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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. Legislator;1852453']Or this? :D My son's the youngest ArmA II player ever? Who can beat a 1.5 year old armaholic? :D He likes flying the Apache.

    http://min.us/mdMmfi9vQobMu (sorry for link' date=' 2.6 MB filesize)


    Try to include your family into ArmA II :D Your wife could play a supporting role as an engineer or medic and if you've got children they could be forward observers. From my own experience I can say that junior sees the enemy far more earlier than I do. ;)[/quote']

    While I'm not blessed with children my girlfriend certain fulfils a vital supporting role, logistical I would say, when I play Arma2. Our fridge is in another room-- how else would I get cold beer?


  2. Enjoying these so far. On playing through the arty battery one though, the map tells you to go one place but the waypoint seems to be at the bottom-left corner of the map. No big thing... just takes FOREVER to get there in a CRRC. Well, it would've taken forever, if the hind hadn't killed me haha. Good stuff tho!

    *laugh* glad you liked it. Good find on the marker and its quite safe to ignore!-- leftover debug information *blush*


  3. Here's a possible idea for a creative modder with a lot of know-how.

    Notice that, just like in real life, the magazine of the G36 is transparent so you can see how many rounds you have left inside.

    What if you were to apply this transparent texture/material to the 'ghost rings' on the sights of American machine guns, the M16 and MP5? Then they would actually function roughly as they do in real life instead of hiding your target behind a stupid hunk of metal.

    It would probably look like crap and not appear correct when no aiming down the sights, but I bet a lot of marksmen concerned with functionality would jump at it.

    So... possible?

    This. Particularly if only applied to certain parts of the reticule.


  4. @Pathetics Berserker

    That is exactly the envisioned purpose of these missions. As much as I enjoy epic milsim scenarios or semi-persistant gameplay-- sometimes I just want to GET ON WITH IT and have a tactical yet challenging 20 minutes worth of gaming that I can somehow fit into a busy real life. :)

    That doesn't mean these missions are easy; planning, communication, and teamwork are all needed. With briefing and all-- expect around 15-30 minutes per mission.


    Certainly! Though no ACE specific features are utilized each of these missions have been played through with ACE. On an advisory note the tougher AI means a more careful playing style should be adopted-- thus extending the expected gametime.


    Massive thanks for hosting (and frontpaging) the mission package.

    Armaholic mirror


  5. lite1.jpg

    LITE mission package!

    Version: 1.6

    Updated: 19.07.2012

    by nkenny


    I am happy to announce version 1.6 fo the LITE mission package. This version sees five new missions added, and all known bugs fixed, including the incompability errors with Arma2 and Arma2Free. The mission statement remains the same. LITE missions are tactically challenging, and very varied, scenarios in snippets that take between 15 to 30 minutes to play. The missions are suitable for four to six players, with some variations. Have a glorious summer, and enjoy the missions in the cool evenings. :)


    Ken Mikkelsen


    Mission Statement

    Not every session of Arma2 needs to involve 'attack the island' or 'defeat the red hordes' type scenarios. Sometimes you just want to sit around with your regular gang and play some quick missions that still require some tactical planning and communication. Heavily inspired by the original scenarios built for Operation Flashpoint-- the LITE missions concept was born.

    The key features of the LITE mission package are their small size, varied gameplay and high replayability. As their names suggest LITE missions are lightweight and are unwilling to sacrifice gameplay for realism of the Sit-and-wait variety.


    >> LITE missions are optimized for four players, but can usually accommodate more.

    >> LITE missions have a 15-30 minute playtime.

    >> LITE missions require some planning and tactical forethought.

    >> LITE missions are highly replayable due to random insertions, extraction zones, and enemy patrols



    This package contains 21 missions

    • 2(co) Snipers
      A sniper team practice their trade on a Russian General...
    • 4(co) Demolitions
      Force Recon inserts by parachute to destroy Russian ammunition stores
    • 4(co) Crash Prize
      Guerilla forces must quickly search through a village to find the radio of a downed Russian Mi-8
    • 4(co) Nighttime
      Spetsnaz forces attack a vulnerable American airfield.
    • 4(co) Sightless
      Ill equipped guerrillas perform a surprise attack on an insurgent command post
    • 4(co) Sweeping Through
      Force Recon conducts a mobile attack followed by a hasty exit
    • 5(co) Deadly Games
      Force Recon perform an amphibious assault to hunt down MANPADs on UTES
    • 5(co) Rubber Boat
      Force recon makes a maritime assault on a lightly guarded Russian artillery battery
    • 5(co) Saboteur
      Force Recon show Spetsnaz how its done
    • 6(co) Bigfoot is Missing
      Special Forces infiltrate a camp to plant Transmitters on insurgent helicopters.
      NB: Expect 30-40 minute playtime
    • 6(co) Carjackers
      Specialist forces must steal a UAZ containing important Russian documents...
    • 6(co) Gate Crashers
      A team of insurgent saboteurs open a roadblock.
    • 6(co) No Remorse
      No remorse for the wicked; Spetsnaz must kill a wayward priest.
    • 6(co) Datasteal
      Force Recon conducts a daring information raid on a Russian UAV terminal.
    • 6(co) Red Raid
      Spetsnaz forces raid strelka.
    • 6(co) Shell Game
      Force Recon eliminate a cache of AA weapons
    • 6(co) The Yuri's still out
      CDF must reclaim a stolen HQ model BMP2; Damn that man Yuri!
    • 8(co) Apache Tribe
      HALO inserted forces work in concert with an Apache Attack helicopter to steal a BTR-90.
      NB: Expect 30-40 minute playtime
    • 8(co) Genocide
      In memory of Skalisty Island Oct 14 2008; relive the terrific events.
    • 8(co) Ghosts
      Spetsnaz forces conduct a covert raid under the cover of darkness.
    • 9(co) Guerilla Radio
      USMC Mechanized Recon Unit makes a lightning attack to silence insurgent radio transmitters.


    Installation is simple. Drop the pbo files into your /MPmissions folder within your Arrowhead or ARMA2FREE directory.

    The LITE mission package should in only require ARMA2. For best experience Arma2 Combined Operations is recommended.

    The LITE mission package is specifically designed and balanced in respect to vanilla gameplay-- but use of your favorite AI or sound mod can greatly enhance the experience.

    Credits and Acknowledgements

    This mission package wouldn't have been possible without the great chaps that maintain the Arma2 Editing/Scripting forum. The makers of the ARMA2 franchise-- Bohemia Interactive cannot go unmentioned and deserve accolades for their continuous support of the game series and player community. Special thanks to nopryl.no for testing, feedback, and just being a great bunch of guys to play with.

    Scripts used:

    >> Ultra Simple Patrol Script v1.4 by JW Custom

    >> Urban Patrol script by Kronzky

    >> Improved TaskPatrol and TaskDefend by Binesi(and more)

    >> Heal script by Celery*


    Feedback is very welcome. The author can most easily be reached at the BIS forum by using the forums internal messaging system or responding to the relevant thread in the USER MISSIONS forum.


    Ken Mikkelsen


  6. I just played through the CWR2 Winter release (patch2) and I must comment as I found it to be an awesome game experience. Not only did it capture the Operation Flashpoint feel to an astounding degree-- the sheer robustness of the game mechanics (weapon feel-- limited equipment-- interface) felt tight and to the point. Not at all as overloaded or feature-laden as Arma2 has become.

    It really made me question why I'm not playing more missions (particularly) in this setting! Eagerly anticipating the next release. :)


  7. Mostly a new leader will be assigned once the leader is dead. If units have ranks then it'll go by rank, if not then by their order in the group. Keep in mind though that if a unit respawns (not sure if reviving counts as respawn in that aspect) and the second in command is of the same rank, then when the unit comes back to life the second in command might keep command.

    Actually since Arma2 I've often seen leadership assigned (in case of leader death) by order of kills.

    While I think the High Command Module has a ton of potential; I second the preference of keeping everyone in one team (you've only got small units of soldiers anyway).


  8. How can a thread suggesting a course of action that sees Bohemia not only abandoning their flagship product, previous experience with the software, but also a massive amount of licensing money possibly reach nearly 50 pages?

    Accept that Real Virtuality engine does some things well-- and other things not so well. Every game engine is a mixture of compromises. For the massive expanses of terrain, sheer amount of military hardware, and AI functionality; RV does a pretty decent job.


  9. Great Beta.

    Rigid Formations?

    One of the entries on the changelog indicate a harsher adherence to formation while in Danger mode. I understand that the previous softer formations may have disrupted the lanes of fire somewhat-- yet I feel that the greater emphasis on keeping in cover (no matter the formation) gave the squad a higher chance of survival. (and probably looked more natural)

    The way I experienced the increased 'magnetism' of building corners was by seeing AI ignore perfectly good stone fences right next to them and rush forward some 30-40m to take advantage of buildings.

    Perhaps a happy medium can be achieved? Particularly in places of low cover (such as the plentiful open fields of Chernarus) hard-cover is at a premium and should be taken advantage of.

    L-marks the spot

    Overall I like this feature and felt that the UI was easy to use and understand. The sheer number of building-corner spots can be daunting and does somewhat clutter up the selection process.

    I certainly experienced the trouble of getting the exact spot chosen more than once.


    I've noted before but I still really wish something was done with stealth mode. Currently it DOESN'T do what it says on the box. Currently it feels like a slightly less responsive variation of Danger mode-- however as the AI still SPRINTS from cover to cover the squad invariably compromises itself.

    A much better behavioural pattern would be to limit movement speed to slow/walk, remove the bounding overwatch, keep the formation ultra-soft, and finally force the AI prone if an enemy is spotted.

    Attack click

    Attack clicking or asking AI to 'engage' a target consistently results in the attacking-AI conducting a feeble attack and dying. The AI will leave the safety of the squad and then conduct some harebrained individual flanking attempt. Unfailingly the AI will (as part of its bounding overwatch routine) expose itself to enemy fire and die.

    Attack clicking fails because: The AI is slow to react and get into position, the AI utilizes bounding ovewatch unsupported, and the AI leaves the safety of the squad.

    Bug: Taskhint icon

    Its probably been mentioned before (and I haven't checked devhaven) but the Taskhint icon is warped.


  10. I wonder if it would be possible to press for a completely selfish suggestion; that would be adding vertical frontgrips to the next iteration of the HK416 weapons package?

    All for no other reason than bringing it more in line with the HK416N as deployed by Norwegian Armed Forces.

    On a totally different topic. I've talked about the various eotech reticules used for the different RH weapon packages before. And while I concede that (especially high settings/resolutions) the current generation of eotech sights are ultimately both servicable and functional-- emulating BIS operation arrowhead type eotechs would be the superior approach. (ie very thin)



  11. So, you basically have the realism of real movement, but it comes with a huge price, precision. The question is, how do you get Armas realistic animations, and crossbreed them with fluid movement?

    Idtech4 as seen in Enemy Territory. The game features a physics system where wheels (and apparently feet) operate not only based on IK, but also true traction/friction modelling.

    Even so there is no magic silver bullet which will make animations fluid--perfect for everyone. The current system employed in Arma2 is more than adequate. Something which would aid the 'feel' of the game immensely would increasing the realism of current weapon animations (they are held offcenter) and adding MORE specific weapon-system animations. Such as unique ones for handling the different launcher weapons systems and so on.


  12. Ghost recon has been mentioned earlier in the thread and it is an excellent source material. It must be mentioned by Ghost recon I mean OGR (Old Ghost Recon) not the 'advanced warfighter' nonsense.

    Now I present these as an overview-- not as a wishlist to be cut-pasted into ARMA2. Unlikely at best of times anyway.


    Now obviously Ghost Recon didn't have to contend with player controlled vehicles nor huge expanses of terrain-- yet on the small-scale infantry level OGR shined.

    In ghost recon the human commander would control two sliders each with three settings. The options were ROE and Speed

    Rules of Engagement

    - Suppress // the AI would pour all available firepower in the direction of the enemy. If engaged the AI would HOLD.

    - Normal // AI would move until fired upon-- then change speed to HOLD.

    - Hold fire // AI would not fire unless spotted and move until enemy was spotted-- then change speed to HOLD


    - At all costs // AI would not HOLD for any reason.

    - Normal // AI would move at a tactical pace

    - Hold // AI would remain static and attempt to get behind cover/concealment

    By manipulating these two sliders the commander could get pretty much any tactical approach he could want for!


    Now Ghost recon dealt with much smaller formations of men. Three maximum, a far cry from the typical 6-13 man squads we see in Arma2. Yet Ghost Recon (and its predecessor Red storm entertainment) games offered a valuable lesson here as well.

    When the AI came upon impassible terrain, meaning terrain which broke up the formation somehow, the AI would practice what I call squeezing. Namely they would SQUEEZE in behind the Squad Leader- Its safe to assume he has a route planned out isn't it? Squeezing prevented the sometimes ridiculous situations you get in Arma2 where a flanking soldier (typically when moving slowly) suddenly performs marathon to remain in perfect 'formation'. In combat this usually ends with the soldier dying.

    The improvements of beta 77159 are substantial, but they are a still a step away from being an AI that can be depended on to perform in high risk scenarios (such as PvP warfare maps) or with such utter intuitive simplicity that anyone can use them.


  13. Good direction with the AI, but still i'd love to be able to tell em 7,4 (relax), and they are relaxed and follow me in formation..everytime i need to get fast in a chopper at the LZ , they look around , cover each other and stuff.

    Thats still very annoying. Telling them to relax and go inside the helo(which should last less then 10 seconds, when they are standing right next to it) would be so god damn nice..

    Change to either the Close column or Delta formation (~-8-8 or ~-8-9) to have the AI stop most of its bounding overwatch


  14. @Maruk

    Frankly no.

    I was wrong. The tune ups seem to have made the AI significantly more willing to utilize cover and capable of ignoring some of the 'micromovement' made by player commanders. Will test more.

    Key issues remain however.

    1. Ineffective bounding Overwatch routines

    2. Pathfinding failure when following the player through certain areas.

    3. Unecessary convoluted User Interface and lacking vocal/text feedback from AI troopers.


  15. @Maruk

    Frankly no. I have a series of small to medium scale missions involving small infantry and light vehicle units. The enemy is independent guerillas -- so I often run player led units of different nationalities (F2-groups UK sections, USMC fireteams, US army teams, Russian sections, and so on) through the missions.

    Though tuneups to how AI soldiers keep in formation are welcome; its yet to make a very big impact on my play style. In my experience it is not formation issues that kill AI-- rather more common are-

    1. Ineffective bounding Overwatch routines

    2. Pathfinding failure when following the player through certain areas.

    3. Unecessary convoluted User Interface and lacking vocal/text feedback from AI troopers.*

    *Creating a lack of situational awareness and complicates what should otherwise be a relatively simple affair.

    Eitherway I'm thrilled that the AI is getting some attention-- and I'm sure most of the regular posters here recognize that tweaking the AI isn't like dusting crops. I'm certainly going to do a little more testing on the specifics of dangermode (and I'll probably enjoy it!)


    I believe there are a number of devhaven tickets related to the issue-- but yes. Its hurting!


  16. An option missing form the poll is adding another European country, similar to the BAF release, to the Armaversium. Offhand the immediate thought would be adding a German Armed Forces not as much because they are playing such a specific role in current COIN/GWOT environments, but rather because a sizeable number of fans are German. Not to mention the fact that German military kit is awsome. (G36,mg3, leopard2, etc)

    There might be a live and thriving mod-community creating German content-- but that didn't stop BIS from releasing BAF forces. (and whether or not it should or not is an argument for a different time and thread)


  17. I just thought I'd give this thread a bump as I've been playing around with these weapons quite a bit. The quality of the work as well as the excellent implementation (as in weapon feel / optics / performance) make this one of the best weapon-packages I've ever seen. The most impressive aspect of it is that it is an entire weapon package. That is instead of being a semi-random collection of weapons; you could realistically form a consistently squad around its contents.

    I'd love to see how the authors use the weapon package-- are there any units in progress associated with this kit? Would certainly make it easier to make missions for this package. :)



  18. Beta is running blazingly fast. :) Had my first crash today.

    Cannot use magazine HandGrenade_East in muzzle SmokeShellMuzzle

    Cannot use magazine 1Rnd_HE_M203 in muzzle HandGrenade_Stone


    No mods, self produced mission (which has worked frequently in MP or SP before), never seen that before. *shrug* Might be unrelated.

