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Everything posted by grub

  1. Try this out my brother. Written for Armed Assault but principle is still the same. There are lots of good reads on editing around the internoodle, so get googling:D
  2. You should post this in the addon suggestions thread, who knows, you may get a bite as it is a good idea, just lots of work.;)
  3. grub

    Community Awards. . .

    Well done everyone, nice one. :D To those being hard on Placebo + team, pfft, at least he was bothered at all, sure he's having second thoughts now though.
  4. Keep up the great work guys, all us Aussies really really appreciate the time your spending on this. With Project AUS on the way too its all very cool.
  5. grub

    The Main Problems of Arma/Arma 2

    Wow this is a great thread for absorption. Its been said already but I just want to say I agree. ArmA2 is way more flashpointy (its a word) than ArmA. And again with the new AI and Islands it feels to me that its everything OpF wanted to be but couldn't. BI, in my opinion are just getting it down pat with new technology at hand. I think as fans we can expected great things to come both from the community and BI. Love BI, if they were female I'd be too intimidated to talk to them. I'd just head over to Ubisoft or Illusion and have a chat.;)
  6. Ahh, cheers. That's a real bummer as all the stuff made available was of excellent standard. Tis a shame I have no addon experience (apart from using them :D) as its an awesome project. I hope Acacyn gets around to finishing it, or gets some help. Cheers dude.
  7. OFP? huh. Little more info...
  8. grub

    Will it ever be fixed?

    That's probably your best shot apart from that you should be sweet. I too had to have a major upgrade but well worth it.
  9. That would be great, so much potential in ArmA 2, nice work. Only thought it might be George due to it being free :D.
  10. Can anyone tell me why GaW didn't get released in OpF? Was it not completed or was it George?
  11. I'm sure this is in troubleshooting if you look. ;)
  12. grub

    Thank you Bohemia! A tribute

    That was fan-tastic mate. Absolute gold...
  13. grub

    Will it ever be fixed?

    You obviously didn't play OpF? ;) It'll take a while to nail all the bugs as said previously. Or it could be your rig. What are your specs?
  14. Wow, I had a very similar experience. I too sat for hours watching in awe as my friend Ryzie attempted to 'steal a car' with some important documents inside. I watched this mission unfold to a soundtrack of birds chirping and a dog barking in the distance. It was nothing like I had ever seen before and from that day on I was addicted. I still make my own little missions to this day. My wife often walks in and says sarcastically "this sounds like a fun game" as all she can hear from the other room is clicking. I then show her the finished product and she says "Right? And?". "And? And? do you know how long it took me to get that whole scenario to happen that way? Ha ha ha. Oh well. One day she'll be impressed. Maybe ArmA 2 will blow her away (not literally) Like Nettrucker said "Good to see I'm not the only "addict"! LOL!":D
  15. grub

    Where do you live?

    True, true. Very good, I take it all back. Thanks for the new poll. :D
  16. Best game ever, been playing since 2001 but only joined Forums recently. IMO OpF is the greatest game ever made and I've played hundreds. I remember the first time I found myself alone in the forests of Everon, trying to make the evac deadline, I was literally freaking out:eek:. The game really immersed you to the point where you'd get sweaty palms and an increased heart rate. From then on in it just got better whether it was BI stuff or the community's work it was always gold. Even now when I play I'm still impressed with the game play and graphics. Am about to venture into ArmA 2 just waiting for Windows 7 to be released. Have a beautiful new rig built solely for the purpose. Cant wait. I could crap on for hours so I'll just say this. Cheers to BI and the OpF community for the greatest gaming experience ever created :ok:
  17. grub

    Where do you live?

    Australia is a continent. Realise Oceania, just saying though...
  18. Let the guy suggest shit as per the thread. I was one of those few that smiled when the F1's, so loved from OpF, came to ArmA2. A battle ship may not bring you joy TB, but as suggested as part of a Mod, maybe. Not having a go, just wondering why so, you know.:butbut:
  19. Awesome work mate. Desert re skin would be good if you get the chance, but we are all happy with what you've done for now, aren't we guys.:D
  20. grub

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    Dude i wasn't seriously asking him to put all his work on hold for ArmA2.
  21. grub

    Project Aus

    In that case; To all involved in this project- You are doing a great job and the rest of the community really appreciate it. Thanks again.
  22. grub

    Ofp in notebook

    Okay, good good. Enjoy.:D
  23. Nice. Downloading now. Cant wait to explore