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Posts posted by ozzbik

  1. Okay, sorry for the bump.. I did not know it was against the rules, but I am aware of it now.

    I have tried using speakers, and that worked fine. I am almost certain that my headset is causing this problem. I read a couple of other forums, and they had the exact same problem, and almost the exact same headset (Turtle Beach z60). The only difference was that he was using jack plugs, while I was using USB. He solved the problem later in the thread, but that it did not work for me.

    I don't think I have grounded my PC.. I have never heard of "grounding" a pc. I am not using a micboost.

    Grounding is done to prevent static electricity buildup which could hurt you or your system. Normally the psu would be grounded through the cable via the ground pin on the wallsocket.

    So if that is the case, your machine has already been grounded. Unless your using a wallsocket without an earth/ground pin.

  2. I never tried the server exe and I don't know how to host with it, what about using TADST ?

    Ok I will try check with perfmon, thanks

    You can use tadst to easily setup your dedicated windows server. So that would be a good option. Make sure you enable the networklogging in TADST (tickbox).

  3. Didnt answer to the question.

    I know how they work, i just need someone who can tell if they are compatible or not.

    You state you have problems. Which to me means you've started the game with these mods. Like the previous replies allready note out, when you want to know which mod conflict with each other, check the rpt file.

    You cannot expect anyone to know if this list of mods conflict with one another.

  4. I never get the server to run

    I always get

    ./arma3server: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /home/server/arma3/libsteam_api.so)

    Any Fix?

    Review the following installation instructions: http://otoris.com/installing-an-arma-iii-server-on-ubuntu/ (I followed these, and they worked for me)

    I suspect you are using a 64-bit server installation of linux, the application is 32-bit however. So you need to install the 32-bit libraries.
