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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. arthur666

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73251

    This is huge. I revisited a few missions of mine that never worked properly due to wonky helicopter insertions/extractions. Made a noticable difference. Not sure if its related, but a Mi-8 extracting my squad even launched a rocket volley against an advancing enemy squad while we loaded. I am still disableing the pilot's targeting AI in the init field because a CH47 started to fly off and attack enemy positions after dropping us off when I didn't disable it, even though his waypoints should have taken him the opposite direction, out of harm's way. Thanx for the fix!
  2. nevermind. I'll just wait and see what this is all about: From another subforum http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107134 :bounce3:
  3. Mentioned this before, but it's driving me crazy. Wondering if a fix or work around has been found yet: It's near impossible to use rockets due to no pilot crosshairs. And the Apaches aren't much better. With the new faux-IHADDS HUD (which I love otherwise) there is only a very large box to aim FFARs with. The Ka-52 has no aim for rockets either. At least in the Mi-24 the glass HUD lines up with the rockets. Am I missing a setting? Is there a user mod for this? I have my crosshairs turned on, it's there for troops/tanks etc. I'm running combined w/latest beta 73116, but it's there in vanilla 1.54 too.
  4. arthur666

    Fix the Mi-24 Hind please...

    Yay! Hopefully it will be good news for all the helicopters! Let the speculations begin... :p
  5. YaY! It worked. Thanks.
  6. I tried this removemagazine "IRStrobe" and this removemagazine "IR_Strobe_Marker" Neither works. What gives?
  7. Didn't vote. Want an "Only if the vehicle has it in RL" option. Ka-52 for example. Not on T-72 etc.
  8. Wow! Endian forces? Must be an Easter-egg. Or new DLC? Also, nice to know that the Ia Drang valley valley is not actually in Vietnam, but in Pakistan. Boy, I must have sounded like such a fool all these years.
  9. Yeah, I've just started to get used to those fools tossing grenades everywhere. Lord help us if we let them use satchels too. :D Thanks!
  10. So... Enemy UAZ drives up, my AI SL tells my sniper to attack. Driver is killed and Sniper just sits there firing his rifle into the vehicle until he's out of ammo. Same thing happens with Warfare-style MG nests. Can we change it so empty vehicles aren't targeted?
  11. True, but in RL you wouldn't sit there and fire single shots into an empty pickup-truck while your squad moved over the next ridge to their evac point, would you? You might shoot the tires at least, but I don't think the AI could handle targeting vehicle components. Better to keep them from trying such nonsense. Fair enough, but after you put 50 or so rounds thru a soft vehicle like a UAZ, you should assume you're done and move on. And even then, only an auto-rifleman or machinegunner should do this, not a sniper or rifleman.
  12. arthur666

    AH-64D Tweaks and Features (OA)

    I especially like the idea of accessing FLIR and TV from the pilot seat.
  13. I've placed an AI in a house (Chernarus map) with this setPos ((nearestBuilding this) buildingPos 4) I have him join a group on a triggered event. He joins but will not walk out of the door to follow them. Is there an easy way to get him to leave and go with his newly joined group?
  14. That didn't make a difference. I guess he'll just have to stay outside the building. He is the target for one of my SpecOp missions, and I want him to flee the house, join his group of bodyguards, and try to escape in a vehicle when BLUFOR is detected nearby. A minor detail, but it would've been nice.
  15. arthur666

    Sentry WP. My new fav WP type

    Never really understood the SENTRY WP. If you make it the last WP, does the group act like on GUARD, except only engage enemies within view, and not all over the map? How does the SENTRY work? I read the wiki, but feel like there's more to it.
  16. arthur666

    RH wip thread

    Aww shucks... You mean in RL? I know they can in-game with the older Arma2 weapons, but I was told this is not realistic, and that is why it was changed for OA. Not sure though. Never worn nvgoogles. :o
  17. arthur666

    RH wip thread

    Not sure if this is the correct thread to ask in, but I was wondering if Mr. Hammer will be updating the M4/M16 and AK packs etc. to include some OA-style night/thermal sights and CQB secondary sights as well? O yeah, and possibly make regular scopes unusable w/ nvgoggles?
  18. arthur666

    Helicopter Flight Characterics

    You beat me to it. Although the Arma helo FM is not very hi-def, I think they did nail the whole "sluggish" aspect. It really feels about like Longbow II at speed, and is still a little too spritely from a hover. People tend to think combat helicopters are super agile, but they are not. Just google some RL videos and you'll see. I've flown in a Hughes500(same as a OH-6) that was doing aerobatics, while they can change direction really fast for a helicopter, some of the maneuvers you can pull off in Arma are just ridiculous.
  19. Cool. So || means "or"? If I wanted all of those units to be present, not just any in order to activate the trigger, what would I use?
  20. arthur666

    Recoil (again)

    Speaking of the effectiveness of the 5.56, in RL a bullet out of an M16 is more powerful than one from an M4A1 because the longer barrel lets the projectile achieve a higher muzzle velocity(930m/s vs 884m/s). Is this modeled in game? It might explain why in game the SAW (915m/s) has more power than the M4, but it shouldn't be hotter than the M16.
  21. arthur666

    Recoil (again)

    Agreed. I noticed this more lately, not sure if anything has been changed in a recent beta... 5 shots from 250m with M4A1 didn't stop a Takistani soldier. Not very realistic when it happens so often. Once in a while, sure.
  22. arthur666

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    Agreed, I voted "as a free patch" as well. I will buy any DLC from BIS, including the upcoming Brit pack, and whatever else they want to sell me, bt think this should be included in the next patch.
  23. Noticed this too. In RL, I think the chopper has to be moving very slow if not hovering, but even then, it usually misses in game.