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Everything posted by Vipera

  1. Vipera

    ArmA 2 tip's & trick's for heli pilots.

    Here is my attempt to make Funnel meneuver on Ka-52 in ARMA2. Funnel - flight maneuver, which consists in the motion around the point. In this case the nose of helicopter is constantly directed toward this point. It is performed by coaxial-type helicopters (for example Ka-50 or Ka-52). This maneuver can conduct concentrated fire to the target continuously moving around it. It is a little difficult to start this maneuver in ARMA2. I should have heli speed around zero to start this maneuver. And it is very easy to lose funnel mode when I try to adjust nose of helicopter to the target. When heli lose this mode it suddenly starts to increase speed. Since flight model is the same for all helicopters in ARMA2 you can make this maneuver on other helicopters (I just tried Cobra). I use Joystick, Pedals and TrackIR.
  2. Vipera

    Manual fire helicopter

    Oh yeah! This is very annoying bug(feature). I'd like it be fixed ASAP.
  3. Vipera

    Here's a fun command bug

    I confirm this problem on CTI maps. But all servers running not standard ARMA2 warfare missions. They are running custom made missions. Maybe problem is there.
  4. Here is my attempt to make Funnel meneuver on Ka-52 in ARMA2. Funnel - flight maneuver, which consists in the motion around the point. In this case the nose of helicopter is constantly directed toward this point. It is performed by coaxial-type helicopters (for example Ka-50 or Ka-52). This maneuver can conduct concentrated fire to the target continuously moving around it. It is a little difficult to start this maneuver in ARMA2. I should have heli speed around zero to start this maneuver. And it is very easy to lose funnel mode when I try to adjust nose of helicopter to the target. When heli lose this mode it suddenly starts to increase his speed. I use Joystick, Pedals and TrackIR.
  5. Vipera

    Ka-52 Funnel Meneuver and Side Fly

    Alex72, what are you taking about? I made all of these flights without any sripting. It's just a standard ARMA2.
  6. I don't know how you are going to use Tu-160 strategic bomber in ARMA2. Maybe next wish will be recon satellites... :-)
  7. O yeah, Vladimir Mashkov is a good russian actor. "Piranha" (2006).
  8. Thank you! I like it! I wish you to find new job very soon to keep make good things for ARMA2
  9. This mod cause video artefacts for me (triangles).
  10. I had the same problem. Fixed it. I found that if I have Texture Detail=Normal and Video Memory=Very High with AA=Disabled than I receive HUGE performance increase and it removes constant and annoying texture redrawing when I turn around. ARMA2 option : 1920*1200 Fillrate - 100% Texture Detail - Normal Video Memory - Very High Anisotropic Filtering - High AA - Disabled Terrain Detail - High Objects Detail - High Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Disabled Visual Distance - 3000
  11. When I set Texture Detail to Very High than I have similar artefacts. When I set Texture Detail to High, than I don't have artefacts but I can see textures and lods redrawings in heavy geometry locations. When I have Texture Detail=Normal and Video Memory=Very High with AA=Disabled than I receive HUGE performance increase and it removes constant and annoying texture redrawing when I turn around. I have good performance and I don't have any artefacts. I just want to note that my video card has 1Gb of memory installed. ARMA2 option : 1920*1200 Fillrate - 100% Texture Detail - Normal Video Memory - Very High Anisotropic Filtering - High AA - Disabled Terrain Detail - High Objects Detail - High Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Disabled Visual Distance - 3000
  12. I found that if I have Texture Detail=Normal and Video Memory=Very High with AA=Disabled than I receive HUGE performance increase and it removes constant and annoying texture redrawing when I turn around. ARMA2 option : 1920*1200 Fillrate - 100% Texture Detail - Normal Video Memory - Very High Anisotropic Filtering - High AA - Disabled Terrain Detail - High Objects Detail - High Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Disabled Visual Distance - 3000
  13. This trick doesn't work for me but I found better solution. I found that if I have Texture Detail=Normal and Video Memory=Very High with AA=Disabled than I receive HUGE performance increase and it removes constant and annoying texture redrawing when I turn around. ARMA2 option : 1920*1200 Fillrate - 100% Texture Detail - Normal Video Memory - Very High Anisotropic Filtering - High AA - Disabled Terrain Detail - High Objects Detail - High Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Disabled Visual Distance - 3000
  14. Vipera

    Rockets in cobra

    I can't switch weapon to another type even if I am in the "Manual fire" mode. My AI gunner switches weapon himself. For example, I have a cannon selected and I have "Manual fire" mode ON. I start to shoot or select new target and my current weapon switches to something else. It's so annoying.
  15. Vipera

    Out of memory CTD

    Don't forget that ARMA2 is written for 32 bit OS. It means that any application can acquire maximum 2 Gb of RAM.
  16. If you use Win7 or Vista OS than your CFG files are in \Users\Documents\ArmA 2\ folder
  17. Vipera

    Mi24 Hind problem

    Do you mean AI controlled Mi-24? When I fly myself I don't have this kind of problem.
  18. Press button "0" on numpad to use optics.