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10 Good

About Rythmshifter

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  1. Rythmshifter

    [Campaign] Operation Dutch

    this campaign so far, has been the best arma 2 experience I've had yet. THANK YOU!
  2. I seem to have some kind of bug where my team mates wont use their rifles, when I use any mods at all. ACE, zeus, gl4, slx, I've tried isolating all of them and it only works right with vanilla OA. anyone heard of this problem? to be more exact, the guys will switch to binocs and then to pistols and will fire at the enemy at assault rifle range with their pistols. not much fun.
  3. Rythmshifter

    Real Mortars by Jones

    where do I put the SQF and SQM files? I am guessing this is the reason nothing happens when I left click the map in the editor?
  4. Rythmshifter

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    in multiplayer, at least in the maps I played, you always respawn where you die. is that normal? how does that even make sense?