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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. but this GL sight is used to aim GL, so removing this would make rifle more useless or i would have to use somekind of "cursor" than

    i know it spoils aiming in not-GL fire, but how can i avoid it (in this game engine there is no "opening GL sights" when entered GL mode )

    I would say that the 40mm is attached TO THE RIFLE and not the other way around. Meaning. I'd rather have easy to use RIFLESIGHTS than accurate grenade sights. In arma2 launching 40mm's usually comes down to training/instinct more than it does the sighting system.


  2. Ho there McImpi,

    Glad you liked the missions, I enjoyed making them. Definitely must say you've got the right approach-- doing some legwork, scouting out the area, and generally mapping out the enemies abilities pays great dividends once you conduct your assault.

    Now as you note there are some maps where the enemy has helicopter patrols but usually, if you are careful, you won't attract their attention. More to the point if you look around a bit each map contains either a direct or indirect counter to helicopters. ;)

    There are two reasons why I've (so far) avoided making mines available. Firstly there aren't very many armored vehicles rolling around in my maps (and I want the few there are to have an impact on your decision making). Secondly mines are 'fire and forget' weapons. The advantage, from a purely game design point of view, of the satchel charges is that they require player input and often teamwork to utilize.

    Thanks for your input :) who knows-- maybe there will be a convoy mission in the future.


  3. Hi,

    In short. I'm looking for a way to provide LIMITED respawn capability to the blue-force team. I'm using a serverside publicvariable to track the number of respawns left and I'm moving the respawn_west marker as the play progresses. I'm using eventhandlers to track when blue-force dies. All this is easy-peasy stuff.

    The tough part is this. Once a respawn threshold has been met (in this case 0) I'd like respawning to become unavailable-- either by enabling the Bird or some form of spectator script. Preferably like to avoid some heavy duty revive package. Simply removing the respawn_west marker from play doesn't work as blue-force will instead respawn where they stand!

    Appreciate any pointers to existing solutions or a brutal reality check if this is impossible.


    (alternate thoughts is simply moving respawn_West to somewhere where the dead cannot participate anymore but thats hardly fun!)

  4. @Maturin

    In OPF it was impossible to crouch without momentarily going full-stop. Even so it was quite fast. Then again there was no specific 'crouched movement' animation like in ARMA2-- so going crouched was more of a modified stance relevant only when stationary. The exception being AT weapons.

    Changing weapons was quite slow-- painfully so when a BMP2 was rolling into view -- more significantly when you had a launcher weapon armed and ready; the avatar was unable to stand and had to move at a slow crouched speed. More to the point your weapons turning speed was limited when carrying heavy weapons (like MGs or RPG7s) so your crosshair would lag behind your current 'point of focus'

    As noted elsewhere you had to remain static to reload your weapon.

    Thusly Operation flashpoint (despite its awful LOOKING animations) presented a better flow or 'rythm' of online combat. Far from perfect, but any one who played would instantly recognize the benefits or faults in carrying certain weapons or performing certain actions.


  5. ..snip..

    Currently the only issues I had with the Steam version of CO is getting CO to run smoothly with mods without the need of a launcher though I've been using launchers exclusively to launch ArmA since ArmA1 so it's kind of a moot point but for other people it was mind numbing. However the current implementation of running CO in steam is gonna cause headaches for people who do not have the patience to figure it out (and in their right they shouldn't have to in comparison to the simpler retail install of CO), and having them stuck with that headache as the only option isn't going to be good in the long run.


    Emphasis my own. Wonky steam integration? Solution is remarkably simple and you've pretty much highlighted it yourself. BIS release their own Launcher interface which coexists with steam (or without).

    Beyond that I think Big Dawg KS pretty much has nailed it.


  6. Anyone who wants to save time when encountering an enemy at close range while running.

    Just like in Operation Flashpoint :) While technology has advanced I always felt that the rythm of operation flashpoints animations were very good. Certainly much better suited for close combat too!


  7. with out having played the RC, i can say please do not modify the anim speeds. as others have mentioned, it makes the game look... wonky

    if anything some default anims need to be slowed down. for example turning wile prone and reloading.

    now before you all flame me for that, lets be honest. you cant reload that fast in a stress situation

    the old reload speeds were good for arma 1 and OFP were you could not move. it compromised between vulnerability and reality (you can move when you need too)

    now, its just ridiculous that i can reload an m240 wile sprinting in a second or two.


    Animations and movement needs to have a certain 'rythm' to it. Operation Flashpoint did it very well where reloading, switching weapons, etc had very tangible consequences in an otherwise smooth movement system.

    I simply haven't had time to play the release candidate, so I won't vote, but frankly I don't think Arma2s anim issues can be solved by tweaks they need a complete rethink.


  8. Frankly yes.

    However BIS haven't had a very good track record of fixing User Interface elements, Animations, or datachanges in patches (or even games). I would be very surprised if they started now.

    * Insanely complex (in a round-about manner) AI command interface... since opf.

    * At times cryptic (to say the least) key-configurations... since opf.

    * AI has been useless with Grenadelaunchers... since opf

    * Rubberball handgrenades... since opf

    * AI don't really recognize water... since opf

    * AI pathfinding around certain objects... since opf

    * etc etc

    Not to say that the current versions of BIS gaming isn't impressive in its own right. Its just that a good User Interface/interfactivity is from a computer standpoint FREE. It doesn't require any new technology, additional CPU cycles, or complicated 3d/2d artwork. All it requires is some forethought.


  9. I find steam to be one of the most significant developments in online gaming. I won't go so far as to say that I exclusively purchase games bought on steam, but I will say that I spend a vast majority playing steam games than I do any other!

    To address some of the concerns that people have with the current steam implementation of arma2; large patch file size, mod management, and combining games. Please recognize that a more robust and mature steam implementation would make ALL THESE PROBLEMS GO AWAY. A simple solution would be to add a game launcher as seen in Oblivion, Dragon Age, or Mount&Blade where such things are configured.

    In exchange one gets access to steams fantastic "right click join friend" feature, community groups/parties, game related statistics, and finally the immensely powerful PR and accessibility of the Steam monolith

    Even so this is a hard vote to answer. As much as I like Steam, the current dual implementation does have some merit. I don't care about achievements and being an old-time gamer, I can understand how traditional server browsers function. In an ideal world I would like to see Bohemia continue as present with a dual release platform, with an added more robust launcher/mod system and some more steam features enabled.

    Abandoning Steam based on the very vocal opinion of a few sceptics is not the way forward.


  10. is it possible to converse an option to attack with one click for fast attack ?

    2 clicks "Target" and "engage" may be too slow or difficult with multiple targets assigned at several units in some situations, particulary against enemies moving.

    At the moment with 1.57, I set LMB -> "attack" and quick RMB "Target".

    (it works fine)


    I would argue that sending your squad out piecemeal to hunt down individual targets is a recipie for disaster. Should you still wish to do so, then set them to engage at will (3-5) and then single-click targets.


  11. The fact you hear (and see) Engage that xxx on the first click is a data side error, which unfortunately will not be fixed even in 1.58 - it will be fixed in the next stable patch. However, the functionality is really there. First click does Target, second does Engage, and if the unit did not open fire yet, third click does Fire.

    It would appear that the 'second-click' engage cannot be cancelled neither by ordering "3-6 Disengage" nor "1-1 Fall back". The only way to get to cancel the attack-run was to order the AI to move somewhere-- and THEN order a fall back to my position.

    This may have been a specific problem where I gave the engage order to a unit which had just been killed and where the AI had not had time to report it yet. Beyond that the system is quite intuitive (and will be more so with voice/text interface) and very preferable to the old one.



    Are there any plans to increase the frequency and reliability of the other aspects of AI feedback-- Voice messages specifically?

    :: Both the leader-player and AI soldiers will inconsistently report "contact down" or indeed 'new contacts'-- sometimes these will just appear or magically be removed from the targets list.

    :: It would have been supremely helpful if the player was given some idea if a spotted contact was HEARD or actually SPOTTED. (a text indication would be sufficient) as these are two very different contact situations.

    :: A voice only (not radio) confirmation when the AI are all 'back in formation' when ordered so-- would remove the need for a lot of looking around.


  12. Its probably placebo-- but this patch does seem to run smoother when zoomed in on vegetation. A more indepth test will have to wait until later.

    [78205] Improved: Only first AI unit in each formation reports its position on Report Status.

    Now this is a change I really like-- my only concern is how will you know there are more troops with that unit/group? Perhaps if either the leading unit could submit "1,2,3,4 position XX,XX" or units 2,3,4 could reply short and sweet "ok" or Oscar-Kilo" ;)


  13. At the briefing screen, if there's gear selection available - make your selection, then - do nothing! - don't press "continue" to actually start the mission... once everyones ready, if there's an admin logged in - let him be the one who presses "continue".... For some unknown reason this seems to work most of the time...

    We use a spare computer as a small dedi for 2 or 3 players... usually I login as admin to keep an eye on server fps, etc... in this situation we've found that as long as its me who hits "continue" at the briefing screen, everything's fine..... The individual players can still select their own gear, it just seems to be a matter of - who hits that "continue" button.....

    We had the "lost gear bug" on some of the missions we were playing the other night. However after adopting this voodoo ritual the problem disappeared.

    Hardly conclusive or scientific but it worked for us.


  14. Realistic handgrenades. Are we talking about the bouncy rubber-ball ones that have been with us since arma1?

    I think the Xm25 is a fasinating weapon system, projected HE will always be a killer in modern warfare. All I know is that I would certainly not want to be on the receiving end!


  15. AI formations

    Overall I find the new handling of AI formations (particularly in dangermode) to be a significant improvement over older versions. The AI unquestionably more responsive and greatly more survivable. Its gotten to the point where I will WILLINGLY enable danger mode before I enter contact, something I would never have done before.

    An undocumented or otherwise unmentioned feature is that STEALTH mode appears to override DANGER mode. Not only that but while units in STEALTH mode will crawl (prone) when ordered away from the main unit. This is a great feature because it actually makes stealthy approaches or ambushes possible without constantly manually toggling crouched/prone/follow me stanes. Units ordered back in formation and set to STEALTH mode will unfortunately still sprint from cover to cover; rendering the mode somewhat less than useful in some situations.

    <Attack clicking> and BLITZ

    It can sometimes be hard to get the AI to engage targets with the appropriate weapons. Sometimes you want the AI to use the silenced pistol or Grenade Launcher you've equipped it with; often you don't mind that spending a MAAWS HEAT round on a technical may be overkill. I would rather have <Attack Clicking> be an order to use the most dangerous weapon the AI has at its disposal; rather than an invitation to leave the safety of the formation and invariably end up dead.

    I daresay with the current implementation you would be hard pressed to find ANY human player that has had success with attack clicking targets!

    A BLITZ (assault, sweep, move-effin-quickly, at-all-costs, whatnot) mode has been requested since Operation Flashpoint days. I imagine there are either technical difficulties or a concious design choice that the community hasn't been made aware of; yet I can still hope. What remains unquestionable is that a BLITZ assault mode imagined as an inverse of DANGER mode would be infinitely useful.


    • Adding a BLITZ ROE useful when all-out assaulting -- or hauling ass.
    • Take a long hard look at <Attack-clicking>; in its current form it invariably leads to friendly casualties.
    • STEALTH mode should be stealthy also when in formation with the Squad leader.
    • It would be nice to be able <command-click> on ammo crates to have your AI 'gear' at that position.
    • Optimized array based "reporting in" would be very welcome. Currently its a cumbersome command to give, particularly in large formations. Units occupying the same GRID should ideally be reported by the same soldier. "This is 2 at 044,010 with 3,4,7,8", "4 Injured", "7 Ammo low"
    • The sidearm issues. A simpler and better handling would be to NEVER draw a sidearm unless the primary weapon was out of ammunition. In arma2 reloading is universally faster (even for MGs) and longarms are invariably better.


  16. ACE is easy enough to set up, but its still one additional hurdle/step that must be made to participate. If you view this as part of the screening process then the attendance records will reflect that. I think ACE2 does many things right, but I'm not sure which features its add that are so vital for most PvP scenarios

    Either way. This Saturday I'll be busy, but I'm absolutely keen on getting some organised PvP battles going on next week! :)

