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About slodin

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    Private First Class
  1. *not the exploding heli guy* Thanks for your script, I'm using the DEV build of the game, and noticed errors coming through the script. When I press "Q" and start up the heli, error is on transportCheck.sqf: line 24, _target is invalid or something.. Also the classification of the heli and vehicles are not working in DEV build, any heli can pickup any of the vehicles. I know nothing about these arma scripts..they give me a headache everytime I look at them..(I studied some C++, C#), but these really don't make sense to me. really love this script tho..it makes missions much more better.. since the actual game doesn't provide any fast redeployment for vehicles.
  2. shot one down earlier...it exploded when it hit the ground..pretty hard.. i agree it doesn't explode if they are not high and fast enough
  3. slodin

    JUMP please!!

    lol..no.. i hate jumping in all fps games.. *getting shot* "oh i know, JUMP JUMP JUMP, you can't hit me~~~!" *hops away* but having jump as a hidden function is good, future mods and whatnot.. oh..what about civilians? they should be able to jump without equipment load! (pretty sure combat units with gear load still can jump..or else they are pretty unfit for combat situations..but it's not really useful since you can only jump sooo little with gears..)
  4. You should buy it now..or at least before beta if you are planning on buying the game anyway, and you save money that way. 1. ATM, yes, a lot of problems, the major problem right now is MP is unplayable due to low fps. But if you are lucky you can get servers with good fps. But playing alone, editor, coop with a few friends seem more than fine to me. 2. I recommend either Alpha to be cheap, or support to get the future DLCs without anymore charge..The Deluxe seems useless to me.. 3. If you are gonna play anyway..why don't just buy it cheaper now? maybe you will find it super fun once you get in game..you won't even worry about the glitches..(and maybe you can give some feed back too, not just playing lol) 4. You will be fine with that computer..sorta old..but should run it fine..(beta and up should be even smooth than alpha..) 5. As far as I know, the bird problem wasn't hackers or scripts..it's a messed up update..fixed now I think...
  5. slodin

    They better have female soldiers...

    If it's a military sim..why not female troops? :confused:
  6. slodin


    LoL... order: 3, drop your backpack 3 drops it can't pick it up.. look into the bag, says crate...
  7. slodin

    Controller/Joystick mapping

    I have the same question.. I enabled the controller..but I can't map the keys..(or I don't know how to..because clicking on the buttons doesn't do any good) I actually only want the controller to work for helis..nothing more...
  8. Hi all, I'm currently trying to make a mini-clip with Iron front (which is the same engine with arma2), and I know they share all the commands and what nots. The only problem I have is that I dont know how to create a timed projectile(which is an AP shell) to hit a T34(tank) during an ambush. I know that shell won't 1 hit KO the T34, but its just for a visual effect because I have already set a trigger to make the tank expload upon impact. I tried using doFire, but it doesn't really do it...cause the AI unit fires at a different time everytime. Is there a way to make the AI fire at the exact time? I tried searching for it but I have no idea what name people would give it since I searched "timed projectiles" and nothing came up.. Thanks for any replies
  9. ok thanks for the fast reply, and it worked by setting another trigger to default his actions..I didn't know by setting "" means clearing the action lol..thx
  10. [solved] Hi everyone..I have littlen problem here Umm..I have set a crewman to "RepairingKneel" and i am using the playMove command..but this unit is still "repairing" even tho a few HE shells from the M119 dropped on him, and blasted him like 10m away...:eek: (What a freak!) My idea was: A scene where a sniper team calling in an artillery on a resting convoy, and the crewman is fixing his BMP-3 (It's full AI controlled, even the artillery is not called in by the player) I was able to make all parts working for this scene..but this crewman just won't die...actually, he is dead, but his dead body still plays the move "RepairingKneel"; I can take his weapons and everything, but it just seems like he is alive. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this action?...Thanks
  11. "and then it just won't play it in the game, i used [grp1 say "intro"] to play the sound, i also tried to use [playsound intro] but both failed... thanks for any help you can offer " thats wat i did,,,,,,[grp1 is the squad leader name]
  12. i have recorded a sound myself, but it won't play it even tho i did all i could.. i have created a new folder under mission/dark_death named "sounds",then put my sound file (ogg) into it, and added a new ext called description in the dark_death folder(description.ext) then i entered the code: //********Sounds********* class CfgSounds { sounds[]={intro}; class intro { name="intro"; sound[]={"\sound\introspeach.ogg",10,1.0}; titles[]={}; }; }; and then it just won't play it in the game, i used [grp1 say "intro"] to play the sound, i also tried to use [playsound intro] but both failed... thanks for any help you can offer
  13. this is the first map i made in arma2, i used alot of codes from this forum to make my map looks more detailed with plane crash and such, but theres a problem with the waypoint i cannot solve. Its a multiplayer co-op map, and theres 4 players, a scout, corpsman, sinper, and a squad leader. when i test the map with squad leader, right after getting off the helicopter, the waypoints are messed up, it just jump to last waypoint i've put onto the map. (the 3 AIs are in the heli, they won't come out..i dont really understand how to write scripts) If i play it with only myself, without the 3 AIs, the waypoints are fine.. so weird for a problem, i didn't test with ppl yet, going to test my friend later..but the problem might still be there :( PS: if the squad leader is AI contorlled, the map with AIs is fine,,,