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About Excavus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Excavus

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Hey Robalo. There is a problem with the the scoped M14's in the game. For example, the M14 EBR, the M39 EMR, and the M1A SOCII Mk4LR/T all have broken scopes, like when you zoom in, it zooms into the scope's texture, and there are no crosshairs. I don't get this problem without the configs.
  2. I found a bug. If you're in third person mode inside the Mi-28 and you hold alt to look directly on top, the game will crash.
  3. I would download but I do not own Arma 1, so no.
  4. Excavus

    Stealth mode?

    To go into stealth mode, press the tilda (~) key, then press 7, then press on Stealth.
  5. Excavus

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Most of the stuff you posted is not being used by the US Marines, so no. But then again neither is the A10.
  6. Excavus

    ArmA 2 vs. OFP 1

    Arma 2 obviously. I can never go back to OFP because of the changes Arma 2 made. The graphics, the new features, such as crouch-running and reloading on the run.
  7. Excavus

    how to instal maps ??

    Punctuation. Use it. Go into your Arma 2 Folder. That path is either C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 for the Steam version or C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2 for the retail version. Create a new folder and name that @Afghanistan (you can name it whatever you want), then inside your newly created folder, make an folder named Addons. Put your .pbo files and .bisign files into it. Now, go to your desktop shortcut and right click it and press Properties. Click on the Shortcut tab and then type at the end of the target box, "-mod=@Afghanistan" without quotation marks. It should look like this, "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2" -mod=@Afghanistan". If you want to add more mods, just add a semicolon and then type your new mod folder name after that. Like this, "-mod=@Afghanistan;@F16"
  8. How do I change the version number in the PBO for the Event Handlers?
  9. The US Army. Complete with Apaches, Chinooks, Blackhawks, Bradleys, Strykers, etc. You get the picture.
  10. Excavus

    How to see out of BTR90 vision ports??

    You can turn out by pressing Z, although you lose the protection of the APC.
  11. Excavus

    AH-1Z problem

    My specs are as follows: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0 GHz 2 GB RAM nVidia GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB Driver version: 182.50 (Might need to update that to 186). I'll try your method Maddmatt. EDIT: I did the verify cache thing in Steam and it fixed it. Thanks for the help.
  12. I just downloaded Arma 2 off of Steam and started it up all fine and everything. Everything works, great game overall BI. But I have one problem. When I'm in a mission that has a AH-1Z, I get an error that says "Cannot load mipmap ca\air\data\ah1z_engines_smdi.paa". I click okay and then I get this. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b51/cacarca/ah1z.png What's the problem here?