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Everything posted by snakedoctor34

  1. snakedoctor34

    ACE 2 Evolution

    Ä°n domination,MHq and teleporntint can be disabled in server paramaters menu.just strat an server with them disabled...
  2. the new one goes to @ACE>userconfig. doesnt override yours (arma root>userconfig) but the old one still works.This is not the problem,i think.
  3. i am using ace too uptated firday and everything is fine.
  4. this thing was uptated couple of times and that pitch v.s. removed.and if you dont use a squad url blank it.(squad= " " )For gas masks and googles first you must take them in the gear box and then you see an action in action menu.
  5. Change only men class,not his name. for example duble click on bravo_1 and make him pilot.But be sure he is still bravo_1.Ä°f you are going to add extra slots with different names its lot of work.
  6. artillery doesnt work.Asked while ago xeno and said its impossible for now.can repair is working.You sholudnt change the names like pilot_1, etc. used the defined ones.Because that names are defined and used many other scripts parts.
  7. what does it say ? writing anything on screen ? because there is a time limit for flying.default 30 min.
  8. in i_client.sqf d_only_pilots_can_fly = []; d_only_pilots_can_fly = ["SoldierWPilot","SoldierWMiner"]; And you should ask these questions in domination thread.and use search in this topic function because lots of similar questions already answered. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75257
  9. which version of ACE ? its on 188 and ACEx 156 now.The last uptade ace removed the sound files from acex folder and released as an seperate addon.So there is no acex_c_sound_wep_rifle in acex anymore,
  10. ACE is an mod and most biggest,popular servers runing it.Ä°f an server is running a mod so the clients must have that mod. ACE mod. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91500
  11. copy the .bikeys from @ACE,@ACEX ,@CBA keys folder to server root keys folder.
  12. C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE #define ACE_NOVOICE no voice,you cant hear AI, //#define ACE_NOVOICE voice active again.
  13. what does "Saturdays declared "Patchless Day" (Unless severe showstoppers, of course)" mean ? so patches only come on saturdays ? sorry couldnt understand that.
  14. there are two ace_keys.hpp, are you editing the correct one ? @ACE>userconfig>ace_keys.hpp is wrong one,arma 2 root> userconfig>ace_keys.hpp should be edited.
  15. Menu appers when you are near the gun (Afdter press the keys),not in gunner position.
  16. Trying to take todays uptade ,beta,cba o..k. Then it came to ACE,started and saw the pbos and MP missions and suddenly it closed itself.Run again,it sees ACE 1.85 ( i am not sure it complated the uptade in first attemp)it shutdown.deleted pid,disabled antivurus (antivir) and also Mikisoft security essentials is running.No luck.Each time starts to uptade came to ACe and shutdown itself.Tried web ,and no luck,couldnt see ACEX... Ä°ts working fine until today now came to Ace says verifying gz s,shutdown itself. ticket opened. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/6773 And i am not sure it uptaded ACe correctly to 1.84 to 1.85,how can i fix this.Ä° am running win 7 32 bit.
  17. non dedicated servers cant use addosynch or six-uptader.the easit way is uptadin on your computer via six-uptader with one click and then use FTp clients directory comparison to uptade server,i think. And couldnt get and answer for this,onyone confirm ?
  18. bug or only me ? but logo works fine on ace or non ace other vehicles and the other side is normal.
  19. You could senkronise your FTp client with server.Filezillas directory comparison for modified date was works. uptade your computer,then compare @ACE>addons folders computer to Sever. The uptaded pbos in your coputer will have differenet colors.Then upload only that pbos.
  20. playing with different versions will cause problems in online game.so its pushing you to leave the server. maybe it could be done via rejecting or kicking connection who has different ace versions than server by changing version.pbo signature,but by this way, atleast you ko know what the problem is...
  21. @horror1 search the thread.or read FAQ.its an option...
  22. installed,and uptaded via one click today.eveything works fine.tehen read the changed pbo names forum six-uptader secreen packed them and its an only 20 mb zipped file and override server files everything works fine...
  23. how does the server checek client version of mode i mean @ACE>addons>...pbos are enough ? or tahat rsynch v.s. folders reguired.Ä° am uloading the pbos manually,its not an dedi so there is no way to run the uptader ? and is tehre a way to see which pbos are uptated ? i am redaing them on isx-uptader screen maybe exporting it to that chagend pbo list to txt file ?
  24. @KNac ACOGS have CQb sight.shift+F