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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Noticed that when I was 2nd in command in a group of Harriers, and my leader got shot down, while he was on the ground he was very effective at calling in strikes on groups of troops that are too hard to spot from the air. I was thinking I would have a mission where I fly to a waypoint where I join a group that's on the ground, maybe 2 AI FACs. They would not engage enemies, but would stay put and call out targets for my Mk82's. I know how to set up the join x, but how do I keep them from fighting/moving while telling me to rain death from above?
  2. Tried it, loved it. Thanks.
  3. arthur666

    shoot officers first?

    I read sometime back in Arma1 that the higher the rank of the SL, the less likely the squad would be to flee. So, shooting the SL would have the possibility to break morale, as someone stated earlier. Especially if there are only privates left.
  4. I'ld like to make it so my seahawks don't have that capability in one mission so they dopn't keek getting called from their waypoints.
  5. Drat! I guess i'll have to use some addons instead, maybe that excellent MH-53E. I try to keep addons out of my missions for compatibility. I tried to load up some old Arma1 missions (in Arma1) but they were so crowded with long-gone random addons, I couldn't open them in the editor
  6. arthur666

    Is ARMA 2 better than OFP?

    Oh, heh heh... I miss important details all the time. I think they are both equally good, for their time of release. Love(d) them both. PS - I did play thru the OFP campaign, not in Arma2, and I probably never will. The editor is the only thing I play with.
  7. arthur666

    Is ARMA 2 better than OFP?

    Haven't played both, but really don't have much interest in OFP: DR because I'm just not tired of Arma2 yet. Definitely as hooked on it as I was the original OFP. And if OA ends up as good as OFP:Resistance was in it's day, I'm really not gonna need another game for a long time. But hey, maybe OFP: DR could act as a gateway drug to get people hooked on Arma.
  8. arthur666

    I'm buying game tomorrow, ? about patch

    Congrats on your choice. 1.04 is a must, but you might want to get the latest beta patch while we're waiting on 1.05. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php I try to keep my mods to a minimum, for compatibility's sake. But I do love this F-16 simply because of the quality of the addon. It's as good as any of the BIS models. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5900 The absence of the CH-53 really confused me. The AI just can't handle the Osprey, and the UH-1 can't carry enough soldiers for large assaults. So... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6879 And then, why didn't they give us the USS Khe Sahn in the editor? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5858
  9. arthur666

    Aircraft Carrier

    to place the destroyer and "Frigata" on a map without them being underwater, put this in the init line: this setPos [(getPos this) select 0, (getPos this) select 1, 0]; they are, of course, just props for show. No function. Although, I think you can land a helo on the frigate.
  10. Hey thanks! That seems to work. Now I'll just make 2 .sqf files, one called westgetout and one called eastgetout (so crewmen run to the proper base) and set up my large armor battle with the proper init line code in every tank on the map. I'll probably use this with most any mission of mine that has more than one or two tanks involved. Much better.
  11. One thing that could make my armor engagements better would be preventing crewmen on foot from slowing down the whole platoon. I have a mission where a platoon of T-90s has to cover alot of ground to flank an enemy position. The problem is, one tank will get damaged, the crew will bail, and slow down my whole group. Is there any way to make them leave the group and maybe try to run back to friendly territory?
  12. Ok. I shot another tank in my group, the crew gets out, "UNIT:0 1-2-D:3 , BASE:0 1-1-l" is what I see. Do I need to name the unit? If so, where? when you say: ... I'm not quite sure what you mean. Sorry, I not very good at this.
  13. I couldn't get that to work. I changed the getout.sqf to this _vehicle = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 2; _unit join base; "base" is the name of a group set on HOLD that I put in the area I want the crewmembers to join and run to. Still doesn't work. What am I missing?
  14. If I missed this anywhere, sorry. I assume it doesn't exist yet, but the problem is killing a couple of my missions. I searched for days, but found nothing. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has found a way to fix the problem of transport choppers flying off to engage enemies instead of picking-up/dropping-off their passengers. Setting them to Careless and Never Fire sometimes works, but what would be really great would be some script to cause this : Pilots would not react to any threats or targets. They would simply fly their designated waypoints like good little AI robots. The door-gunners, however, would fire at any threats they see, but not cause the pilot to divert in any way. Thanks for any tips or directions.
  15. It worked perfectly! Thank you so much! Tha name of my helicopter is uh60b , so my code looks like this: driver uh60b disableAI "TARGET" I just put that in the init box for that unit. Then, I set my 1st waypoint to Combat and Open Fire, place a enemy squad in my LZ to test it, and tried it out. The first time, I set the enemy squad on never fire, and the chopper dropped off my group and flew away without firing. The second time, I let the enemies open fire. The door gunners did not fire at first, but when the chopper started taking fire, they opened up with their M240s while my chopper landed and departed pretty damn quickly compared to without that piece of code. This is just what I wanted. Can't believe I didn't ask months ago. Thanks again.
  16. Really? I didn't know that! For units spawning in random locations, I just set the radius of the group leaders to a large area. I would love to be able to have units spawn in this village or that one, not just anywhere within a 1000m radius. Is that how it works? if I group 3 markers to one group, the group will spawn at one of them at random? Anything I need to type in the init field or anything? When i get home I'll post one here. Not finished yet, no briefings or anything, but you can see how a novice mission builder does it.
  17. I have never played SP outside of the editor. I'm a big fan of ambushes. Set up a convoy of trucks full of troops, then lie in wait with some satchel charges and MGs. Fun as the ambushers or ambushees. Also, I have an urban patrol missions where my squad on foot gets ambushed from all sides and must fight their way out. Lots of random variables makes it very replayable. Usually being outnumbered but with good air/artillery support is fun. I got this idea from something I saw on the military channel: A small spec-ops team is discovered by enemies, who call in hundreds of soldiers mostly in trucks with limited armor support. My 6 man team is in a good spot defensively(high ground) in the desert on Sarahni and has 2sniper rifles plus a MG. We must stay put and keep the enemies at bay until a Blackhawk picks us up, about 15 minutes. Two AH-1s show up and take out any heavy equipment the enemy throws at us, but my team stays busy picking off advancing soldiers. Sometimes we survive, sometimes not. Man, I could go on and on... so I will. Using the ACM, I set up a random war between the Insurgents and the Guerillas. Both are hostile to each other and my Force Recon team that must rescue two downed piolts 4km inland with no support. One of those pilots is too wounded to walk, so we have to go to them and patch him up, and bring them back to our boats hidden in the reeds. The only advantage we have is it's night. It took like 2 hours, but it was an adventure. Lots of enemy patrols to avoid, and I put lots of traffic on the roads so you didn't know if those headlights coming were a threat or just a farmer on the way to work. Didn't have to fire more than a few shots, but we were pursued by some angry groups of militants. Can't wait to set aside enough time to play it again. I feels like the missions I play the most are the ones that were easiest to make.
  18. I need a group to enter a building and take up positions, the way they would enter and fill up a vehicle. Is there an easy way to do this? When I use a HOLD or GET IN waypoint, only the leader will enter. The rest of the squad just hangs outside.
  19. I know that I've asked this somewhere before, Is there a way to name sub groups so that they are quickly identifiable in the map or the regular game screen? Here comes a tank platoon, and which squad had that Javelin again?
  20. arthur666

    Your questions to the Devs regarding the expansion

    Will Bigfoot be playable? No, wait. How large is the new terrain? Is it based on an actual area like Chernarus? That worked out very well for Arma2, IMO. I also, of course, would like a list of new equipment to be introduced.
  21. I have noticed this as well, when I am a passenger/squad leader in an LAV, BTR, BMP. Very irritating when my crewmen get killed by small-arms on the way to battle. Devs, please fix this in 1.04 .
  22. arthur666

    Ambient Combat Module

    Which script worked for you? I'm still haveing trouble getting the settings to change.
  23. This has been a widely discussed bug, so just cross your fingers and hope that the devs have noticed and fix it for 1.04 or OA, especially in time for that Apache with its badass 30mm chain gun.
  24. arthur666


    The best thing to do in your case would be to use some MOVE waypoints giving the plane some kind of flight pattern over the city. Set the first waypoint to "open fire-engage at will", and make the last waypoint a CYCLE. This will cause the plane to continually fly around in that pattern, attacking what targets it can. If you want the plane to eventually leave, use a switch trigger with whatever condition you want synced to a new waypoint after the CYCLE. If you end a plane's waypoints on SENTRY or GUARD, they will often fly off on their last trajectory. Planes can't really stay on one waypoint (helos can, 'cause they can hover). The way I understand it, if you end your waypoints with SENTRY, the unit(s) will stay there until THEY spot an enemy, then go engage and if they survive, return to the SENTRY waypoint. This is different than the GUARD waypoint which causes them to attack any unit anywhere spotted by OTHER friendly units.