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Everything posted by AnimalMother92

  1. Nice, I like the fade effect.
  2. AnimalMother92

    Your top 5 non-BIS games of all time

    America's Army v2.5 (PC) WipEout HD (PS3) Killzone 2 (PS3) Unreal Tournament 3 (PS3) flOw (PS3)
  3. AnimalMother92

    AH6 Little Bird HUD

    Referring to this: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16182 ? Hopefully, it will be integrated soon. I ran into a few issues with it, namely that the proper crosshairs were not shown for the FLIR Little Birds (which I'm guessing has to do with their weapons being in a different turret in the config). Also the ".50 cal GAU-19" text does not display on the HUD.
  4. AnimalMother92

    TAC 50 ... i can't find it

  5. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77819

    Yeah, pretty much what I commented on that ticket earlier. Would be great to see it implemented.
  6. AnimalMother92

    Community Awards 2010?

    That would be a good move. It's all about looking cool on the battlefield. :rolleyes:
  7. AnimalMother92

    Community Awards 2010?

    I feel like I should make an "In Soviet Russia..." joke but I'm not feeling very creative this morning.
  8. Update #2 up and ready on SIX Updater! http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/ACE_1_8_Update_2
  9. AnimalMother92

    Community Awards 2010?

    Where's Waldo? sorry :o Good luck to all
  10. Some info on the IFAK (Improved/Individual First-Aid Kit) for those that are curious http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/IFAK
  11. AnimalMother92

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    'grats dude, got my vote
  12. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Game_Issues#Weird%20Crashes,%20include%20file%20not%20found,%20macros/defines%20missing Hmm, if the issue happens in a mission of mine but not in the repro that Sickboy linked to, could you perhaps ticket it @ my tracker (http://dev-heaven.net/projects/anm-missions/issues) and we can try to figure it out? :)
  13. Better to keep the SIX Updater discussion to its thread or check out the docu http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater :)
  14. AnimalMother92

    Community Awards 2010?

    Up now http://www.arma2.com/community-awards-2010_en.html
  15. AnimalMother92

    AnimalMother92 Presents...

    Heh, hopefully "soon" :o I'm pretty close to finishing a handful of new missions as well as some nice updates to older ones. Just a few bits to wrap up. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/15513 Thanks for the feedback. Could you tell me more about the situation? Running Combined Ops I assume with latest ACE? If you're playing the old stable versions of Crash & Grab and Trapdoor (the ones linked in the first post and on Armaholic) then those are rather out of date (pre-OA). Have you tried the 2.0 Beta versions of those missions from Dev-Heaven? http://dev-heaven.net/projects/anm-missions/files Those should be more compatible but there's also a possibility things have been broken since I uploaded those. That should definitely solve the Trapdoor issue as the newer build doesn't need that addon. I'm in the process of updating all the old missions fully. :)
  16. AnimalMother92

    We all love a bit of Duke!

    this is gonna be sick :bb:
  17. Not quite true ;) //In each unit's init write: //nul = [this] execVM "earplugs.sqf"; if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; _unit = _this select 0; waitUntil {_unit == player}; if (_unit hasWeapon "ACE_Earplugs") then { [_unit] execFSM "\x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm"; }; http://dev-heaven.net/projects/acex/repository/revisions/develop/entry/addons/missions/mpmissions/co@08_Reaper.Takistan/earplugs.sqf
  18. AnimalMother92

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77777

    Yeah mine look similar. Latest nvidia drivers evga gtx 285 1gb I also lose a lot of fps when scoping in. It's a tough choice between the old "blob" trees and these new "cotton candy" trees. Hopefully it'll get sorted someday. Still love the AI fixes though :)
  19. AnimalMother92

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Nope, the Zeus ACE pack has the latest files, but only the ones you need if you play with ACE. You don't want the newer OA files, instead it includes the older Zeus for ACE files from A2.
  20. The SEALs were causing crashes and were removed awhile back.
  21. AnimalMother92

    What's next after Arrowhead?

    Somalian pirates yarrr /end of thread
  22. AnimalMother92

    Environment Effects Modules

    Snow is easy. Make sure it's Winter time (as NeMeSiS stated), make the weather lousy using the slider (rainy icon or worse), place the module with "0 setRain 0;" in the init. Definitely one of my fav modules in OA :)
  23. AnimalMother92

    littlebird gatling guns accuracy

    See 4:08 EcWFsXkdl4E Would be nice if the M134 rounds had more of an effect. I'm guessing they use incendiary ammo or something irl.