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Everything posted by kdjac

  1. kdjac

    Bohemian Carnivores [Comb-12]

    Excellent mission, good fun to play. Wee bug mission only works if you select it from the mission list ie failing and hitting continue gets the "all players are unconcious" bug from having respawn west to close to the spawn point. Some random enemies would be good they in the same spots everytime.
  2. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    We will test this thursday on the server few pages up but we will be adding in the ammo box filler :) Weapon respawn is fine you need the ammo to spawn with them, you know what you had when you died so its not hard to get more bullets or rockets.
  3. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    is weapon respawn in i t? :p
  4. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    There yah go, few things to fix there :p Ran fine there, altho just ran around getting shot and respawning for a few minutes.
  5. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    Have you ran it on a dedicated server? RPT should give you some info on the error.
  6. Bug where you lose fuel in your aircraft if your on the base, usually after a repair or exiting it whilst on the runway.
  7. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    Heal works? I think thats fine the way it is if your intention is injured get healed or if dead respawn.
  8. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    Only 4 MAAWS and 10 HEDPs in those crates, run out of them fairly fast when theres 12 tanks in a town :) We only used the ammo filler on the one at base so you only really used it when you died, it kinda worked as the ones at the town had enough to top up with before going to the next mission. Its a very good mission and tbht he issues with are minor.
  9. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    I think it was around 15 humvees per town and about 20 support trucks :) We had easily 100 vehicles after 3 towns. Regards the enemy vehicles there wasnt too many just half of them spawned upside down (have you given them a height to spawn at?) If you download the mission from our server ^^ it has Toadlifes weapon repsawn and Tophes ammobox filler scripts working in it.
  10. kdjac

    [coop] CTG: Dominance

    Played this tonight after a few minutes we edited it to include Weapon respawn and an ammo box filler. Good mission has potential to be very good. Some issues: Tanks spawning on their side for every 6 tanks in a town 6 were on their side. Way more vehicles then needed (each time we cleared a town we got way too many vehicles causing our dedicated server to lag). Enemy Ai a bit stupid. Ferus Abad doesnt seem to finish, we gave up looking for the last guy. Good points. Plays well with 2 or 10 people. Different tactics needed for each town. Suggestions: Stick in a patrol script so the enemies are not just standing around. Preferably a house one, they rarely used the houses as cover. Fix the ammo box and weapon respawn :) We will play it again morrow (drunk) on the server pog post above.
  11. So being an idiot :D if (d_player_faction in ["USMC", "CDF", "BIS_US", "BIS_CZ", "BIS_GER"]) then { stuff } else { more stuff }; If put it liek this? { stuff } else { more stuff }; Everyone would have goodies? And i could add in the BAF goodies using their class names?
  12. Cheers but domination doesnt have that part least not that i can see, the ammo crates seems to come from I Common? Opfor seriosuly underpowered, having a complete ammo box for sides with Thermals removed should even up the guns side of things.
  13. kdjac

    CO16 Insurgency

    On veteran or expert the AI rarely give up. We had one out of 50 give up. Makes finding the crates a bit hard :)
  14. In TVT 2.28 how could I give OPFOR access to all guns and vice versa. Just having one global ammo box for both sides.
  15. Played and failed, taking that camp requires a lot of grenades and teamwork. Excellent mission.
  16. Tonights entertainnment sorted :) Be on our server with around 7 people if anyone cares to join,Vanhas missions are usually very good. 8pm :) http://www.hlsw.org/gameserver/
  17. kdjac

    co20 High Mountains

    We finished High Mountains last night, it completes when the radio towers are done :( We getting ready to assault Garamud and get the chopper :(
  18. Excellent script, possible to add in BAF weapons?
  19. Restart PC and verify game files with steam, same thing happened me unplayable couldnt even click on MP or SP in the editor. Was a steam issue.
  20. As an idea set 5 simple mission types then X them 4. So 4 SAR. 4 Convoy destructions. 4 Town wipeouts. 4 Assassinations. 5 large town wipeouts. Place 5 of each in 5 areas and let the user decide what to take 1st. Layer them so that the hardest is say Chernogorsk and the easiest is close to the start. If the SAR Convoy and Assassins were dynamic and the towns static. Script that taking the 4 dynamic missions in one area weakens the main force at the large town. With that awesome WICT tool, giving people a point to clear whilst be surrounded by chaos would be good. As for team size i would say start with 10 and work forwards and backwards from that (testing should indicate how it plays best). No gunships but give Blackhawks to move around plus all humvees. Sounds good in my head :D
  21. Hi I have the exact same problem as doomanto but using that code only places the very 1st weapons from my ammo.sqf ie AK101 and ammo for the AK101 nothing else in it. ammo.sqf is in this format albeit with just vanilla weapons. I would like the humvee to respawn with a few weapons at its original place 30 seconds after destruction and never if its still alive/deserted. I assume i must have my ammo.sqf in a different format? as it works for the guy above.
  22. kdjac

    co20 High Mountains

    This is an excellent mission only issue we have its really really hard :) We added in some guns(Nlaw,Javelin) and changed the vehicle respawn as it was set for a long time. Added in some other Humvees to as we seen Garamud and realised we were seriously outnumbered and lacking in the firepower department.
  23. _this addWeaponCargo ["BAF_L17_40mm", 100]; Something wrong with that weapon, class name may be incorrect.
  24. kdjac

    co20 Airborne Assault

    Good mission but we played it 3 times today and after clearing the 2nd town, the 3rd town cleared itself :confused: We never got to it and it came up mission complete. Few more towns be great.
  25. kdjac

    PMC Persistent 1

    Its very easy i had 100 kills on my own before i got bored, cleared the 1st 2 objectives in a tank in about 5 minutes. Idea for the mission is good but after clearing the objectives it gets a bit boring flying /driving around looking for things to kill. Also AI in it hinder rather than help you would imagine it would be a long time before you got 1400 kills. Maybe add in more objectives to keep people wanting to play it more. It could be a very good mission.