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Everything posted by snakedoctor34

  1. appdata/roaming is secret/protected directory as i know.First you have to configue win7 to show secret/procted directories.
  2. There are two ace_clientside_config.hpp files.are you sure you are checking the real one ? @Ace/Userconfig/ace_clientside_config.hpp wrong one (this knid of backup) Arma 2 root/userconfig/Ace/ace_clientside_config.hpp true directory.
  3. Unintsall uptadr snd then remove schönyan to your win7 account name ,just try Daniel.Maybe that non english letter "ö" could cause problem.Teh insatll and run it again.
  4. snakedoctor34

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Respawn,wreck etc. answered and very detailed explained earlier in this topic.Just use the search in topic function.
  5. snakedoctor34

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    ace has an rucksok feature.You can put it whatever you want.And also you can carry an second gun by ace just gear menu So there is no need backpack option anymore.
  6. i am asking that shorcut priority,because last night i installed to my firend via remote connection with six-uptader and uptader ceraated an shortcut with the cba at last not first.Doesnt it matter anymore its first or last ?...
  7. is the shortcut priority changed ? or still same and this one ? mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM
  8. Yestedays uptade changed the signature files so if you couldnt uptade it yesterday to beta 2 uptade 10,this could be the problem.And maybe your favarute servers are running diffrent mods with ace.check their website and forums.
  9. snakedoctor34

    Things I find weird in ARMA2 MP

    Maybe you are right usually purpose is simulating military operation.Ä°n military operations mostly purpose is capturuing /holding are or destroying something.That radio towers or randomly gennrated enemy camps represents that.Use your imagination. For multiplayer its hard to find a new /different a story line mission each day,or each week .they cant be played more than one two three times .So community discovered that dynamic miisons and i think its o.k.And dominiation carried this an high level with that randomly generated secondary small missions.
  10. snakedoctor34

    Server not showing up?

    MinBandwidth=15000000; MaxBandwidth=100000000; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSend=0.0025; MaxCustomFileSize=0; these are must be in arma2.cfg not in server.cfg ,this doesnt make any problem but these are not belong to that file. this an working commandline, -config=server.cfg -port=2300 -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX -profiles=arma2tr -name=arma2tr -cfg=arma2.cfg if you read this.would be better. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/tutorials/dedicated/
  11. snakedoctor34

    Things I find weird in ARMA2 MP

    Try squad and fan fages section of forum to join a squad.Mostly preferred domaination,its well coded includes all map/towns and easily modified.But you are right most of squads their own misions,training maps,on modified maps.I think arma 2 is must be played with your own team/friends not in public for maksimum fun.
  12. snakedoctor34

    ARMA 2 needs "health reform"!

    i think you have to use first aid module in editor.Ä°f module is configured correctly system works. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/First_Aid
  13. snakedoctor34

    You can not play/edit this mission

    Thats @ACE mod.Look at its thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91500
  14. Ä° think if both of them would be kept in game will be much better.Ä°n real (as i learned) the regusted one changed with the new one in usmc,but in real, the redchevroned one auto adjusts brightness,and can be used both eyes open etc. but these feautures are not working in game.and that backup sight makes huge gameplay diffrence, i think.
  15. Created an feature reguest in deavhean abaout CQB Sight. As you can see with screenshots this Optic is already comes with ace but ACEX overrides it With an new redchevroned model and which doesnt have backup sight like this . Reguest is, keep this Optic in game with ACEX.with the new one in CQb mode your sight blocks by that redchevrone and its useless the old one makes CQB sight option really usable and effective,it think. The old,removed by ACEX and reguested OPtic in CQb mode; The new one in CQB mode, Ä°f you think same way Please vote in devheaven. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7356 .
  16. Acex replaces this sight with new one,which doesnt have that iron sight on top of it.But i think,only with this, you can really use and take advantage of cqb sight option.otherwise acogs with that red chevron are useless.Keeping both of them suggestion was rejected form devheaven but i think this must be in game. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7351
  17. Ä° think tehre is an m4a1 RCO config bug or just my misatke but, Without ACEX there is an m4a1 M203 RCO model in basic weapon box with both optic and iron sight.But with acex i couldnt find this weapon.With acex in same box,same wepaon has only optic sight,acog. withoutacex
  18. Ä°s there an suggested ai skill settings for ace ? skillEnemy= precisionEnemy= Ai's own skill setting in game ?
  19. Apcahe is fine with last uptade.ace added one more variant,aim9x.
  20. snakedoctor34

    1.05 released

    New: Enabled clan-sign on vehicles Is this an new feature other than clan/squad logo ?
  21. try this smoker="SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "Sniper team 6");
  22. snakedoctor34

    uh1y has vanished in 1.05

    its an ace bug.Already ticketed in bug tracker.1.5 changed the classname of uh1y.it will be fixed soon. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/7272
  23. snakedoctor34

    ARMA 2 v.1.05 Standalone window server patch?

    server.exe comes with client patch.look at your game directorry.
  24. New: Enabled clan-sign on vehicles Ä°s this an new feature other than clan/squad logo ?
  25. snakedoctor34

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    For wreck markers this didnt worked.its working on editor but not on dedi server.On server vehicles start with wrecked markers deployed.Any suggestion or how can i make wrecked markers for editor added vehicles ?