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Posts posted by ozzbik

  1. Is the one who builds and scripts the campaign not the author? If I wrote the story and general outline for Zipper5's Blood on the Sand, would it be just my campaign?

    Sorry, I meant campaign story instead of campaign design. My bad.:(

    Off course when it comes to the implementation of the story other people are involved.

  2. but really. i find this thread pointless.

    this threat is as pointless as if i where to make a new one.

    Who do you want to make the interface/gui in arma3,. or something like that.

    Many of the threads started here are 'pointless'....

    But nevertheless people can speculate and fatasize about how they would like Arma3 to be.

    Leave them to their dreams.. :P

  3. By grenades? I don't think I've ran into invincible AI on static placements that wasn't the result of a bad Beta patch or a bug in an addon somewhere.

    No, but sometimes when they're going to die, they move out of the static emplacement and the fall to the ground.... again.. :)

  4. *Snip*

    If I'm putting them into google right, it puts me near Wolfach, Germany?

    Notable history of the city of Wolfach:

    On April 21, 1945, before fleeing the city, the Gestapo took the French resistants and political prisonners held in the prison of Wolfach to a forest outside of the city, forced them to dig their graves, and shot them on the spot, only three hours before the arrival of the French 2nd Armored Division commanded by General Leclerc.[2]

    Resistence connection to earlier found clues?

  5. i have a 4800 and any time i fly over a town the screen does those crazy tear/layer things, then lags, and then just cuts out and goes back to my desktop. doesnt matter if the game is on normal or very high settings. post processing and antialiasing are off in game video memory is set to very high 3D res is at 100. no matter what, it just exits the game. is it the fact that i have only a 4800 and not a 4850 minimum or is there something else i can do to not cause this to happen other than setting everything to low cuz the game looks blurry and crappy on low.

    just tried updating the drivers too and it still didnt change anything :/

    Perhaps your card is overheating?

    Also is your PSU good enough for the hardware your running?
