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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. Oldie but a Goldie

    I say bring back the floating zone tyranny of Operation Flashpoint days! Force it on for everyone. It is unquestionably harder to aim accurately with a larger floating zone. Therefore simulating how difficult it is to hit anything with 'unaimed' fire.

    As Daniel notes its not impossible to get used to it either.

    For the unethical all you need to have 'perfect' unaimed fire on servers with no reticule enabled, is merely a piece of tape or dot at the center of your screen. Even so for people like myself who have played quake since the dawn of time. (periodically without crosshair) making center screen hits is a piece of cake anyhow.

    Operation Flashpoint had it right. Full floating zone in unaimed mode; no float in optics/aimed mode. Reticule optional.

    Interesting possibility

    Another intriguing possibility is dynamic or variable floating zone. That is increased floating zone based on your current 'stamina' or 'breathing'. The logic is obvious, when tired its harder to make center-screen hits.


  2. source

    Sounds like the radio communications needs to be more human for ArmA2 and in a same way it must be also effective.

    Post in this thread what was asked.

    Far distances: (>200 (?!))

    Compass coordinates + Distance

    There is good point to use Compass Coordinates over certain distances, and in some vehicles, bearing is best.

    • Enemy man, North, 500m.

    • Enemy men (machinegunner/At soldier/etc), South East, 500m.

    Close distances: (<200 (?!))

    I agree that Compass Coordinates are just no good in quick situations.

    Right, Left, Front, Back, Up, Down.. should be used in these particular cases.

    • Man, 50m left!

    • Machinegunner, 10m right!

    Please help out and input examples.

    Ps- I liked how you input the text in OFP.

    edit: @mods: feel free to change the title of the thread.


  3. Aiming a weapon that is on your shoulders like in Arma 2 is super easy. In the game without crosshair and with floating zone on it becomes harder than real life, so how is that supposed to be realistic then?

    Operation flashpoint had it right. Floating zone FORCED ON when you werent 'using' optics/ironsights.

    Unrelated to the above post. In Arma2 its a bit of a misnomer to declare "unsighted" shots as 'hip'fire. Its not. Your weapon is still held at shoulder level; you are actually quite ready to rock and roll.

    The only unfortunate thing (which Infiltration did much better) was that even in unaimed mode your weapon model was significantly more 'center' to the screen. With some training it it was quite possible to make reasonably accurate shots using only the front-post. It should be like that in ARMA2 as well.


  4. 5 Steps to greatness

    • Bounding Steps are too short
      -While the current bounding distance (and time) may be theoretically correct, in practice it often proves inefficient. Often an AI soldier will end a bound between covers, such as the middle of a road. This would not be a problem if they did 'quick bounds' and only crouching; but when getting down involves going prone. They spend too much time posturing and not moving.
      -Increasing bounding distance by some 20-40% would be a functional compromise of realism and utility. Not to mention greatly speeding combat speed.
    • Immediacy of Commands (Get in, First aid, others)
      -When a commander orders a soldier to 'Get in' or 'Heal' whilst in combat mode; the AI will often spend an inordinate amount of time posturing, bounding, and messing about. With a human commander he will in a vast amount of situations have the foresight to provide area security before ordering any such thing. Finally in the dynamic nature of a firefight speed is often of the essence!
      -Therefore I suggest that AI commanded to perform those type of tasks; temporarily gets shifted to 'aware' mode.
    • AI does not recognize crouched position
      -Going crouched, perhaps to peek over the ubiquitous grasslayer or a low wall, is a death sentence for your AI subordinates. The AI will cheerfully stand up (no matter the ROE) and possible expose themselves both to enemy fire and observation.
      The AI should ideally recognize this.
    • Stealth mode in its current form is near useless
      -The latest beta makes it possible to go prone without triggering combat mode. Even so an AI set to stealth mode is entirely overconcerned with getting into cover, and will might run or even sprint to achieve it!
      -This works entirely against the purpose of sneaking and breaks the visual immersion. A simple fix would be to force a limited speed while STEALTH mode is used. The AI might bound or seek cover; but only while sneaking or creeping forward at slower speed.
    • Drop down to a knee
      -Sometimes when moving towards a possible enemy location I will order AI troops to take up overwatch positions. While they do so quite efficiently (often using cover in the process) they often stand up. When a squad leader orders someone to take a specific position; he often does so for a reason! In ARMA2 where weapons are accurate and deadly, being seen is often a death sentence.
      -It would be great if soldiers ordered to "stop" or "move-there" would prefer going crouched upon reaching their destination. Theyll be better hidden and better able to return fire.


    The new changes to DELTA and LINE(compact) are welcome. Albeit the new 'soft' formations somewhat limit the effectiveness of these formations. It'd be great if the AI would prioritize staying close when these are used.

    Also LINE(compact) seems somewhat broken. In a squad of six soldiers. If soldiers #2, #3, and #4 are set to move somewhere. Soldiers #5 and #6 won't stack up close to the squad leader. Instead occuping the spots they would normally be in; if the entire group was set to follow the Squad leader.

    - k

  5. TPM

    As much as I enjoy ACE features, the handgrenade implementation leaves something to be desired. Do we really need 19 different modes to throw grenades? all bound up in yet another 'toggle' menu that requires YET another button combination?

    Better grenade physics (as you've already provided) and a 'curved' trajectory by default, with a 'direct' (but shorter) throw by pressing "optics/ironsight" button. Could have provided an equally functional yet significantly more eloquent solution.

    Thank you for your hard work, but do try to keep it playable.


    edit: Oh and the other features are hot as hell.

  6. Maybe one of those who were able to could enlighten me as to wether it would be possible to do this by using the GUI crosshairs, instead of a texture on the model?


    How about aimpoints and reflex type sights have a GUI crosshair that is visible (only) while 'aiming' down the sights? Then alter said crosshair to have the proper reticule.

    Something like that would surely be possible. Sure it might not always be 100% accurate (crosshair might be visible outside the bounds of the sight; but isn't that the point of the holo-sights in the first place?


  7. Something I've noticed is that the AI's often supernatural powers of detection are a trait that the player shares. If you are hit by a bullet on a normal difficulty setting and open the map before you hit the ground, your killer will be marked out as a red dot so you can Revert and get him next time. Likewise, once an enemy is known you can scan for him through whole swathes of foliage with the command menu.

    Play on Expert or at least Veteran difficulties. On easier game modes I believe the player 'shares' the sensitivity parameters of the AI. Though how the player acts on them is up to him.



    In response to the original thread I find that the AI does not have very mature MOUT skills; mainly because it does not have a CQB skill set avaliable. Instead it attempts to respond utilize its default "abstracted" contact behavior. Behavior which is anything but appropriate for an urban environment!

    PvP CQB can be very satisfying, albeit hampered by some animations (slowmo ballerina step-across for instance) and the unpredictable (read nearly-useless) nature of hand-grenades.

    For PvE Arma2. Try to keep smaller formations of AI inside the city; while keeping the larger (more mobile) ones outside the cities for a better experience.


  8. Not suck?

    Unfortunately no. BIS user interface is really messy.

    But seriously, buy a USB mouse. Preferably one with two thumb buttons and you'll be ready to rock. You can get an excellent older generation logitech cheap as dirt too.

    I've spent a lot of time trying to 'optimize' my keyboard layout. Key is always to identify which buttons you actually need. I have myself removed the majority of "flight or vehicle" specific controls; as I rarely operate any.

    -k (note; I've also played a fair bit of Arma2 on laptop. (though I have a stationary for my main computering needs)

  9. Great work. Particularly AI seems more trigger happy than before, though it might be wishful thinking on my part. The new view distance tweaks are neat though KJUs solution felt more subtle.. or polished even.

    On a side note I managed to destroy a building by fire ring 5.56s into the wall. (from inside). This was one e of the larger buildings in Mogli... moglu... Mogliveka.... Bug? I don't believe the building was 'softened' up by any form of HE fire before either. *shrug*

    - k

  10. Got a CTD as well, but only on some missions. Still doing some bug hunting, though I frankly cannot quite tell yet what it is that kicks in.

    I don't believe it is directly hardware related. Perhaps some sort of unit or waypoint error of some sort.

    win xp sp2, Phenom, 4gigs, 285.


    RPT is dominated by "Description of unexpected vehicle:" basically 200 lines of this.

  11. <snip>

    (PS: Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy domination. WBG server is excellent at it. Warfare is fun, evolution not so much. My personal preference is just as valid as someone else’s. I prefer coops (or TDMs) with asymmetric teams and varied strategies. )

    Domination is a hot topic in this thread right now, because everyone has played it! It alongside Benny's warfare form the 'core' of the ARMA2 public multiplayer experience. Both these missions give fun, sometimes addictive, gameplay. They do so with certain amount of style and polish, in a difficult environment! Every mission designer creating missions aimed at public play could learn something here.

    What I feel the original intention of this thread was, or is. Is to highlight and ask the important question. How can we create an environment of teamplay in a public setting. Other games have definitely managed to do this, why not arma2?

    I believe mission design can go a long way. Economy of death and real possibility of loss is important. Others have different opinions. Harboring a certain community of players on your servers is the obvious goal. How can one establish this in the best possible way? Is it already done?

    Either way Domination is a fun mission. Enjoyed by many-many people and because everyone is familiar with it. An excellent basis of discussion. Its THE example of functional public COOP games we have.

