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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. *shrug* I think way to many people lean too heavily on the ACOG and other scope systems. I usually play with ironsights only and do plenty well. In fact I prefer simpler 'interface' provided by ironsights.

    The most difficult PvP situations are also the CQB ones (most variables) hence it makes sense to have an adequate solution for that as well.

    The greatest advantage offered by ACOG is in FoF recognition, I find most 'dangerous' engagements take place at sub-200 meters anyhow. On a busy server volume of fire easily deals with "static" AI at ranges beyond 200 meters.

    - k

  2. ah that, yes..

    Some of the additional information will be disabled because some are useless, example: An USMC AT soldier does not have the at symbol anymore because its very clear that unit is an AT unit. When you enter the vehicles, the icons will remain if gunner, driver etc.


    What happens when a bog standard rifleman picks up a M136?


  3. @Dwarden

    Certainly and with the speed of new patches that might very well be necessary. Also after making this thread I'm sad to say I might just have initiated an "every man for himself" as new 59875-threads seem to pop up all the time. That wasn't the case before methinks. :confused:

    Having said that; a Admin moderated thread, locked once the next RC is made available, would undoubtedly give a significantly clearer picture for all parties involved.


    I don't believe it! Any sufficiently advanced piece of technology is indistinguishable from magic. The improvements we've seen in the last few betas boogle my mind, judging by the state of ARMA2s initial release that level of improvement shouldn't have be possible.

    Ergo Arma2 is powered by magic, and as we all know different laws apply to the realm of the obscure and occult. Unbeknown to everyone but myself and a close circuit of investigators. Network goblins, bandwidth vampyrs, and anti-aliased shader elves have undoubtedly snuck their way into chernorus by now.



    edit: damnit. managed to drag my own creation ridiculously off topic. The last beta has not given me any specific problems, but neither has it brought any specific features to my attention. Overall better performance than 1.04 base.

  4. Important AI commands.

    7-7 Crouched mode

    Increases combat survivability and sheer visual look tenfold.

    Master MOUNT&DISEMBARK (4-x-x)

    You'll spend a lot of time getting in and out of transports.

    7-2 DANGER mode when stationary/defending

    Use danger mode only when you are surprised (reacting to contact) or holding an area. Otherwise you essentially kill the mobility&manoeuvrability of your squad.

    7-3 AWARE for everything else

    YES. particularly when conducting an ambush or similar. In stealth mode the AI is too concerned with getting behind things and hiding, and whilst this would in many cases be a welcome trait; the AI tends to sprint from concealment to concealment(which kind of defeats the purpose).

    MICROMANAGE only while defending.

    The less you tell your troopers to move (and who to specifically attack) the better. Micromanaging during an assault just tends to confuse your soldiers and produces distinctly silly/unrealistic situations.

    That we're equipped with... shall we say less than ideal... interface to handle the constantly changing nature of modern day fire fights doesn't exactly help things either. While defending (and when you've got the time for it) Individually assigning troopers to WATCH (left-alt) different directions can lead to good results.

    ENGAGE AT WILL, usually isn't worth it

    Tends to produce suicide rushes through enemy lines of fire. Ergo another body bag.


  5. please try use GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; or GPU_MaxFramesAhead=2;

    inside Your arma2.cfg

    Previously I had set both of these values to 1. The slight tweak did not make any noticeable difference to the mouse problem, save that I think I may have sacrificed one or two FPS.

    However I must stress that this ONLY happens in the menu, whilst in game, weapon in hand and boots on the ground; my mouse functions perfectly.

    In retrospect it may also be related to the fact that I keep my INGAME y-axis sensitivity almost double of the X-axis. This in order to give the mouse a more uniform performance.

    edit: Damnest thing. Reducing y-axis sensitivity to the same level as the X one did fix it somewhat. But the error only appears, and only in MENU(esc), when I have around 44-55 FPS. More or less than that; mouse acts with no problems. *shrug*


    (g9 logitech mouse, Quad-Phenom, 285 nvidia, all maxed, 5k view dist @ around 30-40fps in smallish scenarios)

  6. Anyone else notices mouse y-axis weirdness, apart from the two guys that posted?

    It seems strange that some have it and others not..

    Hi zeep (of Infiltration fame?)

    Since the BETAs I've been experiencing some weird mouse-lag in the menu. It happens frequently, but I must admit I haven't checked to see if it only affects Y-axis. Having said that I also updated my nVIDIA drivers around the same time... so there could be many culprits.


  7. 1.MODE

    Its a bit hidden but choosing the relevant units (f1-f10) then going into the MODE menu (press 7) you will find some pretty self explanatory ROEs

    Stealth, Aware, Safe, Danger. Having said that the default mode Aware functions very well for most situations. Frankly I find the AI to become somewhat less responsive when set to other modes.

    2. Action menu

    Select medic(F<n>) ACTION menu (press 6) usually the top option "Heal team leader" or similar.

    3. Special Forces capable

    I'm not entirely certain to what you are talking about, but it could be "special forces" indication. Basically the troop has the "hide body" option available.


  8. For the sake of our collective sanity. Why can't we break each release candidate into a separate topic. It certainly makes providing input and corroborating observations easier.

    [59873] Fixed: After spawning new types of entities via script, game could randomly freeze or crash.

    [59872] Fixed: Airplane, helicopter, car and ship control was lost while map was active.

    In the words of Sparks50. Now we'll just have to see what other hidden changes are present.

    Testing now.


  9. The parallax issue on the holosights and NVG that goes black when zoomed in are really annoying ingame, infact they are bordering on being gamebreakers when you feel you have to resort to scoped weapons just not to be fooled by the poor sights.


    Sometimes I miss the old operation flashpoint 2d 'ironsights' (which are really the same as the current acog, except less zoom.


  10. Bad performance isn't caused by animations. Trust me, there are already tons of them.

    The devil is in the details. If such a degree of care an attention were put in all animations; we'd have a better game.

    Frankly good animations will create an aesthetically realistic game which will ooze style. Far more so than merely upping the fidelity (polycount) of any 3d objects.

    Don't believe me? Watch a cartoon (like old Disney) which employs plentiful and varied animations. The overall effect is believable and captivating. Alternatively look for Ghost Recon (the old ones) a game which featured excellent animations.

    - K

  11. I vote easy to learn, hard to master. I like skilled fly-boys to be a slightly elite breed. Why not? If I vote time to master the ballistic model (and I have) I've learned tons of tricks; should it not be the same for pilots?

    Having said that I have through the three last games spent very little time flying. Even though I have a joystick sitting in a shelf (untouched in a box) within grasping distance, I've yet to bother. I play by gentling tapping the keyboard keys, and using the mouse as a "free-look camera". I might not be a master, but I get the job done.

    If someone is willing to dedicate the time and effort in learning to operate, handle, and tactically apply FLYING in a game? Well I APPLAUD THEM. I hope they recognize the value of the time me and my team spend training Assault and counter-assault techniques.


  12. I disagree. The DMR is a fucking weapon of mass destruction. AKM is a vicious beast in trained hands. M4 and its variants give you an excellent all round weapon system.

    It is unfortunate that Ironsights works so poorly in Arma2. Despite the lack of realism, I heartily recommend playing with crosshair reticule . (which contrary to some believe are excellent and in many ways more realistically than Ironsights)

  13. I had a similar experience like yourself. Albeit I usually played on VETERAN, or sometimes modded RECRUIT to allow for multiple saves, the missions save/bug out eratically enough as it is, and went to EXPERT. A lot of fun. I love how ARMA2 is one of the games that really rewards 'fieldcraft'

    Recently I've tuned 'down' to VETERAN in order to utilize the crosshairs. Most online servers play with crosshairs, and the Ironsights aren't very well implemented in ARMA2 as it is. *shrug* then again any game that isn't Infiltration for UT haven't done such a bang up job of ironsights but that is besides the point.


  14. Baby steps for a better game focusing on User Interface.


    * Minimizing the use of Action Menu is good design.

    * Creating specifically bindable buttons is good design.

    * Multi-functional buttons is good design.

    Single button Targeting Queue


    It would be nice to have a targeting queue of sorts that automatically assigns the nearest (with LOS) trooper to engage an appropriate target. Two queues would be necessary; one for personnel and soft targets, the other for hard or armoured vehicles.


    Manually assigning targets with the current system is both slow and cumbersome. Adding a single-button targeting queue would also go a LONG way in making player led AI troops a significantly greater threat.

    Improved Contact Reports


    AI of medium skill and higher should revert to using the CLOCK based contact reports of old. AI of high skill may if possible utilize contact reports by DEGREE or BEARING.


    “Rifleman spotted FAR to our LEFT†is a worthless contact report.

    Charged Hand Grenades + Handling


    Hand grenade utility could be greatly improved if A) they didn’t bounce like rubber balls. B) Press and hold fire button for increased ‘power’ for the throw. Holding the button for a longer time produces a longer throw.


    Currently Hand grenades are WAY to erratic to be employed in any meaningful manner.

    Satchel Charges and Vehicles Mines planted by AI


    An easier interface to get AI to plant both satchel charges and mines. Preferably a ‘point and click’ solution. Satchel charges planted by subservient AI soldiers should have their “touch off†option appear in the Human leaders Action-menu. (as if he planted them himself)


    Ever tried getting an AI to plant a satchel? It takes like 20 presses of various buttons to get it to activate a single satchel; and often it will be poorly planted! Likewise planting mines. If I lead a team of AI (all carrying mines) I just want to highlight some locations that I want a mine planted, and let the AI determine who goes where and does what.

    New Behaviour mode: ASSAULT


    Add a new behaviour pattern called Assault for use in MOUT situations or really any time you need your squad up, running and aggressive. Essentially a copy of DANGER save a focus on staying in formation AND crouched being the lowest acceptable stance.


    Combat in urban areas, or really just when you want to press forward is difficult to accomplish with AI soldiers in ARMA2. This could greatly help.

    Bind Buttons to Unit Command Actions


    It should be possible to bind any and command action to key button presses. Including

    Behaviour mode (Danger, Stealth, Aware, Safe)

    Movement (Advance, Flanking, Withdraw, etc)

    Team Selections (Red, Green etc)


    This is a very basic functionality that could permit people to greatly streamline the act of commanding a mob of sheep… errr sorry AI soldiers.

    Step Over Command Limited


    The step over command should instead be an “interact with environment†type button. If near to a low boundary such as a fence, the result should be stepping over. But if next to a vehicle it should be get in (cargo). If next to a stationary weapon, it should mean get it, and etc.


    Its already painfully annoying to accidentally press the step over command by mistake, the ballerina scissor jump across an invisible fence is not only achingly mood breaking but could easily lead to your death when accidentally pressed an an inopportune time.

    AI Formations


    AI formations should automatically spread out further when moving over open terrain, likewise AI formations should contract when moving into forests or Urban locations.


    Not only is it realistic, but also quite tactically sensible.

    Double Tap to select Fire teams


    I believe this functionality was present in Arma1. But if say soldier #2 is a member of fire team RED. Double-tapping F2 should select his entire team.


    Simpler and smoother interface.

    Fire teams Clearly stacked in Command UI


    All soldiers member of a fire team should occupy the same spot within the UI. A graphical representation perhaps a stacked on one another, or one reminiscent of the Operation Flashpoint vehicle listing could be adopted.


    Anything which makes utilizing fire teams easier is a god send.

  15. The human body is essentially one really big heat creating and dissipating engine. While modern military uniforms do have some anti-thermal uniforms effects, they are far from perfect (or all covering). A friend of mine who served in the Norwegian armed forces described how you could practically see handprints where people had been leaning (touching) walls.

    Having said that the BIS engine is created to emulate pre-1980s warfare on a 2001 hardware and does a poor job of displaying modern warfare.

    - K
