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Everything posted by blakeace

  1. Updated 1.4.02 New version available on the first post. Added: Distance given in "debug" mode is referenced to the first artillery unit synced to the module if using placed units. Module is used for dynamically placed units. Added: Marker range circles showing ranges when using "debug" mode. Improved: FO's will now only call missions from one battery at a time if they are synced to multiple AI FO modules. If using multiple batteries and FO's will more likely spread the fire missions around the different FO's better.
  2. The module will give you the min and max range of it's artillery types plus the distance between where you have placed the module to the position of the first FO unit you synced to the module. You just need to add this to the init field in the AI FO module. this setvariable ["debug",true,false]; Sometimes you may need to restart the mission as I forgot to place a pause in to allow the values to be found :o In the next version I have included a small sleep to make it more reliable. I have also added the markers in the next version to give a better visual reference when placing units and using the debug feature. The other option is with any artillery piece, place it down sync it with the default BIS artillery module and place the following in the modules init field. Note: this is nothing to do with my module other than a way to find an artillery unit ranges. sh = this spawn { sleep 5; [_this,"HE"] CALL BIS_ARTY_F_LoadMapRanges; sleep 0.1; hint format ["MIN: %1\nMAX: %2",_this getvariable "ARTY_MIN_RANGE",_this getvariable "ARTY_MAX_RANGE"]; _markerstr = createMarker["markername",getpos _this]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _markerstr setMarkerSize [_this getvariable "ARTY_MIN_RANGE", _this getvariable "ARTY_MIN_RANGE"]; _markerstr setMarkerBrush "Border"; _markerstr setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; _markerstr2 = createMarker["markername2",getpos _this]; _markerstr2 setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _markerstr2 setMarkerSize [_this getvariable "ARTY_MAX_RANGE", _this getvariable "ARTY_MAX_RANGE"]; _markerstr2 setMarkerBrush "Border"; _markerstr2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; }; I use a sleep command at the beginning as I have found the BIS_ARTY_LOADED object variable doesn't seem to get set for some reason?
  3. To be honest I have no idea, I don't create addons to know what makes the artillery piece compatible with the bis artillery module. I do know the ACE 60mm mortar didn't work when I tested a long time ago. Sorry Harzach I'm not a server admin expert to answer this properly. I was under the impression that was the case as the code only runs on the server, with no part running on any client. As a precaution I have removed that sentence from the first post thanks. No there isn't a script version.
  4. Cheers Sjaba, no idea what is going here at all? I'll have a look but at this stage I don't know how it could be occurring to even start looking at how the rectify it?
  5. Try using getposASL. getposATL will measure the vehicles distance above the ground it is sitting on. It will only alter a very small amount with terrain and vehicle position/angle variations. getposASL measures the vehicle relative to the sea level position which stays constant while you either get further away or closer to it. sh = this spawn { while {alive _this} do { hint str((getposASL _this) select 2); sleep 0.1; }; }; Place the snippet of code in a vehicles init field to see how the z component of the position changes. Change the ASL to ATL in the code to see how that one doesn't really alter. Hope this helps Blake.
  6. Hi Rhys, the only requirement needed is the Community Base Addons. I use six updater for downloading my mods, or try Modsaholic.
  7. Documentation Omission Sorry I forgot to document on the video (now fixed) and in the download how to set which waypoint you want as the current waypoint. Shift + Alt + Click - on a waypoint sets it as the current waypoint. The blue marker denotes the current waypoint. @Sickboy - Thanks mate again! :) Cheers, I'm glad you like it. I have thought about it, I am using it in a UAV controller addon, hopefully I will release it soon in an alpha state. Though I was thinking it would be quite good somehow being able to add it to vehicles, emulating modern gps like devices?
  8. blakeace

    Blake's Autopilot

    Documentation Omission Sorry I forgot to document on the video (now fixed) and in the download how to set which waypoint you want as the current waypoint. Shift + Alt + Click - on a waypoint sets it as the current waypoint. The blue marker denotes the current waypoint. @Sickboy - Thanks mate :)
  9. blakeace

    Blake's Autopilot

    Updated Version 1.1 Available on the first post. V1.1 Added: NAV Computer to dynamically add waypoints. Added: Course mode (CRS) to alter the heading value to point to the current waypoint. Added: Clear all waypoints menu item. Hold zoomout to make visible in the menu. Fixed: Autopilot menu item duplication issue in multiplayer. 1.1 Additions Course Mode Button (CRS): Select this to have either the heading or terrain modes update to direct towards the current waypoint. Clear waypoint data action menu item. Requires zoom out to be held for it to be visible. I removes all the current waypoints. NAV Computer: Use this to create a new or alter and existing set of waypoints. Markers - Red current editing position. Blue current waypoint for the group. Shift Left Click - Add a new waypoint at that position. The last waypoint created is always a Cycle waypoint. Left Click - Select the current editing point. Current point id highlighted with the red marker. Added waypoints are inserted after this point. Alt Left Click - If near enough to a waypoint position it will delete that waypoint. The last point cannot be deleted. kH334o1xot0
  10. Updated Version 1.1 New version available on the first post. V1.1 Added: NAV Computer to dynamically add waypoints. Added: Course mode (CRS) to alter the heading value to point to the current waypoint. Added: Clear all waypoints menu item. Hold zoomout to make visible in the menu. Fixed: Autopilot menu item duplication issue in multiplayer. 1.1 Additions Course Mode Button (CRS): Select this to have either the heading or terrain modes update to direct towards the current waypoint. Clear waypoint data action menu item. Requires zoom out to be held for it to be visible. I removes all the current waypoints. NAV Computer: Use this to create a new or alter and existing set of waypoints. Markers - Red current editing position. Blue current waypoint for the group. Shift Left Click - Add a new waypoint at that position. The last waypoint created is always a Cycle waypoint. Left Click - Select the current editing point. Current point id highlighted with the red marker. Added waypoints are inserted after this point. Alt Left Click - If near enough to a waypoint position it will delete that waypoint. The last point cannot be deleted. kH334o1xot0
  11. I have a UAV vehicle which started as a test bed for my autopilot mod and has accidentally grown into it's own addon. It's noy quite finished, but I filter for aricraft with feed differently with it that doesn't involve range. I'll look at how I did that and see if I can alter the rover code. Question: On this topic; does anybody know if the rover terminal requires line of sight with the aircraft to properly receive a feed? With the new terrain intercept commands this could be fairly easily implemented into the terminal code.
  12. Thanks I'm glad you like it, no I'm not looking at creating a script version, being a constant work in progress it is a pain to try and maintain different versions for everything sorry.
  13. At the moment that is hard coded into the addon. The only work around I can suggest is to establish contact whilst the pilot is within 5km of the rover terminal, once a connection is made there isn't actually any checks for distance. As long as you didn't want to switch between different feeds you could get around it that way.
  14. Updated Version 1.4.01 Available in the first post. Just a small update that utilises the new-ish SunOrMoon and MoonIntensity commands allowing FO's with no augmented vision to better utilise their artillery. No idea if flares affect detection but it greatly improves the overall ambience. Version 1.4.01 Changed the code checking for night to be more realistic. FO's now mix up the ILLUM/HE combination differently depending on the amount of ambient moonlight at night using the moonIntensity command. Night time is found more correctly using hte night SunOrMoon command. Changed the AI schedule ILLUM/HE missions with realistic spcing rather than randomly selecting which type on a percentage like die roll. Changed the prediction algorithm slightly to reduce fire mission calculation time. Added a sample mission to observe the new ILLUM changes, Note the FO's still require themselves to not have NVG's for them to call ILLUM. Fixed report log when trying to add binoculars to a unit that already had a pair. OsX1iANNogk
  15. Updated version 1.03.01 Just a small update to fix a couple of small issues. Available from the first post. Version 1.03.01 Fixed: Bomb pipper staying visible when non bomb weapons selected. Fixed: Action menu item duplication in multi person aircraft. Thanks Jumpartist and Sjaba for the feedback :)
  16. That would have been frustrating! I think I have come up with a quick effective solution to the duplication issue. Just doing some tests locally and I hopw to find time to package it up in the next day if nothing ugly pops up. Part of the problem is when I first started on this I was focused almost solely on the harrier as the development platform which is also a single seater :P
  17. The addon requires you to either start in the aircraft or getin the aircraft to that the get in eventhandler fires to initiate then scripts sorry. @Jumpartist and Sjaba; does the doubling up occur during MP when in an aircraft with two people? I don'y use this in MP so really just guess the coding for that area most times :( I know the autopilot action menu item currently duplicates when getting out and back in an aircraft at the moment. That has been fixed and I'm just currently testing it with other additions before uploading to the community.
  18. Try storing the reference to the dialog in the uiNamespace. See DeadFast's post here for an example This should sort your issue out. Blake
  19. Cheers guys I'll have a look at it and get back to you.
  20. Okay I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve exactly? To determine if the object is within the players monitor FOV would most likely need: worldToScreen to convert the objects world position to it's screen position. SafeZone will allow you to determine if the objects screen position is within the viewable zone. terrainIntersect and lineIntersects can be used to check if the object is obscured by terrain or an object. Distance can be used if the script requires the object to be a certain distance from the player before the script commences. This should give you a start at least. Blake.
  21. I think parsetext is what you looking for to display the structured style of text.
  22. blakeace

    Blake's PRADAR

    Cheers mate as always it is appreciated. I believe the sticking could be liked with server strain. The other night I was admin and was monitoring the FPS on the server during a couple of games. The tags only seemed to stick and not update when the server was under strain and the FPS was being reduced to 14-15 FPS. The finer workings of arma are beyond me so not sure if it is due to a command waiting for updates from a server that is not coping and slow at delievering the data to clients, or the display system itself somehow tied in with having a low priority if to much is happening? If the server was running smoothly with good frame rates then PRADAR was smooth also.
  23. Would be nice, but not at this stage. I really only know how to render camera views atm. So all the overlay information wouldn't be there. Which is one reason I haven't gone down that route at this stage. The other is time which there never is enough of unfortunately.
  24. blakeace

    Blake's PRADAR

    Cheers mate, it is always appreciated and extremely helpful :) @Old Bear, Foxhound and Sickboy, as always thank you for what you guys do!
  25. blakeace

    Blake's PRADAR

    Updated Version 1.2.02 Available from the first post. 1.2.02 Changed: Compiled the main loop to help reduce the pausing. Changed: Minor timing tweeks Changed: Unit gathering command back to nearestobjects as I don't think that was making an impact. Changed: Made the list width larger. Added: Menu to turn all the PRADAR extras off. Removed: Action to allow dots to stay on constantly. Fixed: Where Icon labels displayed when player isn't the group leader. Changed: Now lists will dim as per the dot brightness settings.