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About zippers

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    Private First Class

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  1. Thanks for clearing that up Vilas. I am downloading CWR now. Is the commander optics a config issue? Is there any chance it will be fixed one day? Either way they are still great vehicles, I will just have to use the gunner's seat!
  2. I just discovered Project '85 . Maybe I am a bit late. I really like the Scimitar and the Leopards but is there a reason the Leopards can't move the commander's sight up/down and the Scimitar commander's sights don't rotate or elevate? Is it something I have done, installing it wrongly or a bug or deliberately like that? In any case Project '85 looks great. Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I did search about but couldn't find anything.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to create a mission where the main hotel is lit up at night. I'm in a position where the searchlights come on automatically day or night but they only point at the bottom. They don't need to change direction once intialized, just point up. Does anyone know how I could achieve this? Thanks
  4. Is there any way to stop civilians or soldiers lying down? Its pretty annoying when battles involve people lying being sandbags :rolleyes: and not shooting. thanks
  5. zippers

    Armed Policemen

    Thanks, got it working.
  6. Is there anyway to create armed policemen? I've set up a police roadblock and they all just duck on the ground and look rather useless when someone fires a shot. Thanks
  7. So if thats how to make a conversation what are all the items for and what do the numbers mean. For example: item8[] = {"Na__I_got_stuff",4,218,-2.365997,374.528778,297.633972,424.528778,1.000000,"Na, I got stuff to do."};
  8. Most large conversations are in the fsm files, but i haven't been able to work out work yet. Things like this: item0[] = {"React",0,250,-148.442688,-132.013092,-48.442719,-82.013107,0.000000,"React"}; item1[] = {"",7,210,-102.438477,48.426529,-94.438538,56.426514,0.000000,""}; item2[] = {"__",8,218,-245.799591,27.887707,-155.799591,77.887695,0.000000,"-"}; item3[] = {"END",1,250,-249.361267,105.329407,-149.361450,155.329422,0.000000,"END"}; item4[] = {"Is_that_right_",4,218,0.000000,225.000000,300.000000,275.000000,1.000000,"Is that right?"}; item5[] = {"So_I_hear__Only",1,250,350.000000,262.000000,650.000000,312.000000,0.000000,"So I hear. Only a few hours now huh? You nervous? I'm shitting it. Hey, you hang here and shoot the breeze some? Your team be cool with that?"}; item6[] = {"Sure__they_won_t",4,218,0.000000,300.000000,300.000000,350.000000,1.000000,"Sure, they won't mind. So, tell me about that new house of yours man!"}; item7[] = {"Oh_yeah__Man_you",1,4346,350.000000,337.000000,650.000000,387.000000,0.000000,"Oh yeah! Man you should see it! Eighteen acres of sweet, sweet..." \n "ADD ACTION, SET TALKER AS WAITING"}; item8[] = {"Na__I_got_stuff",4,218,-2.365997,374.528778,297.633972,424.528778,1.000000,"Na, I got stuff to do."};
  9. zippers


    Ok, i think i'm with you, just about. But i still have 2 questions which i would appreciate anyone answering. 1. What do the numbers refer to. 2. Do you need to use triggers to get this to be actually executed in the mission or what? Thanks again
  10. zippers


    Thanks, i got kbtell working but i'm not sure about these fsms? I understand they have thinks like this in: item5[] = {"Copy_Razor__proceed",1,250,350.000000,187.000000,650.000000,237.000000,0.000000,"Copy Razor, proceed with caution. Don't just walk in there and say 'Hi', Out."}; but where are they called or intialised or whatever?
  11. Hello, i'm making a mission at the moment where my squad has to speak to one of the locals to find out the information. But i have no idea how to get them to talk to one another. I've had a look at some of the missions that come with the game but it seemed a bit complex to begin with. Could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks
  12. Hi, thanks for this it really helped me, i'm still having a problem still though. In the mission i'm doing i've got the player who is the group leader. His intialization is (the heli is called Mi8): groupBeta = group this; {_x moveInCargo Mi8} foreach units groupBeta; groupBeta assignAsCargo Mi8 then Mi8 has a few move waypoints and then the one i want to unload at. I have this waypoint as a move waypoint although i've tried it as unload and transport unload. And i have this intialisation (the Eject.sqf is the same as the one on the first page without the height check, although i tried it with it as well): Mi8 FlyInHeight 335; _xhandle = [groupBeta,Mi8] execvm "Eject.sqf"; and using various combinations of the things above i get can the helicopter to descend and then have my group leader get out or the whole team can parachute out. When i actually want the helicopter to descend to near the ground and the whole team jump a few feet. How can I acheive this? Should the waypoints be set for the team leader? I'd appreciate any help, thanks. PS the helicopter isn't part of the group if that makes a difference?
  13. I've been having this as well
  14. After upgrading to the latest patch (1.2 58134) yesterday the game CTDs when i try to save my campaign progress. I keep getting the too many memory blocks requested or can't commit errors. I've tried adding -maxmem=2048 and also adjusting the config file to see if that would help fix it but it hasn't. Is there anyway to fix this. Its on the dogs of war mission which is pretty huge so i thought that could be the cause but i'd managed to save my progress whilst playing this mission in the past few days before updating to 1.2 58134. I am using windows vista x64 and have 6gb ddr3 memory and an ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series graphics card.
  15. Hi, In Dogs of War the briefing says i should go and speak with Lt. Marny about dealing with the russians but when i speek to him he only has the usual target/location/weather comments and nothing useful. Is that supposed to be like that or is it a bug?