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Everything posted by kdjac

  1. kdjac

    Evo Blue and Hohei

    Not getting any enemies at Nagara with either Takistan 51 version. Air assets but nothing on the ground.
  2. You lose minus 2 on the global score if you do that or did in an earlier version. Quick way of killing any chance of completing the mission.
  3. This is a very enjoyable mission some bugs: Injured when you respawn. Deaths arent counted so parameters irrelevant. Enemies stand around and on occasion wont shoot at you. Seems to be group related if 2 groups are together only one will shoot at you. Notes vanished for JIP players. And only one mission marker show as complete the airfield one. If you are updating it you should think about using JWs patrol script so your enemies are moving around preset or random patrols, makes them aware too. And a vehicle revive for the cars and bikes (not the M2s) :) Good mission we hope to play it with arounf 10 or tomorrow.
  4. Cool If you need a server you can use ours http://www.hlsw.org/gameserver/
  5. is there an updated version?
  6. Ravanay is a bit nuts, thing you need to kill to finish the mission buggered off about 5km away. Assume its that as we have almost 180 kills between us and 8 tanks. The plane crashed after running out of fuel :D i fired 29 stingers at it and never even got close to it :( Airstrike doesnt work either. Fun mission bit of a pain when they on top of you tho.
  7. As ever awesome but needs more Waldo :D
  8. kdjac

    Help Me Find A Mod

    Mods missions etc: http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=files More mods http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=91 More missions http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=86 Launcher for running it all together and not breaking your game. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89731 For when you fail at all of the above. www.modernwarfare2.com
  9. If you want a marker as such when using HALO, before you jump Shift and left click on the map.Then as your going down you see how far away you are from your marker.
  10. Nothing broken but .....:D Easier ability to add in user made addons as bonus vehicles like the F16 :)
  11. Complete a sidemission is the best way to get the toys. Hope you like Avengers ;)
  12. kdjac

    Sniper Elite 2 request?

    Play "one shot one kill "scenario in the single player part of Arrowhead. I completed it firing only one bullet.
  13. kdjac

    (OA/CO)Co10 Clean Up

    dammit my bad :o
  14. Description: Battle to the end of several objectives, this is a tank based mission. It possibly could be completed on foot but i doubt it. Its best played by using the armour available. Credits & thanks: Jw Custom original mission and USPS script. Norrins revive. Kronsksy airstrike (it does work even tho you dont see the marker the harriers still come in). Vehicle respawn by tophe. Weapon respawn by Norrin and toadlife. Editing forum for replying to my stupid questions. Download link: CO10 Clean up takistan 1st actual mission, hopefully good :o
  15. hi I have just finished my 1st actually good mission using various scripts from people and actually getting them to work :eek: But there are 2 things that have me stumped :confused: One is some of my patrol markers are visible when playing the game on a server. http://homepage.eircom.net/~kdjac/ArmA2OA%202010-07-08%2000-10-54-76.jpg They disappear after a while but kinda give away where enemys are going to be. No clue how it happened, sometimes they slope off to the bottom of the map. (marker is red,solid named town1,2,3,4,5 etc:) The 2nd problem is the listing of the soliders is backwards. http://homepage.eircom.net/~kdjac/ArmA2OA%202010-07-08%2000-11-36-51.jpg Leader is at the bottom. Its a default infantry squad with a loadout script in their in and names s1,s2,s3 etc: Scripts being used are Norrins revive, upsmon, vehicle respawn, Simple support,save loadout. I deleted all scripts and it still did the above. Have searched the forums for "visible markers ingame" and "incorrect player listing" and variants, no clue why its happening any help appreicated.
  16. Yes that is true, but when the mission maker hasnt a clue how to do that he posts on a forum asking for help ^^ I tried using this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8077 and it seems to work after respawn.
  17. Having the Leader loses it when he dies problem, is there a fix for this before the next version comes out?
  18. I added the squad using the group option then changed their roles ie more medics. I delete them and add them in one by one see if that works. thanks
  19. That worked thanks, seems secops was interfering with it. Now to find a way for them to work together :confused:
  20. kdjac

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    You can take out your map then call in in your CAS and wherever your mouse is pointed at it will hit. All drops work that way also.
  21. kdjac

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Default mission on our dedicated server here. http://www.hlsw.org/gameserver/ If you want to test new versions send them on and we will break the shit out of them for you :D
  22. This works in the editor but when i test it on a dedicated server it doesnt, the options are there in game as selectable but they dont select. Mission is simple 7 blow up objects. Enemys all using UPSMON and blufor Norrins revive. is there any known reason why it wouldnt work on a server but does in the editor? I have only added the module and cynced to the leader (who becomes player number 9 on a server :confused: )
  23. kdjac

    Cipher: Valleys of the Takiban

    Excellent mission well done on the conversion. few little bugs tho, some of our team invincible others not so much :) Direct hits from a shilka blew us in the air but we landed without injury. Enemys spawning in mid air and dying as they hit the ground in front of you. Secops is brilliant tho really adds to it. extraction was a little bugged chopper wouldnt move then when it , it took off instantly without anyone. We shot at it and it flew back and took out half the team :D