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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. arthur666

    Where are the Christmas Trees?

    I think that is an Everonian tradition. Oh wait! In Chrenarus around this time of year, NAPA and the Chedaki get together and sing Christmas carols.
  2. I don't think it's possible at this point. That would be nice, some rudimentary commands similar to the tank commanders' ability. It would also be helpful if you could get him to change altitude for pop-up attacks etc... Especially since that's how it works in RL, AFAIK: the gunner commands the pilot.
  3. ...seem to be aiming too short at targets at med/long ranges w/cannons. All rounds falling short. Noticed it with AH-1 and Ka-52. Could not hit a staionary vehicle ~1.4 km away from stationary or slow moving chopper. Fired several bursts, all fell short. Could hit target at very close range(<1km). AI skill set to max. This would be great to fix along with an AH-64 oriented campaign coming with 1.05 .
  4. arthur666

    What exactly are the AI's capabilities?

    Sometimes they really suprise me. I made a mission where 2 groups assault a town, about 400m away and instead of following my waypoints, which stupidly go straight down the middle of the road, the groups both moved about 100m or more to their flank and moved on the town from the woods, which tactically made alot more sense. I should note this happens when some random enemies are seen before we get to the town, and not if we have no enemy contact prior. Of course, we all died because an AI Hind providing support crashed into the ground instead of taking out an enemy BMP. :P
  5. arthur666

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    With the new information about a new helo-centric campaign, I'm really hoping that the AI piloting skills will be reworked. I think them using real-world tactics would be a very tall order, but at least keep them from diving into trees/the ground when attacking enemies. AI air support is pretty much worthless in a few of my missions.
  6. Searched but couldn't find a clear answer... I need to set a "Detected By:", but instead of sides, I need specific units. I need a trigger to activate when my recon helo finds a certain unit. How do I set something like that in the cond. box?
  7. hmm... If I had to guess, I would imagine the mortars are still set on "In Formation". Double click on each one, select that box, and change it to "none". They should stay where you placed them.
  8. Nope. Doesn't work. I tested using a 500m trigger area with an enemy unit inside named bmp. In the Con field - bmp in thislist - I set the trigger up like you said. Put in my player unit (no name) behind a building with back to bmp, a good distance away. In the trigger I put some text effects in to know when it was triggered. It is always triggered immediately, even though I know the bmp is not detected yet. What am I missing?
  9. In using this, is "unitname" the name of the detector, or the unit I want detected? And what settings do I use in the trigger?
  10. arthur666

    Skill & Accuracy

    Anyone know definitevly if setting Super AI to Enabled changes both to full, or just skill?
  11. In an ambush mission I made where 1 USMC rifle squad waypoints set to SAFE, STAGGERED COLUMN, LIMITED (speed), and OPEN FIRE. The squad walks thru a town that is scattered with small groups of OPFOR. With all earlier patches, the team sort of stayed together when enemies were sighted. Now the SL takes off running towards the next waypoints, about 150 meters up the road, (set completly to NO CHANGE) leaving the rest of the team behind, who are acting more cautious and defensive. Anyone else see something like this? On the flip side, in another mission were I'm in a CDF squad assaulting Elektrovodsk, my team moves together much better than they did before. Their waypoints are set on AWARE, NORMAL, OPEN FIRE and DELTA or WEDGE.
  12. named CDF_mort.sqf #define __debug false _mortarTgtPos = _this select 0; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "Executing mortar.sqf" }; if ([CDF_mort, _mortarTgtPos, fireMission select 1] call BIS_ARTY_F_PosInRange) then { [CDF_mort, _mortarTgtPos, fireMission] spawn BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; _mrk = createMarker ["MortarTarget", _mortarTgtPos]; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mrk setMarkerType "mil_objective"; waitUntil {CDF_mort getVariable "ARTY_ONMISSION"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars are on a mission" }; if (__debug) then { player sideChat format["ammo used: %1", CDF_mort getVariable "ARTY_AMMO"] }; waitUntil {CDF_mort getVariable "ARTY_COMPLETE"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars have finished fire mission" }; waitUntil {CDF_mort getVariable "ARTY_SPLASH"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars about to splash!" }; sleep 10; deleteMarker _mrk; } else { hint "W mortars"; }; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "Exiting mortar.sqf" }; My mortars fire, but only once. I want them to fire at different targets spotted by friendlies until they run out of ammo. My -On Act- in the trigger area, which is set OPFOR-Repeatedly-Detected by BLUFOR firemission = ["IMMEDIATE","HE",0,8]; nul=[getPosASL (thisList select 0)] execVM "CDF mort.sqf";
  13. So, how many grenades for those launchers do actual grenadiers usually carry in combat?
  14. arthur666

    question about RL experience w M203/GP25

    I would argue against your use of "a really bad solution" and suggest "not the best solution." :D Over-adding works fine for me, at least. I use it on lots of missions. I do like the idea of squadmates carrying extra ammo, esp. for MG'er or missle-system specialist.
  15. arthur666

    question about RL experience w M203/GP25

    add to your init field, once for each extra round you want (copy/paste).
  16. arthur666

    question about RL experience w M203/GP25

    Cool. I set up a mission were i wanted more than 8, but didn't want to get too unrealistic. You can add magazines beyond the "gear" screen capacity, you just can't see them, and if you try to stop and pick up extra equipment, you drop all but your shown capacity.
  17. Thanks alot. Can't wait to install.
  18. I can't help noticing that the BMP3 has 5 crewmembers in the game. In RL they are crewed by 3, with the 2 side guns controlled by squad members who are riding inside. When I make a mission, I start with an empty BMP3 and then manually add the three crewmen, then add a squad of 7 footsoldiers instead of 5, for a little more realism. Not sure if this could or should be fixed at this point, but I just wanted to mention it and my solution.
  19. arthur666

    Difference Between A1 and A2?

    Well, Arma2 has held my interest alot longer than Arma1 did. I think it's the improved AI and the better terrain. I've not played the campaign in either though. I just use the editor.
  20. Everytime I try, I get an error. here's what I have: Also tried switching the priority, same thing happens
  21. Hey Alex, Dosen't setting your 2nd WP to a radius of 200m make the actual WP just appear somewhere randomly within that 200m diameter each time you load the mission? Wouldn't this give you less uniform results in your testing? Just a thought, although it's quite possible that I'm wrong about how all that stuff works. :)
  22. Definitely happens when contact is made and the squad automatically gets ready for combat. I also went back to vanilla 1.04, played same mission 2 times both ways, and the SL did not seem to stray as far in the earlier build, but the squad as a whole didn't move as well. Overall, I like the new AI better. If my leader stopped playing Rambo, it would be that much better.
  23. I figured it out. Too simple. Even if your man on the ground is set on hold fire, he will still give you targets. Also, if you have AI planes in the group, they will still fire even if leader is on hold fire. Who'ld 'ov thunk it?