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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. The ability to utilize grass to your advantage is just as much a skill as anything else. If anything grass as cover is one of the important pieces of "Field craft" that ARMA2 offers us.

    Therefore yes. It should be enabled for everyone. Performance issues can't really be accounted for. I cannot play Arma2 on my old P3 500, therefore noone should play it? Ridiculous.

  2. +1 for three buttons too.

    Another interface suggestion: The game should make use the Fireteam Structure more, especially with Marine Infantry having 3 of them.

    Some here certainly have played Full Spectrum Warrior or the second part Ten Hammers - in that game, you by default move the whole fire team or buddy team (two guys). They will stay together, cover their angles, and with a few simple key presses you can tell them to sort a target out.

    Commanding individual soldiers around is sometimes nice, but certainly not up to speed. A mix of "Three Buttons" and a Fire Team structure might work wonders.

    This is true. I often split my Squad into two sections whenever possible. Albeit more than two teams unfortunately becomes somewhat clumsy due to the way formations work. (Line. Odd numbers out left, Even numbers to the Right)

    If a three button approach were to be included, I'd like to see the same privileges of command given to the leaders of individual teams. That is the highest Ranking member withing a "colour formation" (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, etc) can also declare point or area fire, and Cover/Firm.

    Additionally I would enjoy seeing an automatic option in the team menu. That is automatically assign teams. (Its a bit of a chore to do this at the start of every mission)

    - K

  3. Ares Macrocorporation

    The idea of having Macros and being able to bind them to certain keys is a grand one. The reason I specifically framed the Three button approach in terms compatible with the current interface is because new allround rewrites to the AI are improbable at best.

    I'm guessing one of the reason why we've seen so few 'real' advanced in AI from opf days is because of the way it is built into the engine. Even so.

    Have you ever wished to..

    After a heavy firefight and...

    ...having cleared a village of hostiles you get reports of incoming troops. Your reinforcements are still a few miles away, and you have wounded. You must make a stand. With the press of a button you've set your men into a defensive mode (stance) and you can quickly establish a few choke points by setting up converging lines of fire. (area fire)

    While fully possible to accomplish with the current interface you just spend TOO much time micro-managing things. When I'm pressed for time I specifically don't want to worry about whether or not my soldiers are POINTED the right way. Or if my MG is standing up (like an idiot) and being cut down by the first wave, neatly disrupting my most important source of firepower.

    Have you ever crossed a ridge...

    With a full squad; acting on sounds. To find a motorized column lead by a BMP and a MG armed UAZ. The soldiers are just about to dismount from their URAL truck. QUICK! you must act! You can fumble around for your AT trooper (F7) and try to get him to attack the BMP. Next its time to rally the rest of your men. What about the jeep? By the time you've found your MG, half the enemy troop would have dismounted. Your advantage of surprise is lost.

    With the three button approach you would cross the ridge. Quickly mark the BMP for Point fire, lay a fire-corridor(area) on the URAL, and then demand a 40mm attack on the UAZ. All in the space of three button presses!

    Have you ever assaulted a village...

    In the dead of night, leading your six man troop of Force Recon. The best of the best. You are uncertain where the enemy is; you cannot proceed without risking a rear-wards assault. By placing your MG to cover one entire street; you've effectively cut the village in two. There is also the matter of the clock tower, potentially housing a sniper. A 40mm later... Now with greater optimism you can move forward and clear one section at the time.

    When the pressure is on, you must have tools you can depend on. While the current UI can do many of these things, they quire you to go through many levels and sublevels of fluff. In one word. SLOW. And in this game. Slow gets you killed.

    What its all about

    This is a game that very much centers around applying firepower or winning Fire-superiority. Yet the tools we are given are clumsy and clunky at best of times. The reason we want this functionality is simple. It is to save the most precious resource a squad leader has available. Namely time. Time enough to worry about tactics, time enough to look around, time enough to enjoy the game.

    Vote three buttons if you want this!

    Thank you,

    -Ken Mikkelsen

  4. The funny thing is. on my 285 GTX. While standing on the same spot. The differenc ebetween everything maxed out, and everything set on lowest is only 5 fps.

    There's something really wrong with this game.

    I have a 285 combod with a PhenomII (3.2ghz quad) and I've experienced the same. I notice very few performance changes accompanied by tweaking settings. (now I play with everything on high)

  5. Introduction and Intent

    So, Arma2 has hit us. Improved graphics, micro AI, huge campaign, and for most of us; surprising performance. Unfortunately the command interface has only made baby-steps from Operation Flashpoint days.

    To supplement the old system, we are given a so called context sensitive menu. While this is a great step forward, its implementation leaves something to be desired. Whats that you ask? SPEED. A Look-Find-Activate solution is an agonizingly slow procedure, particularly when bullets are flying and you are forced to rely on the inexact MouseWheel as a selection tool.

    Whats needed is a simpler and robust mechanic. Whats needed are KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS.

    Three Button Doctrine

    To effectively harvest the full potential firepower a fireteam or squad, there are generally two weapon systems that need be mastered and controlled. They are of course the machine gun and any AT weapons. Additionally there is the matter of surviving those first few precious second when the "shit hits the fan". Something which immediately prioritizes the survival of the team.

    Therefore what you need are three buttons. Direct Fire, Area fire, and Stance.

    Direct Fire

    1. Target

    The squad leader marks a target for Direct Fire; the game selects an suitable response as applicable to the target type.

    It functions by tasking an appropriate soldier, currently unassigned to any special task (such as movement or otherwise) with a task the Squad Leader demands. First a situation is presented in
    ; then a,b,c indicates the order of preference.

    refers to anyone armed with a rifle not currently performing a special task. Prioritize as follows.

    a. Rifleman

    b. Grenadier

    c. Sharpshooter or Sniper

    d. AT Gunner

    e. Medic

    f. Other

    -If the Target is a Man

    a. Sharpshooter or Sniper

    b. MG

    c. Any Rifleman

    -Target is a Man within 80 Meters

    a. Rifleman, possibly hand grenade

    b. MG

    -Target is a Hard Vehicle (tank or APC)

    a. AT gunner

    -Target is a soft Vehicle

    a. MG

    b. Rifleman

    2. Double Tap Direct Fire

    If the Direct Fire button is doubled tapped. This indicates that the squad leader wants a 40mm grenade placed in that general area. A Grenadier (anyone armed with a 40mm Grenade Launcher) is tasked with this.

    Area Fire

    1. Suppress

    This is a multipurpose fire-and-forget functionality that the Squad Leader can rely on when;

    - Expecting enemies from that direction.

    - Find a number of enemy infantry out in the open.

    - Needs to saturate or otherwise suppress a direction or zone.

    It functions by placing a CONE or Zone at the location marked by the Squad Leader that originates where the Squad Leader is currently standing. It calls a Machinegunner to move up to where this command was given; and 'Watch' that direction with the 'Engage at Will' order. He should wait for eight seconds, and if no target has presented itself rejoin the squad.

    If no Machinegunner is available a number of Riflemen are tasked with this with the following guideline. Based on the distance to the closest 'target' (bush, house, whatnot)

    -- Riflemen

    Within 100 Meters - One Rifleman.

    101-200 Meters - Up to Two Riflemen.

    201-300 Meters - Up to Three Riflemen.

    301-400+ Meters - Up to Four Riflemen.

    2. Press and Hold Area Fire

    This is identical to the main function, save that the machinegunner is under no time limit. He will lay there until specifically called back to join the squad.


    1. Go Firm, Seek Cover

    The Squad finds itself ambushed or otherwise surprised. The Squad Leader can access a simple and powerful battledrill that just might save lives!

    The squad goes through a few simple motions.

    1. Entire Squad goes Prone.

    2. Squad is set to DANGER roe.

    3. Squad attempts to establish 360 degree security

    4. Squad may fire at will.

    5. If no enemy is immediately seen, Seek Nearest Cover.

    2. Ambush, Press and hold.

    The need to set up a improvised ambush can come at any time.

    The Squad goes through the following motions.

    1. Squad is set to STEALTH

    2. Squad is set to Hold Fire

    3. Seek Nearest Cover, Hide.

    Press the button again to revert to the previous ROE, cancelling the effect of Ambush or Firm.


    By applying the three button doctrine consistently through the game, and augmented by the new context sensitive (look-find-activate) menu; one could greatly increase the efficiency and craft with which Squad Leaders lead.

    -- Direct Fire, removes a whole step in the target prioritization routines. Namely because the squad leader does not have to 'look' at his available soldiers. The leader merely focuses the attention of his squad. "That target needs to be eliminated. See too it!"

    -- Area Fire, grants the ability to designate fire-corridors and safe zones. All at the press of a single button! Additionally it permits squad leaders to engage enemy infantry without manually assigning each target. LOOK THAT DIRECTION, KILL THEM ALL.

    -- Stance, is there to buy you time. It codifies and simplifies many of the ROE options and makes them easily accessible. Ambush or respond to such with ease and confidence.

    Thank you for reading.

    -Ken Mikkelsen

  6. I'm guessing that half the reason why you are unlikely to see major improvements or alterations in ARMA2's damage system is simply a matter of competence.

    That is not to say that BIS are incompetent, far from it. It means that to design a realistic tank-damage-engine takes a high degree of familiarity and know-how. Bohemia have yet to display such intricate knowledge or are unwilling to spend the CASH to buy it for their commercial endeavors.

    Hence a facsimile, abstraction, or simplification that nevertheless emulates realism is more within reach.

    - K

    Edit: Cheers Cavendish.

  7. It is plenty obvious. The good and democratic chaps of the USA are always on the lookout for small democracies to defend the rights of. Particularly when that nation has few natural resources of any real value.

    I mean. You have gotta protect the American ideal. AROUND the world!

    Just like Sri Lanka.

  8. I absolutely agree that the armor system needs an update. Adding a damage-threshold type mechanic is a 'cost free' solution. While Arma2 will probably never become a TANK simulator; thats hardly the point.

    The point is to have a consistent, immersive, and BELIEVABLE game.

    Damage Resistance

    A simple way of adding an AP vs DR system would be something like this.


    [Damage]- Damage of the attack, by current formula.

    [AP]- Armour Piercing Quality, 0 - lots

    [DR]- Target Damage Resistance, 0 - lots

    Armor and Weapon

    0, unarmoured - 9mm or JHP

    1, Ballistic vest - 5.56

    2, Plated vest & soft vehicle - 7.62+

    4, fortified constructs - .50cal

    8+, Tank armour

    Damage sequence

    1. Compare AP to DR

    1a. If DR is greater => Divide Damage by DR goto #2

    1b. If AP is greater or Equal => Goto #2

    2. Deal Damage to hitpoint/location

    ---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

    : Therefore

    5.56 hits human wearing Ballistic Vest

    Arbitrary Damage value of 50

    5.56 AP of 1

    Vest DR is 1

    AP == DR

    Damage is 50 Health

    5.56 hits human wearing Plated Ballistic Vest

    Arbitrary Damage value of 50

    AP of 1

    Plated Vest DR is 2

    AP < DR

    Damage = 50 / 2(DR) ==> 25 Health

    5.56 hits Light Tank Backside

    Arbitrary Damage value of 50

    AP of 1

    Tank DR is 8

    AP < DR

    Damage = 50 / 8(DR) ==> 6,25 == 6 Health

    Boom. Tactics and a minimally faithful reproduction. Tweak numbers as necessary.

    - Ken

  9. Norway was supposed to have it today. When I checked with the stores, only Spaceworld had ever even heard of it. But they claim it won't be released until 3rd or Juli. and he even had two mails to confirm this. Wtf?

    Did anyone find the game in the Stavanger region? If so, PM me...

    For now, I'll just sink deep into the bottle.

    I hunted through all of Oslo today. No luck. It would appear that many of the mainstream game stores have no real plans to even stock it. You could try www.gamezone.no (Kristiansand) whom claim they will have it by the 7th of July.

    A real shame. I guess I may go for the internet download version after all then. *sigh*

