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Posts posted by snakedoctor34

  1. New version available for download on first page.

    Tested with latest beta 60899, however (especially server admins) please take note of the following advice in order to get the best experience:

    Server admins are recommended to use Zeus AI Combat skills version: 1.02.05

    server side in combination with ArmA 2 beta build version: 1.04.60803

    AI performance in build 60803 is currently superior to that of later releases,

    including 60899 from an infantry combat perspective.

    Typically 60803 AI respond better to engagements, provide more effective

    suppression, make better use of cover & concealment, maintain formation during movement and make improved flanking attacks.

    Client side, build 60899 appears to maintain a better frame rate and AI no

    longer shoot while changing stance, reducing the danger of friendly fire.

    However, AI are much more hesitant under contact and when attacking a position tend to make more direct frontal attacks with lower strength in numbers and without providing covering fire!

    Engagements are pretty awesome using the 60803 and 1.02.05 combination.

    ---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

    Do we have to remove the hotfix.pbo with 60803 as suggested...

  2. maybe its a bug about -profiles line but here is working one,

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <?DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd"?>

    <?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?>

    <squad nick="=A2xTR=">

    <name>ARMA 2 Türkiye Klan</name>





    <member id="xxxxx" nick="xxxx">






    <member id="xxxx" nick="xxxx">







  3. the launcher works fine but on win7 32 bit when i clcik the server browser it win7 says "arma2launcher stopped working,windows is terying to solve the problem bla bla..."

    i tried run as admin,compability modes nothing helped.the other functions are fine.i am using the 1.6.3 and 1.6.1 has the same issue but before it i can use the server browser without any problems..

  4. How can i add a function in this file so vehicles will respawn when left empty on the battlefield or destroyed?


    private ["_delay","_disabled","_moved","_newveh","_startdir","_startpos","_type","_vehicle"];

    if (!isServer) exitWith{};

    _vehicle = _this select 0;

    _delay = _this select 1;

    _moved = false;

    _startpos = getpos _vehicle;

    _startdir = getdir _vehicle;

    _type = typeof _vehicle;

    while {true} do {

    sleep (_delay + random 15);

    _moved = (if (_vehicle distance _startpos > 5) then {true} else {false});

    _empty = (if (({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) > 0) then {false} else {true});

    _disabled = (if (damage _vehicle > 0) then {true} else {false});

    if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_moved && _empty) || (_empty && !(alive _vehicle))) then {

    deletevehicle _vehicle;

    _vehicle = objNull;

    sleep 0.5;

    _vehicle = _type createvehicle _startpos;

    _vehicle setpos _startpos;

    _vehicle setdir _startdir;



    it alraedy does it.try on a dedicated server.

    The first one if the aircraft should get respawned if it is either destroyed or got moved and is empty

  5. add them in the editor and add one of the following lines in the init line of the new placed aircrafts or vehicles:

    handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn.sqf"


    handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn2.sqf"

    The first one if the aircraft should get respawned if it is either destroyed or got moved and is empty, the second one only if it got destroyed.

    quote form previous posts.

  6. couldnt do the wreck markers ?


    / these vehicles can be lifted by the wreck lift chopper (previous chopper 4), but only, if they are completely destroyed

    #ifndef __TT__

    x_heli_wreck_lift_types = sm_bonus_vehicle_array + mt_bonus_vehicle_array;

    x_heli_wreck_lift_types = x_heli_wreck_lift_types + ["A10","AH1Z","AV8B","AV8B2", "F35B", "M1A2_TUSK_MG","M1A1"];


    x_heli_wreck_lift_types = (sm_bonus_vehicle_array select 0) + (sm_bonus_vehicle_array select 1) + (mt_bonus_vehicle_array select 0) + (mt_bonus_vehicle_array select 1);

    x_heli_wreck_lift_types = x_heli_wreck_lift_types + ["A10","AH1Z","AV8B","AV8B2", "F35B", "M1A2_TUSK_MG","M1A1"];


    i have added these and There is nothing in the init filed of vehicles, still no markers ?

  7. i dont think its game related problem.I have a 4850 and no problem but in arma with my XFX 7600 Gt AGP 8x and gigabye m.b. i had the same problem.Ä° dont remember how exactly solved the problem but, as i remember changing some bios settings solved problem.Agp 8x frequceny maybe,Agp voltage or some vga related settings.

    try to fix pci freq. at 100 mhz,and and change (NB)mch core voltage to 1.1 to 1.3...
