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Posts posted by snakedoctor34

  1. artileey oprators dont need to getin an m119,it's virtual artillery,in your normal artillery there must be an call artilley option selecet in click on map (range is max 500 meter form your position9 tahts it..

    m119s target artillery only works m119's, which are on map when the game starts,if m119 respwned or carried with truks or dropped from choopers dont have that option.The carried and drooped guns created after game start and that artillery module dont see them...

    maybe if some one modifie carry and drop scripts with the new attach to command instead of deleting and creating them,it should work...

  2. Thanks again, BearBison.

    Unfortunately, that didn't work out for me. But, it did point me in the right direction.

    In i_client2.sqf I found the d_actions_menus_vehicle and called a script from there.

    d_action_menus_vehicle = [
    [["MLRS"],"Manual Artillery Reload","scripts\mlrsreload.sqf",-1000]

    Then wrote the following quick and dirty mlrs reload script:

    private ["_unit","_i"];
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _i= 0;
    _unit removeMagazines _x
    } forEach magazines _unit;
    sleep 0.015;
    for [{_i=1}, {_i<4}, {_i=_i+1}] do
    	_unit addMagazine "ARTY_12Rnd_227mmHE_M270";
    	sleep .015;
    player globalChat format["%1","MLRS Reloaded - Manaul Artillery Ready"];	
    _unit = nil;
    _i = nil;

    It allows me to remove the MLRS's default magazine that doesn't work with manual artillery targeting, and load up 3 magazines that do.

    Now everyone on the server can practice manual long range targeting.

    Don't know how long I'll keep it in the mission since 36 or more of these make short work of a mission, but for now it's working independent of whatever vehicle respawn is used. I'll probably make it vehicle name specific and limit the rounds and usage with a timer later.

    Thanks again for the help! Looking forward to the next version, Xeno!!!

    first of all "hi" to all,

    Ä° have tried this and it works fine until respawn.how can it be worked,what respawn script did you use...(_handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn2.sqf" ....didn't worked.it respwans but without the manuel targeting option,relaod action is fine))

    and dropped m119 cant manuel targetting,how can this be fixed and my last question is how can i respawn the static guns ? (m119s and mortars with manuel targeting option if its possible)
