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Everything posted by Vipera

  1. I have installed Catalyst 10.8 and bug disappeared. PS: After long searches I found that iTracker2 software is causing this problem.
  2. This is not a noticeable drop what I'm talking about. I have noticeable drop from 60fps to 30fps in 3d person view.
  3. It is so strange... When i just installed beta patch 72716 i found that stuttering has disappeared. I was so happy that this problem has been fixed. But next day when I started game I found that stuttering is here again. What is wrong? PS: I will try do delete beta patch and install again.
  4. Vipera

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    It is so strange... When i just installed this beta patch i found that stuttering has disappeared (stuttering caused by wheel tracks described here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103753). I was so happy that this problem has been fixed. But next day when I started game I found that stuttering is here again. What is wrong? PS: I will try do delete beta patch and install again.
  5. I have found that huge stuttering is coming from wheel tracks behind vehicles. I can disable wheel tracks only turning shadows off. How can I disable wheel tracks but leave shadows?
  6. I have huge stuttering from wheel tracks behind vehicles. I can disable them only turning shadows off. How can I disable wheel tracks but leave shadows?
  7. This is defenetely not a Vsync issue. I don't have fps drop with Arma2 and Vsync ON (I have Win7 64bit and ATI video card, so I can't disable Vsync in CCC). I have found ATI Tray Tools which allowed me to set Vsync OFF. But it doesn't help. I still have fps drop to 20 fps from 60. PS. In first post I forgot to say one important thing. You have to switch to external view when you make your tests! I have fps drops ONLY when I drive vehicle in external view. It could be linked to the dust particles behind vehicles because when I drive bicycle in external view there is no fps drop.
  8. Vipera

    Noise and static on screen

    Try to install another version of driver. I had similar "snow" effect with one driver. I can't say 100% that this is driver problem.
  9. I have similar problem. Check my post here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103753 Try to turn off shadows at all. I hope this is temporary solution and developers will look at this problem.
  10. Vipera

    Artifacts in the Arrowhead Demo.

    Are you talking about these squares? I have them when video driver crashes. I have to restart my computer to remove them. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. Vipera

    OOM CTD problem with ArmA 2

    I'm sorry to say but I gave up. I'd like to finish campaign but I was tired to start the same mission again and again. :(
  12. Vipera

    OOM CTD problem with ArmA 2

    It was a bug #6281 on CIT. I don't know if it has been solved. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/6281
  13. Vipera

    New beta for OA 71952

    I have exactly same problem with video memory switched to Very High. I can't utilize my 2 Gb video memory because of stuttering and slow LOD switching.
  14. I'm sorry if this was already asked. If I order game from Sprocket do I have to deal with activation/deactivation limits? Because I want to order using Steam just to prevent activation/deactivation limits.
  15. I also wish to split Bloom and Blur in game config.
  16. Vipera

    Troubles shooting with artillery

    Try to press "Ins" on numpad.
  17. Vipera

    Lack of multiplayer teamwork.

    I could sign under each word Lamerino said. I totaly agree with everything he said. I had a big experience playing BF2:Reality Mod and I can say that teamwork should be enforced by mission makers. If goals could be reached by "Rambo" style than there is no reason to make squads. I have tried different ARMA2 styles and I play only Warfare now.
  18. Vipera

    New beta build 70313 is up!

    Unfortunately game still crashes in MP (CTI).
  19. May I answer? I have next files on RAMDisk: buildings.pbo buildings2.pbo buildings2_Ind_CementWorks.pbo chernarus.pbo chernarus_Data.pbo plants2_Bush.pbo plants2_Clutter.pbo plants2_misc.pbo plants2_Plant.pbo plants2_Tree.pbo rocks2.pbo structures.pbo ----------------------------- Total 2.2 Gb
  20. Vipera

    New beta build 70313 is up!

    New beta is awesome! I've tested 70313 with -exThreads=3 and i can say 'Waw'! I've lost fps a bit but overall performance is incredible! I took helicopter and flew over the Chernarus in editor. Gameplay is very smooth and constant. I can't see fps drop when I use zoom even if I zoom to big city! And I was not able to crash ARMA2 in my test mission where I was able before. But I still use RAM disk for some files. I'm HAPPY today and I will test MP tomorrow. Thanks a lot dev team and keep moving forward! PS. When I started game with new beta first time i saw video artefacts as a green dots "snow" all over the screen. When I changed resolution back and forth they disappeared and I can't see them again even after game restart.
  21. I've tested 70313 with -exThreads=3 and i can say 'Waw'! I've lost fps a bit but overall performance is incredible! I took helicopter and flew over the Chernarus in editor. Gameplay is very smooth and constant. I can't see fps drop when I use zoom even if I zoom to big city! And I was not able to crash ARMA2 in my test mission where I was able before. But I still use RAM disk for some files. I'm HAPPY today and I will test MP tomorrow. Thanks a lot dev team and keep moving forward!
  22. Game still crashes and textures are loading too slow. And I lost 2 fps with new build in benchmark missions.
  23. Where can I find information how to use guided missiles in helicopters? I found that TAB button doesn't select target for my gunner. I have to choose targets for gunner using '2' key and select target from list. But in this list I can't find target what I would like to hit first. How can I select target for gunner which is in my point of view and why TAB button doesn't work? What is purpose of TAB button now?