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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. Since Operation Arrowhead AI units armed with the Glock17 have been bugged. Apparently a config error causes them (the AI) to prefer their sidearm to their primary weapon when engaging enemies within a certain range envelope. The error has persisted since the release of OA, two DLCS and any number of smaller patches.

    This is a game breaker because having AI equipped with a Glock17 renders them catatonic-- thus KSK and Czech SF, and a number of PMC troopers are unusable.



  2. 2. 4 to 7 man teams work well vs the computer.

    3. We can download new player made missions.

    Arma2 is a sandbox. Its possible to experience many types of games in the engine. As it is a fairly realistic game-- don't get frustrated if your four to seven man team cannot complete every mission. Some missions are of unrealistic size and expectation. Instead try to look for those gems designed to be feasible to accomplish within the scale/capabilities of your group.



  3. Wow! Great effort.

    Models and implementation are beautiful. Of particular mention are the Eotech and scrome J4 scopes which have excellent reticules/sight pictures.

    If I have but one complaint it would be that despite class A implementation, the weapon feel/handling characteristics don't seem to match vanilla arma2 guns. Which does limit their utility in any 'serious' mission.

    Beyond that? Excellent stuff.


    edit: Also FRF2 rifle doesn't seem to add a sniper icon on the soldier banner.

  4. Music in BIS games

    These threads tend to crop up periodically, but there hasn't been one for some time. Lets also add that the PMC campaign got less than stellar feedback and ARMA2 tends to crop up seemingly endless complain threads. Therefore on a more positive note.

    Recently when editing and testing missions I have been adding the jukebox module just to have something to listen to. I must say that the background music of ARMA2 (and all DLCs) has all in all been FANTASTIC.

    The music is not only thematically strong and very mood setting but varied and of great quality. In fact the music of BIS games is one of their stronger points! Great job BIS. :)


  5. The whole point is that if your unit, for whatever the reason, DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO SMAW, CG, or RPG-7 type weapons-- the M136/RPG18 start to be worth it. Ie: Its a matter of game balance, and quite clever too.

    As has been stated multiple times in the thread; the slot system is badly in need of update, redesign, or scrapping. A notion which I wholeheartedly agree with.


  6. the harvest red campaign didn't make much sense. everyone was just flying everywhere, no frontlines. didn't much feel like a battle, which imo, is what ofp/arma is all about.

    I've already given my opinion on campaign quality elsewhere. Its wroth noting that a true contermporary going-for-broke war in between two modern nations wouldn't look very much like WW1 in the first place.

    Not only is our communications vastly superior, but the most telling issue is that most modern western armies simply lack the manpower to maintain extended frontlines. Which means that until the ultradeadly munitions and hightech deathmachines are spent (unlikely) thus creating a need for the vast drafted armies of before-- classic frontlines are unlikely on the modern battlefield.


  7. @JW Custom

    That may be the case in missions with unrealistic weapon availability. In missions where SMAW/Javelin/whatnot launchers are scarce-- yet the M136/RPG18 appears in realistic numbers (ie issued as necessary. Not unlike handgrenades)-- it 'costs' you 6 slots to HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO PENETRATE ARMOUR where otherwise you would have NONE.

    6 Slots may seem like a steep price when you want to bring X magazines and Y extra grenades. When that BMP2 Rolls through some nearby bushes-- and your SMAW team (limited remember?) hasn't got effective LOS. That M136 is worth its weight in gold.

    Either way I agree. Arma2 slots system is silly and became even more so with the inclusion of backpacks.


  8. As CG states-- its quite clear that for better or worse the 6slot disposable launcher is a matter of GAME BALANCE rather than REALISM.

    Assuming SMAW type launchers are in some ways limited by the mission design-- the costly OPTION to bring a M136/RPG18 which grants the ability to discourage/destroy armoured vehicles is a classic case of prioritization. From a game point of view this is huge. You CANNOT damage (in any effective sense) an armored vehicle without a special tool-- if you want that ability then pay the price.

    HOWEVER from a realism perspective this is quite atrocious. Additionally given the typical mission design of [here is a big crate of everything plz help urself lol] M136/rpg18s are again outclassed by better guns.

    The best solution would be to get a new non-slot weight based inventory system. Heck. We've been asking for this since Operation Flashpoint. Until that time an agreeable solution in my eyes would be to make disposable launchers take up 3-slots, but leave the 'launcher' slot free. Thereby anyone could carry (even multiples) but at some cost to alternate munitions


  9. I think that offering more customization options for player avatars would be a great thing. Obviously the implementation would have to be tasteful and reasonable authentic-- no mohawks or ridiculous slider settings-- preferablyonly limited to certain factions/units as well.

    Having a customized appearance GREATLY aids soldier recognition which in turns speeds up organization and reduces the need to use HUD elements.

    Arma2 is already devoid of bodylanguage-- having one more visual cue to help us recognize individuals would be a great feature.


  10. I am glad this thread has generated some attention. Like many others I believe the default AI is on the conceptual level a rather capable opponent, its failure lay mainly in the individual AIs execution of said tactics/plans.

    Unnecessary exposure, lack of noise discipline, and unwillingness to exercise tactical patience gets more AI soldiers killed than strictly necessary. It is my firm belief that it is possible to greatly enhance its (the AIs) tactical expertise by introducing some simple—yet harsher rules of engagements as presented in the original post.

    Being written in pre-BAF days, the Original post itself is somewhat dated. As of 1.56 there are subtle changes in how the AI handles itself mostly for the better. Even so many of the tweaks and concerns presented by myself and other posters are still quite relevant

    Persistent squad issues in arma2

    :: Atrocious pathfinding

    :: Bounding Overwatch often renders the squad combat ineffective

    :: Ineffective ROE changes (stealth doesn’t make the squad stealthy)

    :: AI teammembers incapable of following human TL up or down certain slopes etc

    :: Cumbersome user interface


    The original post probably deserves to be updated.



  11. That is one thing that's beautiful about CoD. They can blur everything on your screen except the front post with their tiny little maps and streamlined graphics engine.

    I bet they don't do it right, but it looks very immersive.

    If you examine the weapon models in CoD:Black Ops you'll find that the sights are in fact disproportionally large compared to the real deal. From a technical standpoint this is incorrect-- but from a practical one? It prevents ironsights such as the picture above so very abtly illustrates and ensures weapons are easy/practical to use.

    Frankly releasing a weapon with excessively obtrusive ironsights smacks of lazyness and weak game design. All this being equal I'd rather have functional weapon sights than thoughtless replicas.


  12. At least the XM8 have some unique features (no BDC but compensated by having zeroing capability).

    Aside from the poor soundquality how are the XM8's updated in PMC DLC any meaningfully different than the FN Scar variants already in the game?

    Authenticity? nope

    Meaningful weapons handling difference? nope

    Diverse new models/attachment combinations? nope

    If modeling time was an issue. Development time would have been much better spent upgrading the M16 and M4 weapons family to OA standard. Perhaps adding a few new variants utilizing already modeled parts.

    Once you get to the the point where "it being different" and looks matters more than authenticity bohemia would have been much better served by introducing the

    (interesting caliber, smartgunsights, unique underbarrel launcher, popular)


  13. [sarcasm]Inconsistent development/feature support from BIS? Youre surely kidding. [/sarcasm]

    PMC package represented a golden opportunity to (for example) standardize the USMC weapons with OA features. Yes it may have meant releasing them with the basic 1.56 patch and equipping the PMC forces with a sensible weapon system-- it would have been one step closer to permitting proper cross game support.

    Perhaps future DLCs could do this?


  14. I think the best solution would be to whack out some addons that have all of the pieces needed with functioning configs, but are little more than primitive objects with only the very basic mlods. Just boxes and tauroid shapes floating together, but representative of all the necessary truck parts (for instance). The rest of the investigation like polycounts and stuff like that, the community can handle. Then we have the information we want and they have no worries of IP infringement.

    Some functional, commented and documented "OpenSource" examples would go a long way to provide examples for newer mod-developers/designers.

    Then again I haven't experimented with the Arma2 toolset nor really investigated the existance of such resources-- So I might be talking shit. :)
