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Posts posted by snakedoctor34

  1. hi,how can we use GL4's custom groups function ? for defence or static groups.readme says name the groups as “dg1 = group this".

    i have this and its working but i couldnt figured out how to make defence or static groups with GL4 ?

    _pos1 = getMarkerPos "TAB_gorev2marker1";
    waituntil{time > 3};
    [(_pos1),125,125,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone;
    waituntil{DAC_NewZone == 0}; 
    if(isServer) then
    {[_x] spawn DAC_fReleaseGroup}foreach inf_group_z2;

  2. -how do we spanw units randomly in marker carea forma an template unit or must we define an spwan position ?

    -and for the spawned units and an squad with patrol,random and min and max values,

    if i define this as reinforcement 1, all the created other squads (with min and max values) will be einforcement 1 and move for help with KRON_UPSMON_reinforcement1=TRUE or just the first group will move ?

  3. there must be something wrong about persisten=1; setting.First of all while this settings is on and working when player connects to an empty server there is no loading new mission or selection screen comes.You join the that half,played mission.

    adding, your server.cgf arma2.cfg and shortcut commandline here, would be help full who is going to help you.

  4. For sabatoge on,they are not coming to sabatoge with armors.Only few sptsnaz.that armors are from isledefence, this sytem makes random patrols on island,if the random patrol was created too close to your base and you are making to much noise,they came and attack.
