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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. Tested,

    Quite a cool concept particularly the extensive, yet easy to work with parameters, make this an excellent template for a whole series of missions.

    I like the Zargabad mission for its compact and tactical nature. The size of the mission however precludes any real use for the heavier weapons available through the parameters. As noted above a series of mission-- perhaps spanning slightly larger areas of operation-- would be very welcome.

    Though ACE adds some important tweaks that make PvP (and indeed Arma2) a better experience. I for one would welcome a non-ACE version for no other reason that the fact that ACE is no longer as widespread as in Arma2. The chance to get this mission out on more servers would rise exponentially. :)


  2. Pedersen

    I believe the WBG (world brotherhood of Gamers) run a custom version of domination with the teleport and HALO drops removed. The associated Teamspeak channel is also very active, and all in all WBG are a great bunch of lads.

    Also have conferred with my girlfriend and she has confirmed the existence of the 'magic flagpole'; I just don't show it to the public (much) .


  3. XM8s? BORING!

    To be brutally honest I am quite sceptical of BIS storytelling ability. why? Well as of yet they haven't exactly had a good track record. Lets hope the campaign comes with some interesting twists and turns. If the snippet from the video proves to be the ONLY interesting choice/consequence twist in the next pack-- I'll be very disappointed. At least the voice acting (and animations) do seem quite good.

    AA-12 (lets hope from FRAG-12 shells) is gimmicky, but at least PMCs a topic of much controversy (and therefore interest). Either way I'm buying it. If only to support the continual development of the franchise.

    To finalize. The Matilda youtube video makes it terrifyingly obvious that the shooting/shouldering animations of Arma2 need urgent attention. People. Its 2010.


  4. Excellent!

    Thanks for the quick responses. Also that heal script looks absolutely fabulous! If I may impose on another quick question (before even doing a forum search boo hiss!)

    4. Is there are a simple way to disable Crosshairs?

    I do believe I've seen it done. Essentially overriding the difficulty level of the server-- and removing crosshairs.


  5. Hello,

    Looking for some lightweight solutions for a small set of TDM missions I'm constructing. I've got three quesitons in no particular order.

    1. 5 second freezetime upon mission start.

    Is it possible to prevent all movement for some X seconds upon mission start?

    2. Script based tracers

    Are there any existing drop-in non-addon solutions that add tracers to a select number of weapons? Its a small mission so it'd really only be a matter of 2-3 different weapon systems (30rnd_556x45_STANAG, 30rnd_545x39_ak, and 200rnd_556x45_<whachamacallit> really) with max 8-12 players.

    3. A small lightweight universal heal ability.

    Looking for a tiny snippet that allows all soldiers to heal themselves-- without the complexity of norrins.

    Thank you kindly,


  6. This would mean that about 1/4 of all produced D and P versions got shot down (or were lost elsewise) which is way too much.

    No, it was a Mi-24 and I was told that the crew survived and got rescued by an other helicopter.

    I've seen references that a number of the downed helicopters were repaired and made serviceable again.

    Your second comment highlights another important fact. Helicopters rarely operate alone; shooting down one chopper in a wing of six... Well you'll be in a world of hurt.


  7. Gaia is in Greek lore/mythology the earth -- or even mother nature herself. It is also the handle of a BIS mission designer.

    edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_%28mythology%29

    Jagged Alliance 2 is a wonderful source of inspiration for any PMC style game plan. Perhaps we can get some cool 'character building' and weapon hoarding (in good resistance sense). I just hope the plot is a little bit thicker than bang, boom, go kill some enemy Oh noes, friction within the team --> Twist. Betrayal form within. Go get back at 'em american style. Bleh.


  8. Most modern sources agree that despite what western media was reporting at the time, the stinger made minimal impact on the war itself.

    Fact is that aside from some technological improvements (general issue of NVGs and optics), the Russian occupation of Afghanistan-- from a broad military point of view --probably mirrored whats happening there right now. Insurgents are getting their asses kicked. The idea that poorly equipped rebels can ever hope to outright halt a modern superpower capable of bringing tanks, airplanes, and artillery remains the solely purview of imagination.

    Much like today, perceived victory in Afghanistan was not in the (shackled) hands of the soldiers on the ground; but rather the political realities of the home state. Today the fate of Afghanistan will be determined by the next American presidential election much more than any improvements in Small Arms or tactics.


  9. Where exactly are the Aleutian Islands? Is this speaking of Sahrahni etc?

    Also the company page has really got me miffed.

    Whats the deal about being 'outstanding' and 19'850

    1985, a reference to OPF if ever I saw one.. but perhaps there is something more to it?

  10. It would be great if someone who is in the know (for example a dev) could tell us exactly or approximately how many secret logins there are for the ION clients page. We know about seven, but is it worth searching for more? I'd hate to spend hours trying out new username/password combos, only to find out later that we had already found everything. :)

    fat chance



  11. I found the sixth login.

    Its painfully obvious considering the previous five. I expect there is at least one more however.


    edit: Just remember there are no typos. I'm just going to go secure me some Zzzz.
