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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. ozzbik

    Cant solve this Error

    Space instead of underscore on Class?
  2. ozzbik

    IFA3 AIA error

    forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182072-All-in-Arma-Terrain-Pack-(AiA-TP)-A1-A2-OA-terrains-from-BI-in-A3 contains a hotfix for this version. Try without any mods to see if the error occurs. It could be another mods causes this problem.
  3. ozzbik

    IFA3 AIA error

    so you installed the full pack (6.5 GB) + the hotfix (99MB)? Any other mods activated?
  4. ozzbik

    IFA3 AIA error

    Which version of AiA do you have installed?
  5. Have you tried to run the game without mods?
  6. ozzbik

    #login is not working on server

    Have you checked on the server what the log says about the attempt?
  7. Does the taskbar icon appear? If so, check the following: Rightclick on taskbar icon Click move once Press an arrowkey on your keyboard Move your mouse to see if the windows has gone beyond view point (should be visible).
  8. ozzbik


    I personally would stay clear of any cleaner software unless you review every change made by it. It could make things worse. Could you try the following to check if the windows files are ok (especially directx): Click StartType: CMD, from the results, right click CMD Click 'Run as Administrator' At the Command Prompt, type: sfc /scannow
  9. ozzbik

    Arma3 Launcher vs 3d party Mods/Addons

    Just checking because there was a post with another launcher :) AiA still not showing btw? Can you check if the folder has an addons folder?
  10. ozzbik

    Arma3 Launcher vs 3d party Mods/Addons

    You're using the Arma3Launcher now or the default (bi launcher)? :)
  11. ozzbik

    Arma3 Launcher vs 3d party Mods/Addons

    1: The launcher is the default action for the steamshortcut (so if your not using your own made shortcut to Arma.exe, the launcher should start when starting the game from steam) 2: Your modlist is empty? Try the following then. - In the upperright corner of the Launcher there's a gear icon (click it). - Add your arma3 folder (or where you've placed the mods) to the MODmanagement folders. - Check if your mods show up on de Mods page/tab 3: Leave the mod parameter empty if using above setting. It's not needed.
  12. ozzbik

    Arma3 Launcher vs 3d party Mods/Addons

    Perhaps the following link is helpfull? steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369395296
  13. %HOMEPATH%\My Documents\Arma 3\*.cfg (to *.cfg_bck)
  14. Remove/rename your arma profiledirectory and try again, please.
  15. Did you check the temperatures of your CPU and GPU? Have you checked if there's a peak in HD traffic?
  16. The logs will only be written if you mark the netlog in TADST and do not disable the Arma3 logs (-nologs option). If you host from within the game you will only have the default Arma3 log (but you could try the -netlog option when starting Arma3, but probably doesnt work). But good to hear you got it working somehow..
  17. Does your arma3 serverlog report anything? Check you firewall logs aswell.
  18. If you cannot ping your WAN IP it's most likely the routers firewall blocking ICMP traffic.
  19. Sorry. Indeed 2302 aswell :p I believe the connection id is the last dropdown box of this selection screen?
  20. Could you try the following: Take the machine out of DMZ (lan) and remove the port forwarding. Reboot modem/router Configure portforwarding: Private IP : Static ip of machine  Protocol Type : UDP  Public Start Port :  2303 Public End Port : 2305 Connection : Your connection id  click Apply (and maybe reboot the modem/router) You can use d-link open port check to verify it's open. Use arma3 remote option to connect to your server.
  21. No, it should only be ip adress (your wan address). Port is already filled in correctly. Which ports have you forwarded btw. Is the router a d-link (can't seem to find it at netgear)? Perhaps a stupid question, but do you use a firewall on your machine?
  22. When forwarding ports it's best you use static ip-adresses. Otherwise you'll have to change the forwarding rules everytime you get a new ip (if you have multiple machines/phones/tablet active). Steam can be reaaaaaally slow updating the serverlist, but it should be working with direct connections. Did you try direct connection to the server allready on ip bases?
  23. Then it's necessary to enable portforwarding. Normally when your in a DMZ the only ports available, are the ones your allow in the firewall rules. Is it possible for others to connect to your ip directly (through remote option in the lowerright corner in the mp section)? When this doesnt work, then the ports are not open. What type of modem/router do you use?
  24. Yes. It's the same as a 'real' dedicated server (uses the same .exe)
  25. ozzbik

    Arma 3 sound bug

    Did you try with lower soundquality settings in windows