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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. I only host a multiplayer server once a week (playing with colleagues on stable build). As there's no dedicated server at the moment for the stable build, I guess a lot of people aren't currently hosting 24/7 (Servers are usually 'clan-run' so mostly by invite but sometimes open as well). The rest of the week I play singleplayer only (development branch) trying out all kinds of different stuff in the editor. But looking at every dev version that comes out, it's getting better (besides the occasional bug), i'm a happy man.
  2. As there are security modifications to the alpha (against hacking) it could be your scripts are the problem. But we'll see. Also in your rpt there was an error about a description.ext file. Could you read this; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82217-Mission-refuses-to-run and check if it has anything to do with you problem?
  3. So I guess you don't use the dedicated server workaround but use the ingame game hosting. :) Could you ask your clan mates what they get their rpt logs?
  4. You can move your Arma3 folder to another drive if you want. :)
  5. @gossamerSolid : If there's a ticket in Feedback, which number has it? Also if the game crashes there should be an entry in the windows application log with some extra info. The more info, the better ;)
  6. Just a few questions: :) - Are you using the beta of the steam client? - Is the client the same version as your server? - Are you using mods and/or startup parameters (and if so which ones)? - Is the client using any mods and/or startup parameters?
  7. ozzbik

    Alpha update 0.56 problem

    If you have problems, please check your Arma3 rpt files for the reason of problems (run with no mods for a 'clean' error log). When you find any errors, report them through the Feedback site so the developers can look into it. It's Alpha you know, bugs are bound to appear ;)
  8. normally it resides in {profile path}\{profile username}\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha (rpt files and/or mpstatistics (if used in startup parameter))
  9. Did you check the server's log for more info? It could be the reason for not accepting clients is in there.
  10. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't start

    The Arma series is very CPU demanding (scripts & A.I., etc.). So faster=better. Keep in mind though that A3 is not yet fully optimized, so framerate can change in the end.
  11. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't start

    glad to hear it works! fight on! ;)
  12. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't start

    For viewing the Application Log, just use the following; Windows_key + R (for run) -> eventvwr.exe Go to Windows Logs It seems a lot of people have issues with nvwgf2um.dll and multiple games (google search) Perhaps you can try an older version of the Nvidia drivers.
  13. Have you tried after removing your profile and gamesettings file (located in c:\Users\{userid}\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\)?
  14. ozzbik

    Arma 3 won't start

    Are you using the development build or the Stable? I presume you aren't using any mods, but if so, remove them from the startup parameters. Try using the following parameters : -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=4 -MaxVRAM=1024 (if you have 1Gb) Also check your windows eventlog (application) for errors/warnings and check the arma3.rpt for more information (location -> AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha or AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha Lite)
  15. ozzbik

    Sound stops working

    Are you using Windows 8 or...? And does this happen when switching/alt-tabbing to another app (TS)? Just guessing here, but it could be a crashing audio driver. Does other audio playback (besides A3 and TS) work (for example mediaplayer)? Perhaps updating motherboard drivers and/or audio chipset drivers fix the problem. Also update your DX to the latest version to be sure.
  16. Current Rig: AMD Athlon X4 640 (3.0 Ghz) 12 GB Memory XFX 4850 625M 1GB Still reviewing my options for upgrade Intel/AMD, Graphics AMD/Nvidia, Mobo, Memory etc. Running game mostly on standard (No AA, FXAA Ultra, Post Processing Off) but I have Textures, Shadows set on high. FPS around 29-30 with drops to 20-24 when allot is happening onscreen (Multiple AI, Smoke etc).
  17. ozzbik

    Major sound issues.

    Some extra questions for you: What is your OS (version) Have you set the Audio driver to "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device"? Try and turn this off
  18. For people with PayPal problems: try it multiple times in a row. Before you try this btw; email or phone the PayPal helpdesk in regard of your problem and ask what causes the blockade/holdup. In my case it was an automatic security rule which blocked a "suspicious" transfer. After retrying multiple times in a row it suddenly worked (4 times in a row worked for me).
  19. Yay. That worked. Thanks Von_Emmy. :D The solution seems to be to bombard Paypal with a number of request directly one after the other. And as for bananas .. :yay::yay: love them! P.S. How do you inform BI support without creating a new ticket?
  20. Congrats :) Unfortunatly not yet for me, but I'll keep trying. I have some hope again ;)
  21. @ArtjomZhdanov Got a reaction from PayPal concerning my blocked payment to the Store (see reply nr 100). They can not (won't because of security :() tell me why the payment has been flagged. 'Solutions' they recommend are: Ask the Store for help ( :confused: ) ; Pay via Credit Card (don't have one); Try again at a later time (been there, done that). Now considering to forfeit my Paypal account and buy the extended edition from Steam (through Ideal; dutch standard for internet payments) :( Never had problems btw in the past but the lack of real support from PayPal and the many negative comments of other users about blocked payments really bugs me. Hope BI can help in the matter. Sorry BTW for the Angry Icon on top (not intended)
  22. @GonzoTbita. I've got the exact same problem. I've contacted Paypal and got the response that they has marked the transfer as suspicious. More they won't give besides the advice to link my bankaccount to the Paypal account or ask the store to send a invoice directly through Paypal :( I mailed this to the support@bistudio.com address. Hope to hear from them soon (the poor basterds ;) )
  23. ozzbik

    Which version will you be buying?

    Going to buy the support edition. The Arma game series is the only one I've come across with real replay value. Even got my collegues addicted ;)
  24. I opened a paypal account just for that. :)
  25. I was wondering how the bug reporting for the Alpha will work. Will it be just like Arma2 bug reporting (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/39/wiki/CIT) or will you be able to use steam for bug reporting?