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Everything posted by blakeace

  1. Updated Version 0.5a available in the first post. Changed Flir colour from green to white. Added Lase indicator to the camera view. Added Grid reference of SP to the camera view. Added current weapons name and ammo amount to the camera view. Changed hud colours to be either bright or dark options only. Changed the camera info to be either black or white dependant on the hud colour settings. Added the ability to fire weapons from the camera view, keyboard only, watch key. (Joysticks with the ability to assign key strokes may be able to use that function to fire from the stick - not tested). Added mouse support for moving the camera. Thanks Jumpartist and Michael from Armaholic for the feedback :) Not sure if you are the same person or just very similar views?
  2. blakeace

    Blake's Mirrors

    Updated Version 1.0 download on first post v1.0 (Only in EE version) Changed the way key presses are detected. Now using CBA Key Management for a more robost detection. Changed the drivers key press from hold breath to toggleweapons. @W0lle - Thanks for fixing my titles.
  3. I have been playing around with syncing the light to the pilots view. So if you to your right the camera will pan around to the right. I have a version, but it is ground oriented atm, so if the helicopter spins, it takes longer to track in the spin direction. So I want to convert it to be helicopter oriented so that the yaw of the helicopter doesn't affect the rate of movement of the light.
  4. @Old Bear and Foxhound Thanks as always. Thank you, 1. That's no problem, just went green on a whim playing around with it :p. 2. In flir view or everywhere? 3. Buttons can get a bit hard, esp if people are using multiple mods. I have tried to at least colour code and prioritise with the more important ones near the top. Which items do you feel are really time critical that need buttons? 4. That shouldn't be to hard I think. Will investigate mapGridPosition 5. No probs I'd say. 6. This is actually purposely designed this way. Think of it as a simple visual representation of the more basic navigation instruments. Designed to focus the pilot in the correct direction without pinpointing a location. If the aircraft has extra equip like the camera and the laser, then is the ability to lase the position and target that for extra accuracy. If you have only the camera, it enables you to get a mental picture of what you are trying to see. This way it focuses on the air to ground communication aspect which is the basic foundation behind this mod. Between the box and the zoom key I find it isn't hard to find most targets. Except where there are many similar structures, then it is up to the JTAC to help with his tools, either directions, smoke etc, cold runs to ensure the pilot is correct. Plus there is always the rush when you hear a frantic wave off call :p 7, Will do some tests. 8. Thanks, and thank you for your feedback :). From comments at armaholic's news page, better answered here. Should be already, tested on my small test server, and the ai not grouped with me could see it and target the laser. I have add a publicvariable command to it. I think I remember reading once it helped to broadcast a created object making aware quicker on other clients. See if that helps on the next version. I should be able to add a keyboard option, though unless you have a joystick where you can custom map key strokes you would need to use the keyboard to use it. Limitation of getting feedback when in that mode. Cheers Blake.
  5. I basically use a technique similar to what I was taught when I started lessons on fixed wing aircraft. I hold the desired attitude with the controls and slowly adjust the trim until the controls are in a neutral position; requiring no real force to hold them there. E.g. Hold the joystick and rudders until you obtain a nice level forward flight. You will be holding the joystick off center, so you are fighting the springs desire to return to the centre position. I have the trim set on my X 52 pro with cyclic trim on a hat and the rudder on two buttons each side (my pref). If I am pushing the stick to the right I slowly tap the trim, while at the same time adjusting my joystick so that the same attitude is maintained. Watching would see my hand slowly move to the centered position on the joystick. On the screen the helicopter would remain in the same attitude basically. Same process is used for the pitch, yaw. My system is to focus on each one on it's own. The order I do them in is usually to start with the most extreme axis first. Every time you alter any aspect of the flight you will need to re-trim. Eg climbing descending etc. Never flown a helicopter so I cannot comment on any real world rotor training techniques. Hopefully one day :) Hope this helps. Blake
  6. Ouch! At least with the guns there is the option of using smoke or WP depending on the mission designers desires. Mortars I don't think are to devastating, in all my tests which is the included WP mission there always seems plenty of opfor still fighting back after the WP rounds ended. Though I never did any real head counts. By spawn, do you mean using the spawn mode from the artillery module, or by createvehicle just out of curiosity? No worries mate, I've had my own massive share of face plant moments, just not going to out myself with them here :p
  7. Updated Version 0.4a available in the first post. Altered the locking algorithm as it was conflicting with targeting vehicle objects. Added IR and white hot, black hot thermal modes for the camera. Keyboard only, zoomout key. Default "numpad -" to cycle through the modes. Changed the daylight camera to colour. Increased the rate of movement for slewing the camera. Added RST SP action menu. Allows better functionality with other mods. Example [FRL] Myke's missle Box JDAM addon also requires the onmouseclick functionality. Selecting this after using the gps dialog for the jdam will restore the onmouseclick functionality for repositioning the steerpoint. Added menu item SP-ACRFT Selecting this menu item will set the sp marker to the aircrafts current position. Useful for marking up something unexpected without needing to bring up the map. Added menu item SP-LOCK Selecting this menu item will set the sp to the currently locked target if it isn't an aircraft. Guns no longer fire using the PINS fire default watch.
  8. I'm glad you like it. The ai will use under the right circumstance. SADARM - In my testing this did make a mess of the enemy armours paintwork much of the time. Very effective actually. The effectiveness of these rounds depends on how accurate the fire mission is. The submunition is actually quite small, so if it misses, it only creates a small impact. If the initial charge goes off to far away from the vehicles below the submunitions won't be able to sense the vehicles. Try running my sample mission a few times. Sometimes they decimate the armoured group, other times they aren't accurate enough with leading the targets and the group gets away. I've also seen a few near misses as well. Generally I find if they hit one, it forces the others to stop which makes future fire missions easier against static targets. Which is what occurred when I created the video. All shots in that video were from only one run of the mission. WP - Used more for screening a planned assault on an position. Not sure if it does any damage. Requires certain waypoint conditions for the FO's group for it to be used. Smoke - As above. ILLUM - May use at night if the FO doesn't have NVG's. HE - Default round type used for most occassions. The artillery needs to have these magazine types added to them for the special rounds to be used. The artillery module doesn't seem to track how many rounds the guns use, so they by default have unlimited numbers if that magazine is added. Still thinking of the "nicest" solution to the unlimited numbers. The spawned mortars if used get ILLUM,HE only by default.
  9. Updated version 1.2 available in the first post. Version 1.2 Fixed Displaying of the artillery ranges broken in 1.1 Added sample missions If the module has any valid artillery objects synced to it, it won't create it's own mortar units. Validity is performed by checking whether the unit has an artilleryScanner in it's config. That is the best way I have found to check for valid units so far. Are the arty objects valid one's which will work using the default artillery modules coding which this addon draws upon? There isn't two instances of the module one over the other where making the syncs look valid, but half are going to one, and the other half to the second? I have done some tests to try and replicate in some way your results and am unable to do so. Syncing order doens't matter other than for the first FO if spawning units via the module, and for which FO you want as the reference to the debug range display readout. Check whether the units are valid artillery units, else they are just considered FO's by the module. They start as null until they get defined in the module. This process takes a short while to complete. The new version I just uploaded includes some sample code using the counter in the sadarm mission. Nothing special it just displays the total number of missions called. No, only one unit from the group needs to be synced to the aiFO module. No if a valid editor placed object is synced to the module, then no mortars will be created. If a mortar is being created the other units are not considered valid artillery units for some reason. Yes, there is a counter created for each seperate FO. they are object variables use the name of the object you want to check to see that units amount. Unless the mods actually change the artillery objects configs, it would be doubtful they would conflict. That said it is always easier to ensure you have found the right cause by eliminating any other noise :) I'm sorry but I haven't been able replicate your issues, I hope the answers above will help in some way. Try the new versions sample missions and see what results you get there. These use editor placed units. Hope this helps Blake.
  10. Does the script use the reveal command to help the pilot have the best chance of finding the laser target? The new alternative syntax allows you to set the knowledge value.
  11. Updated Version 0.3a available in the first post. Version 0.3a Changed control of the weapons systems to the gunner if there is one on the aircraft. Changed the binoculars key to be a toggle on toggle off for the flir cam, Hold breath is still only while held.
  12. Updated Version 0.2.1a available in the fist post. 0.2.1a Fixed a couple of incorrect strings which caused certain menu items to function incorrectly. Thanks HonO for the find :) Thanks HonO, I appreciate the great informative feedback, I believe I have addressed these in the latest update. Thank you Blake. I'm glad you got it sorted. I'll be sure to keep you updated. Thanks Blake
  13. Blake's Trim Indicator Version 0.2 alpha Requirements TOH version of CBA. History 0.2a Added colour indicator when trim items are zero(Blue). Added Indicator displayed when watch is displayed. Introduction After reading about this Idea here I thought yes I would really like that. So I created one for myself. Hopefully there will be an official one in the future where you can setup it's position like the gps etc, but it is better than nothing. Features Displays a small image at the bottom of the screen showing the current trim positions, whenever the values are altered when using manual trim adjustment. The display will slowly fade away when no adjustments are adjusted. Download Community Base Addons https://rapidshare.com/files/3811106411/Blakes_Trim_Indicator_v0_2a.rar
  14. Updated to version 0.2a First post updated with the new download. History: 0.2a Changed how I detect the anim states from read of the config to checking the animation phase. Allowing the use of adding components from the vehicles init field. 0.1a Initial release. I just tried it myself and it downloaded ok. Maybe rapidshare was having issues? Tried the autopilot which is the oldest TOH addon, and it still works. I know they eventually get deleted from rapid share once they haven't had any download activity but at this stage all are still available as far as the TOH stuff goes. Let me know if you still can't download them. Cheers Blake.
  15. Thanks I'm glad you like it. In it's current state, the mod will override any animations altered in the init as it derives the helicopters animation states from within the config. Adding dynamically using the parts truck is the only way to customise the helicopters atm. I know very little about dialogs, I can alter the PIP size, but not the frame. So at this stage no. Any dialog experts here who know how to either remove or resize the frame?
  16. Updated Version 0.2.4a available in the first post. Added ability to show the sling cam in the action screen. Decreased the time it takes the loader to attach loads to six seconds. Increased the maximum speed while the loader is loading to better suit players not using autohover. Changed the camera code to be compatible with my Mobile parts cameras. Camera requires batties to be on before being able to turn on.
  17. blakeace

    Helicopter Lights

    When you are in the helicopter, hold down by default the ALT key. This will display the action buttons. Mouse over until you find the collision lights and the landing lights. Picture is from an unrelated post, but it shows one of the action buttons, highlighted one is for turning off the action screen overlay.
  18. I'll try and remember too :)
  19. blakeace

    Blake's PRADAR

    I'm glad you like it. At this stage, you need to change the items when you start you first mission. The settings should then be persistent until you end arma. I actually have some code in there from playing around with parsing data from a file that contains user settings, but then an error occurs if that file isn't present. I haven't found a way of intercepting the error and preventing it from displaying. So didn't finish it and have many people start missions with an error every time. I didn't want to setup a user config for the following reasons http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1911930&postcount=2
  20. I have thought about that, and with helicopters. Up until now it hasn't been a priority, but I was intending to have an experiment to see what would be required to implement something on those aircraft that have a dedicated gunner.
  21. Updated version 0.2a released. See first post for download. Version 0.2a Added config check to increase the number of valid weapons recognised opfor laser missiles now work Fixed incorrect laser for opfor side Added basic check to redirect lasers that are under buildings onto a face of the bounding box Added generic lock cone for laser guided weapons Added lock indicator when laser weapons have acquired the laser. (Small circle) Added CBA keys handler to allow the use of the keyboard with some functions Binocular key can be used insitu of the hold breath key. The keyboard lookleft etc keys will now move the flir camera around if available. The zoomin key has better response through CBA handler. Added line of sight check to the laser, no need to keep refreshing via the flir camera. The laser will still revert to armed from on after 2mins of not using the camera.
  22. Try this way, The syncing is only important with reference to the artillery module you create, as the code within the artillery module only looks for synced units at the start of it's execution. So create anything you want to sync with it prior to creating the module, then ensure you syncronise everything immediately after creating the artillery module. You also need to ensure you have waited until the module has initialised fully before sending a fire mission. I have placed a waituntil where the function inside returns true when the artillery is available. Try this, spawn only used for quick testing, _this refers to the player character I placed this code into for testing. Replace with your variables as required. Remove the spawn aspects, it is just used to execute the code without having to create any script files. Left in for quick testing of the code. To test this as is, place an opfor player unit in editor, place the code in it's init line. Place another unit called westbase and preview. Sleep 20 at the start is to show nothing is occurring at mission start. sh = this spawn { private ["_art1"]; _spawnpos = getpos _this; sleep 20; _artyVehicle = "2b14_82mm" createVehicle (_spawnpos); _HQ = createCenter EAST; _grp = createGroup EAST; _artyMan = _grp createUnit [typeof _this, _spawnpos, [], 10, "FORM"]; _artyMan moveInGunner _artyVehicle; sleep 0.1; _LogicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _LogicGroup = createGroup _LogicCenter; _art1 = _grp createUnit ["BIS_ARTY_Logic", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""]; _art1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [leader _grp]; [leader _grp] call BIS_ARTY_F_initVehicle; _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", ((round (random 1))+0), ((round (random 2))+6)]; waituntil {[_art1,_heTemplate] CALL BIS_ARTY_F_Available}; [_art1, ((round (random 150))+100)] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion; [_art1, getPosASL westBase, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; }; Hope this helps Blake
  23. Just wondering if anybody else has had a play around with the bis_fnc_pip function? My issue is, if I call the function from within a spawn command, using the optional parameter 3 I get the camera's view in the helicopters monitor "rendertarget0". I also get the action screen overlay plus the action buttons to toggle the actionscreen off and on. If I try and call the function using the same variables within a script, or addon, I fail to get the action screen or the action buttons to toggle it off and on. The camera view does display in the helicopters monitor "rendertarget0". Examples of both would be my posts above. I have had a nose around in the function and it seems to call itself multiple times to enable all the components, but I have as yet not seen why I get different results. I have been able to hack it apart and enable the action screen and action buttons, though I am probably bypassing many of the safety checks built into the function. So far I have been unable to resolve if it is my incorrect interpretation of the function, or something within the function causing this? As a bonus for those that made it to the end :) Quick prototype of a PIP flyby script, place this code in your helicopters initialization field. You must have pip enabled. si = this spawn { _campos = (_this modeltoworld [50,150,20]); _camera = "camera" camCreate _campos ; _camera camPrepareFov 0.12; _camera camPrepareTarget _this; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", "rendertarget10"]; sleep 0.1; [objnull,objnull,-1,[1,"rendertarget10"]] call bis_fnc_pip; while {alive _this} do { if(speed _this > 0) then { _campos = (_this modeltoworld [50,150,20]); } else { _campos = (_this modeltoworld [50,-150,20]); }; if((_this distance _camera)>160) then { _camera setpos _campos ; }; sleep 1; }; };
  24. I missed these images at post 19, a belated looking really nice Sylle :)
  25. Update 1.1 available First post has been updated with a new version. 6sNzqCB5Cn8 Version 1.1 changes Added SADARM,WP and SMOKE firemission types if the artillery have those types of ammunition. Added check to gather if a unit is in combat, and alter lead values less if they are. Added the ability to add FO's dynamically during a mission. Added a check to terminate the FO's scripts if the artillery units are eliminated. Changed Blakes_Fall_of_shot marker displays round type and type of target to help mission designers with analysing their missions. Note the SADARM is very powerful, especially if used against human players. In the next version I want to add counters specific to each round type. Key points: How FO's call Smoke and WP. It is important for mission designers to note how I have limited the use of WP/Smoke to try and realise it's use in as realistic way as possible. If an FO's group's current waypoint is search and destroy or destroy, and their behaviour is set to be combat or aware; Then they will call for WP/smoke if available for the final part of their approach to that waypoint. If they know of any enemy, they will switch to calling HE and the like in preference to the WP/smoke. My thinking is that way it is used for assaulting possible enemy positions, and prevents it's use at inapproriate times. Adding a spawned unit as an FO. Use what you named your AIFO module where AIFO_module_name is in the example. Use the reference to the new unit spawned where New_unit_object is in the example below. waituntil {AIFO_module_name getvariable "AIFO_init"}; [New_unit_object,AIFO_module_name] CALL Blakes_Add_FO; As always constructive feedback and ideas are always welcome. Blake