11. roadrunner20

    hello new help

    thanks though rather complex reading"if fale is active then this is true other wise it will be known as true" :eek: been searching youtube for a while looking for more guide videos sadly only found 2 inclu the one posted
  12. roadrunner20

    hello new help

    in demo you can save them to documents, then if i want to make multiplayer mission i then move the document from my mission folder into MP mission folder:) so far i been testing with triggers ect and this is what i done so far and here are the main issues i find hard. I made a mission where americans are ment to attack a town and the enermy defends. I used the AI in hummers to attack town using "waypoint markers, with move and search and destroy" Question on this: How do i tell AI to attack an area? ie assualt the town and secure it?(so far all i find is they move near town then stop and start shooting but just sit around) I also then tried having when BOFOR gets inside town reinforcements come and i used a sync with a trigger so that enermy moves once BOFOR goes into the trigger zone. Question on this, triggers, so far there seems so many types i have no idea what half of them do, any one quickly tell me what each one does on the drop down menu? (there a lot like END1,2,3,4 ect and gaurded by, and i dont know exactly what this entails with AI) Also info age i been trying to figue out as it would be good to have enermy attacking in waves rather than having to have all units crowding one area while they wait for a trigger to be set off.(rather have a timer for them to appear then start attacking than having them sitting there waiting for special trigger) Lastly ..:) how do i end the game, with end conditions, i know END is a triger but have no idea how i can end game with a simple "area been secured you win, ie you captured the town , game ends" ( i have tried but keeps saying error) cheers those were the main issues
  13. roadrunner20

    hello new help

    google http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&source=hp&q=arma2+OA+editing+guide&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=72c89b8cd261f723 ur own forum search. http://forums.bistudio.com/search.php?searchid=1097353 As you see the only topics about mission editor basics and guides are the topics like mine asking for such a guide then being told to use search...ironic. the guy who posted that video on youtube is what im looking for a good guide showing you how to make missions and edit, so far all the "guides " i seen are not arma2 or OA, and topics are mostly about helping with scripting special events.. that why i asking.
  14. roadrunner20

    hello new help

    i have but there isnt a lot i searched and all i get is script editing and such i just want a simple guide on how to edit no fancy stuff like changing smoke or exsplosions ect. also in game are lazers and hellfire bugged? I been trying to use UAV and shoot its hellfire but it not working and hellfires just fire forward can somone link me to guide so i can check
  15. roadrunner20

    hello new help

    thanks for that , be good though if you could tell me where i can find a guide for more detailed turtorial like the one you posted. i trying to atm create a convoy mission with americans entering a town and get attacked then air support comes ect ect. so far been searching forums but cant find such a guide topic.(many subforums too makes it hard to find guide sinse so many sections )
  16. roadrunner20

    few questions

    hi all I played the demo for this game when it came out and seemed quite good game though i found a lot of issues within it so put me off. I been told game improved a lot sinse release and atm trying to decide if i should go for operation flashpointDR or this. I got a few questions which would help. firstly. my pc specs are e8400 3.0 4870 512mb 4gb ram vista 64 bit. what sort of settings would i be able to play? Also. In this game i noticed there a lot of "squinting" of the eyes due to the enemys being mostly out of sight and most of time dont even see them due to the ranges/game mechs. Is it still fun, ie how do you even see the enemys, for example flashpoint has things like infra red ect/thermals,/ optics in the guns are very good so can see at far ranges, how does this game make up for the extreame ranges? secondly In videos i have seen they seem to have a boxed in affect why is this? since so far i have yet to find on youtube any decent videos with good graphic settings of arma2 ONLINE gameplay, maybe someone can link some, as i looked in video thread but most of them modded videos and i pretty sure most of the time i would be playing normal arma2 online. lastly. in videos i have seen it seems this game quite like project reality mod for BF2, is this game mostly camping around for ages doing nothin, as iin videos i have seen most of them have people sitting in one place or running someone for over 5+mins then action is pretty much limited. is this really what game is? I only ask this as i not a huge COD2 fanboy but in the end of day id like to see more than 2-3 enemys within a hour, cheers for any help
  17. roadrunner20

    few questions

    that a suprise when i played demo i had pretty much maxed out, i suprised about low since i got quite a high spec system. considering. the screen you see in most videos has the sides cut down thus boxed in affect of the video, with high graphics settings you can view these videos in hd, thus have full screen like most videos. i havnt seen many videos of good quality for arma2 for online play that bassically what i mean. bassically, in games like for example flashpoint in videos i seen the scopes have realistic visuals thus if enemy at 100+mtrs then the scope will be able to give you good visals on the enemy ie can see body in the crosshare, in demo i found the scopes were a little weak realism wise ie they give very little zoomed in affects. hopefully that clears it up. on the camp issue i clan to hear it isnt all about camping, are there any videos that show off arma2 online combat at its best? hard trying to find arma2 online combat it seems as mostly AI stuff
  18. roadrunner20

    Blue Screen Issue

    i personally only update windos, and my graphics drivers, have never uodated my motherboad/bios before. is this really needed? as you dont hear much about those sorts of driver updates mainly graphics and windos.
  19. roadrunner20

    Blue Screen Issue

    ^^ bios update, how do you even know if you need one of those.... on another issue, how do you check to see if all your drivers for your pc are utp date???
  20. roadrunner20

    ArmA II Random Lockup

    confirmed the game freezes, mostly it seems when "map" is selected, and you a commander or trying to issue orders in MAP veiw. another freeze tends to happen when you in a vehicle and then use map to give orders ect and it freezes then.
  21. roadrunner20

    Realism, arma 2,

    I been playing the demo and actually starting to come over to arma 2 as being a good game, once you break past the complex system and interface. The main issue i have is from a realism point, this game unlike other games states its a realism simulator. The thing is there are two areas where this game which i have seen fails. 1: snipers, i have fired a few due to the occupation and such know a bit about them, the snipers in the game are aiming wise very unrealistic, for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lc9MgNrwaU As you can see you need to put the crosshair above the target, THIS IS 100% UNREALISTIC and i feel this a major issue which games are doing and is terrible, When using a sniper you ALLWAYS, keep the crosshair on target, this one of the basics you are told/beaten into, bullet deviation is calculated via the "knobs" on the weapon system/sniper. wind ect. i think this issue needs to b addressed as it really spoils the realism part of the game, and i hate having to use snipers with this terrible system that just screams," this is a game made by people who have no idea about weapon systems". breathe.. Another less important, but important non the less is the targeting system, for example: When you call out target or squad leader gives one it usually:"enemy rifleman, far in front, XXXmtr", or "enemy BMP XXXm far right" In real life this is never said nor done, we use the milles system or EU uses the degree system, and i feel that this "simulator" should as such use it, the ye olde clock method is still good but very rarely used in game. i feel the game would be much better with the milles or degree system, using silly sayings like far right, far left, close right , is bad method and would get you beasted in real life. end of my thread, hopefully you will agree, apart from these the game is quite enjoyable. please sign up:)
  22. i agree but understand why he wrote such a review for example when you buy a game you exspect it to be complete/offer what you get out the box, and not need to rely on the modders to make the game better. I coulndt see "Top Gear" giving a car full marks saying this car drives like crap but the modding and ICE potencial is amazing we love it.
  23. roadrunner20

    Realism, arma 2,

    i can understand that if you put proper realism ie sniper into the game it could be called too noob freindly, ie point and shoot, but i think it be a better idea to change the interface as such it possible to press lets say "X key/Zkey" to change the "knobs" on the scope to allow for windage and bullet drop ect. for atm using the mouse to "aim higher" or move crosshair above the target is personally i feel much much worse then point and shoot snipers as the whole point of a sniper is to sight the target then observe and if needed take out, using this mouse above target or moving left/right to get a shot purely because the game isnt properly made for snipers ect, is terrible. people will know, keeping the target locked on/eyes on very important and the game codes, which need you to move the mouse above then left/right just so that you can get a kill really is bad, and i not blaming this DEV team as it common with games to pretend to be realistic then spoil this with such terrible processes like this. i just hope soon we have a game where it realistic in crosshair terms and you dont need to piss about with the mouse to get head shots. maybe using the number pad could be used to input the windage and bullet drop into the sniper ie: target is 1000mtrs away, you then press lets say X key 3-4 times, then windage is X amount this you press X key so many times in relation. just like the SUSAT scope, with the "knobs" for 400,600,800, ect,
  24. i am quite suprised by the poor performance i get with my system as it quite new and manages to play most games very high and very good performance. e8400 3.0 watercooed, 4870 512mb 4gb ram vista 64. i manage to play normal settings on 1280x1024, though my monitor can go upto 1600x1200, which i have for most games apart from this one. this game i think needs optimising badly as it seems to get very poor performance from high end systems.
  25. really...... that seems insane sense, what are the sales figues for this game so far then? From the local shops i been to this game seems to be doing ok, though it does take the piss that steam ripps you off with download cost compared to store prices, but that has allways been an issue with downloading games and ones that i HOPE will be forced to change as it very unfair to users....differance is useally about 5-10 pound, quite a lot..