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About jackflash223

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  1. Been playing the demo all day pretty much, and its great! Now i know what you all were talking about with the editor, and how this game is pretty much endless. Since i cant buy the game until i get paid:mad: tuesday. I would like to learn more of how to work the editor. If anyone can please link me to a site/post thats very intuiative or like a tutorial i would be greatful! Thanks!
  2. jackflash223

    Direct2Drive Pre-order...

    From what ive seen most online websites say it comes out 7/2/09 however steam is releasing it june 26
  3. jackflash223

    New with a few questions

    Wow im super excited now lol. Just checked steam it releases on Friday. After i play it a little while i think ill start trying to create HVT missions, or if possible Convoy ambush missions. Which im guessing both are possible.
  4. jackflash223

    New with a few questions

    :eek: Wow that is incredible. Is the mission editor (im guessing thats what it is) pretty simple to figure out?
  5. jackflash223

    New with a few questions

    Ok so last week while searching youtube.com for some videos of the Cheytac .408 somehow i stumbled upon a flight video from Arma 2. Now at first i thought meh not even going to look at it (i had never heard of the Arma series), but then something changed and i did. Not knowing anything about the game i promptly reconized the great graphics, considered it a military flight sim and exited out. The next day i hoped on the computer and being bored with nothing really to do said to myself lets check out arma 2. Once i did seeing the weapons selection, the graphics, the vehicle (air and ground) selection i was floored :butbut: . I couldnt believe a game of this magnitude existed without me hearing about it. Ive always liked shooters, but ive never really enjoyed the new style of Call of Duty type shooters. Mostly Sniper Elite, old old CoD online, anyways I always called CoD to arcadey and looking around here i believe this is how most feel. Anyways to the point, i was wondering how exactly this works online, when you enter a pvp game are you confined to one sector of the map, how close does it spawn you usually? The biggest one i have is, is there AI on the map with you friendly and enemy, that help and hinder? Anyways from what ive seen great game to the developers!! :bounce3:, And thanks to anyone who actually read this whole thing.