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Everything posted by kdjac

  1. Brilliant, one of the best I have played in Arma.
  2. This is excellent a really good mod, when it goes live it will be one of the best game modes for A3. PRO TIP: Get your squad to wear the same uniform :)
  3. kdjac

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    wow.....just wow!!
  4. kdjac

    Eurogamer retrospective

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-03-operation-flashpoint-retrospective good read.
  5. kdjac

    Arma 3 mods not working

    Server and mission must contain the mods otherwise they wont be there.
  6. this is quality on GITS server, one thing i have to marvel at is the fact you created an almost human like player called arclight who finds almost every Punji trap. WUTTT THUNG!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHGHHH Arclight was killed Its brilliant :D
  7. :) If your running it on LAN setup one of the PCs as the server. Dont click LAN in game and host the mission on one of the clients.
  8. Be as well running a dedicated server on LAN rather than LAN option in game.
  9. kdjac


    Can understand the modders fears on this, but the workshop is quite excellent. Steam have a decent handle on mods with issues, mostly the games community spot it and its gone very quickly. But thats in the paid sense TF2 Workshop works on a free and sale basis, i think it would stupid of BIS not to take advantage of using this. Altho horse armour would suck.
  10. kdjac

    =BTC= Revive

    Possible to turn off respawn and limit the revives with this? its pretty good the 1st aid requirment is excellent.
  11. kdjac

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Just gonna go with WOW!!!!! That my impressions of an Alpha game.........just WOW!!!!! I think the best thing i could say is i would pay for this game right now as it is. Take from that what you want.
  12. kdjac

    Can't buy supporter edition?

    1000? is just a number, obviously they prepared for a number. I dont know what that number was but it was a badly thought out number or a DDOS.
  13. kdjac

    Can't buy supporter edition?

    Im a bit of logical person so struggling to figure this our. Assuming BIS thought 1000? people would buy Supporter and catered for that with website and portal. What happened for that 1000? to absolutley destroy BIS websites and stores? Either a massive underestimation and the 1000? was clearly wrong or something more sinister like DDOS. Something happened and i couldnt it all day in work when i got home i got the Steam deluxe, i did try to get the supporter.
  14. Land in the middle. i5 2500k, 32gb, 512gb ssd, 7870.
  15. will check it out tonight. good work :)
  16. kdjac

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Cheers lads fapping about now that they have it working.
  17. kdjac

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Dedi running but seems to stay as night time regardless of parameter and no vehicles or menu :/ Clean install on this server, latest beta. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/255916 password boards
  18. kdjac

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    2 months later.... Dayz has filled the game full of "special people" who have showed/exploited how many serious flaws this game has, we had a few....we used a tracker to fix them. Now all of the flaws and the reasons why this game/engine was never sold as a finsihed product are coming to light, theres so many flaws we didnt even see because of the way we were playing the game. Iif anything it shows how Op Flash fans will buy anything made by BIS and play it their way. On the other hand it shows BIS are not ready for the "special people" to play this game. Dayz will not work without a locked down game engine ie unmoddable. Decisions...Decisions.....
  19. Excellent misisons, the dialog is hilarious :D About halfway tru it i think. Found a bug if you pick up a gun out of sequence in the training mission you can never finish the MOUT training. ie dont pick up a gun before you are told to.
  20. Silly problem and no clue what to do to fix it :( I used to open domi missions in cpbo then load them into the mission editor and place in a few vehicles with Tophes Simple respawn script, re pack and it would work. Now when i do that with 61 domi the server constantly "mission read from bank". I know its something stupid that i am doing, just staring blankly at it now. Anyone know what i did or didnt do right?
  21. Eggbeats do you have an unmodded cherno evo? Have a large group playing and paying for a decent server and want to push them gently towards proper arma2 and not just zombies.
  22. kdjac

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    Dunno if it will be posted by BI but the Arma 2 sales on Steam are over 50,000 in the last 3 weeks, thats 50,000 people buying the game and having no clue that the big airfield is where the A10 takes off :D Honestly dont understand the elitist arseness on here from users and modeators, threads being locked and " mentioned in the dayz thread" being posted without a link to the Dayz thread. Tbh if i was new to Arma having only played Dayz and came on here, i wouldnt play your game. EDIT sigh.....see above post :(