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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. I'm running the last RC + this beta

    Performance seems pretty good. Getting some microstudders despite very high fps (80-100s) The problem is probably on my end somehow.


    1. Units still prefer the GLOCK17 to their primary weapon; problem is compounded as units that resort to their sidearm get stuck in position. How hard can this fix possibly be?

    2. AI Units that are downed and healed by the BIS First Aid Modules stop changing stances (prone/crouched) in danger or stealth mode. As you may imagine a wounded AI that refuses to take cover isn't someone with a good life expectancy.

    3. As noted earlier I feel that the Left-click once Target, Left-click again (anywhere) engages is a poor interface solution. Vital functionality like MOVING or TARGETING must remain consistent-- particularly as these are called upon in stressful situations. Consistency and intuitive placement is key to good interface design.

    Suggestion. On a similar note I must again press for a suggestion of my own. When Handgrenades, Satchels, smokegrenades, IR beacons, or other utilities are selected-- Pressing the optics key should revert the avatar to his currently wielded weapon in that weapons primary firemode. Excellent in surprising situations, consistent functionality ~good interface ~ in all others. LINK


  2. In my opinion, how about opening a new thread to discuss what the specific speed (which is better given to two decimal places if you can) of various animation would satisfy you?

    for example

    rifles reloading time: x.xx seconds

    rpg reloading time: x.xx seconds

    AT missile prepairing for fire (launch the power, open the operating system etc. which might not be shown on the screen as there is no animation for it) need time: x.xx seconds

    I think a specific number instead of a vague adjective such as too fast, double fast, faster than real life can be more available for BIS developers to learn about what you want.

    the type and variety of one weapon series might be specific if you can

    Put bluntly. I think the vast majority of forum contributers lack the experience, designers eye, and technical proficiency on the topics of character animation to make any meaningful contribution. Particularly in a milisecond timeframe which humans are famously incapable of getting a good gut feel for anyhow.

    More to the point all the tweaking in the world will not permanently 'correct' animations which are poorly conceived from the start. Or rather were created with a different design envelope in mind.

    That is not to say a discussion on animation wont be useful; it just would be better to discuss the broad conceptuals of what the average forumgoer expect the in game avatar to be able to do.


  3. Return of the Fly + Theme for a Jackal

    :: v1.2

    :: 21.03.2011

    by nkenny




    'Theme for a Jackal' and 'Return of the Fly' are two different scenarios that pit a small and understrength British unit against two separate warlords. The objectives and locations visited are different for each missions; but the TOE and equipment availability is the same.

    Contains 2 missions:

    24(co)Theme for a Jackal

    24(co)Return of the Fly

    ** BAF FORCES **

    The equipment and troop organization is fictional and solely aimed to present a challenging and entertaining 2-3 hours worth of gaming. Ideal amount of players is between 10 and 16.


    - HQ (Commander + Marksman, Medic, Engineer)

    - ALPHA (4x + Medic)

    - BRAVO (4x + Engineer)

    - CHARLIE (5x)

    - HOTEL (5x Pilots)



    - 2x GPMG

    - 2x Carl Gustav M3 Launchers

    - 2x L86 Automatic Rifles

    - 1x Sniper Rifle


    - 4x Transport MH-6J's

    - 1x Attack AH-6J

    ground vehicles

    - 4x Jackal Combat Patrol Vehicles.

    - Various support trucks



    Intense political pressure from NATO and FN resulted in the sudden withdrawal of Russian forces from heartland Chernarus. The aftermath of this was a number of aggressive warlords that have been collecting men, equipment and other military resources in an attempt to seize possession of the civilian population-- creating a almost feudal nation structure.

    British peacekeeping forces have arrived and are making a strike against one of the warlords operating out of the three valleys region. There are three main efforts needed. Firstly intel reports a vehicle borne troop is putting the squeeze on one of the currently unaligned villages. HQ wants us to crash that party. Secondly the guerillas have struck it big; a Tank vehicle depot left behind by the Russians. Fortunately they've yet to activate the armoured beasts. HQ wants every tank destroyed. Finally local HUMINT has placed the location of the warlord's headquarters in an abandoned factory. The position must be assaulted and cleared of enemy forces.

    Reports have suggested the Warlord is actually a Russian national, a former KGB type operator right out of the cold war. His organizational ability is beyond question; each of the enemy positions will attempt to support one another if attacked. Satellite imagery has located two Zu-23 AA gun sites marked Here and here. Chernarus has been a warzone for some time, so a number of MANPADs-- STINGER weapon systems have been spotted in the valleys. Keep a vary eye. The warlord is likely to attempt an escape if things turn against him. If you get a shot then take him out.

    One final word. The Russians are still in the process of pulling out; avoid buzzing too close to their airspace lest we spark another international crisis... Its time to dismantle this petty warlord and bring back peace and democracy to Chernarus one county at a time.

    Tasks can be performed in any order



    With the situation in Chernarus gradually coming to a close, its time to pick up the pieces again and turn this wartorn nation into a productive state once more. Russian and American forces have pulled out of the region, leaving the decimated CDF forces to deal with increasingly aggressive Warlords .

    British peacekeeping forces have inserted to deal with one of the more heavily fortified warlords operating out of the Zelenogorsk region. Intel has located four areas of heavy influence (including Zelenogorsk itself) which serve as forward bases for the Warlord. The areas are the Farmhouse, a Factory, a warehouse, and the nearby Radio tower. HQ wants the warlord dead and his base of operations obliterated. Neither his current location, nor that of his base is currently known-- its expected to be found at one of the four locations noted above. Furthermore Zelenogorsk must be liberated of all enemy forces. Civilian casualties will not be tolerated-- we cannot afford another Polana artillery bombardment here!

    The warlord has had a great deal of time to prepare for the attack. Expect nearby villages to be patrolled by enemy forces [1,2,3], also a number of ZU-23 batteries have been spotted-- and as always the MANPAD STINGER threat is very real. Most damning it has been confirmed that the Warlord has sought outside expertise and has engaged a company of mercenaries to aid him. This must come at a tremendous cost, which only highlights the danger posed by this resourceful warlord. Failure here may loose us the entire western Chernarus!

    ** CREDITS **

    Special thanks to www.nopryl.com for many excellent Thursday gaming sessions. Shiva who answered my pestering mission making questions. Arma2 editing forum dwellers for the vaaaaast amount of information hidden on your forums. Bohemia interactive for the OPF/ARMA game series.

    Creation of this mission would have been impossible without these scripts:

    -Ultra Simple Patrol Script v1.4 by JW Custom

    -Random House Patrol Script v1.1 + Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.7 by Tophe

    -BIN_taskDefend.sqf v1.4 by Binesi

    -Urban Patrol script v2.1 by Kronzky

    -Revive Script v0.5 by Norrin



    ** FEEDBACK **

    Feedback is most welcome. The author can most easily be reached at the BIS forum by using the forums internal messaging system, responding to the relevant thread in the USER MISSIONS forum (in fact the very thread you are browsing right now!) or at email:

    ken <arrrrrggghhht> modportal <dooooot> net


    Ken Mikkelsen

  4. Well, in CoD reloading can at least be a tactical element, while in ArmA2 it´s just...nothing (you would have to take in further consideration) :(


    Reloading as it functions in arma2 (since release) is an action of very little consequence. Its lightning fast, doesn't slow you down, and doesn't discard-- or make the spent magazine unavailable(temporarily). This is unfortunate because choosing when to reload should be a tactical/survival choice of massive importance.

    As the RCs should have shown most of us no amount of timing tweaks will produce a good solution. The only real hope is for Arma3 or the next DLC can come with a better and tighter set of whole-body-animations.


  5. Maturin - I did try ACE , and yes engagement ranges were much improved , however , AI accuracy was still quite poor. A sniper should be able to pick me off at 800m within 3 or 4 shots - this wasnt happening , below 550 say , great - above ... Poor .

    In combat conditions? while being shot at? from a cold start without knowing where you are first or what the environment is like?

    Sounds optimistic.


  6. That's a very strong blanket statement. Are you talking about the enemies the US has faced using soviet era equipment, post-soviet Russia, modern Russia, or some other era? What kind of situation do you measure this by and so on. The basically incompetent arab armies are no good yardstick for modern conventional warfare-- and had the soviet army at 1945 decided to continue rolling west we'd be saying "СпаÑибо, дорогой ÑÑÑ€" rather than "Thank you sir"

    Snarky comments aside the principle that the best logistically supported army will win is sound-- and the US has certainly proved its ability to project force AND support it in the field-- but to discount the immense investments, planning, and sheer field experience the collected Russian Army has (despite high level corruption) particularly at conventional warfare is faulty to the extreme.


  7. Does anyone know if the AK 100 series have burst fire? I've seen a few sites that say the AK-101 has a 3-round burst option.

    I believe only the Ak-107/108 have burst fire as an optional standard, this due to their higher than average rate of fire. As the weapon never reached mainstream issue this is really anecdotal at best-- it pretty much comes down to your own opinion on how the future plays itself out. Ak74m, ak101, ak103/4/5 all have the regular AK safety.

    As noted the AEK (as an experimental weapon) comes with many different configurations. I believe a three round burst is standard on the latest models. (not to be confused with the AN-94 'Abakan') Either way I believe themodels do not represent the s variant of the AEK and therefore should feature no burst fire option.



  8. I was just making a point that very little combat happens in warm and pleasant places. The 'police missions' undertaken in places like Afghanistan or by Special Forces have very little in common with what actual conventional warfare would look like.

    > The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it.

    > Weather ain't neutral.

    4-5 seconds is however an appropriate timeframe given the current limited animations and metagame.


  9. AI+Interface

    The Target/Engage quick-command feature is non-intuitively weighted. AI that have been given a target will default to 'engage' (ie: leave formation; run like a headless chicken; die). This is inconsistant with expected result -- moving -- and therefore non-intuitive.

    In this beta the AI will still get stuck with sidearms (in fact prefer them at close ranges).

    reloading a rifle, new system takes about 3 secound, IRL depend on what type of reload and how much you train for it, you can do it in between 2.5 secound for a speed reload to a 5.5 for a tactical reload(where you have to retain the mag, which most soldier needs to whenever possible even if they empty the mag since their mag are GI stuff, or are expensive stuff like a PMAG), personally I would like a happy medium between 4 to 4.5 secound of time taken

    Fine. Now replicate that speed in a Norwegian forest, laying prone, -32 Degrees C, whilst being shot at by russians, and its at night. That said 4-5 seconds sounds good.

    I find PvPscenes suggestion, with the exception of #4 which I don't understand, to be spot on. Lowering run speeds and making sprinting more different will make the game more deliberate and feel more 'weighty' at close ranges.


  10. OpenGL is quite far behind DX11. It used to be cool back in the quake days. This is partly because its focus is not on games. Games on OpenGL these days is an afterthought.

    *shrug* Id tech 5 is looking pretty good and the specs for OpenGL 4.1 aren't necessarily lagging behind in any meaningful manner.

    I believe the current prevalence of DirectX based games comes more down to aggressive marketing by Microsfot rather than any lacking capability.

    Lest I turn the topic too far astray I find it surprising that so many running a rather demanding software like Arma2 successfully through an emulator-- but then again the last time I played with MacOs it was system oh-point-bow and arrow :cool:


  11. Assuming aloud that pvp players want instantaneous weapon switching and arcadelike gameplay is strawmanific and disrespectful. It's the realism that makes people want to play pvp in Arma 2 in the first place, but the rather rigid animation system often proves to be an obstacle. I'm fairly sure that if the AI behaved like players do, more people would notice that unnecessarily slow and immobilizing yet uninterruptible animations can be a major cause of unintended death.

    In support of this.

    Last time I played a PvP mission we were slightly less than 20 people on each team. Finland vs Norway. 45minute playtime. no respawn. Three objectives. Two Mi8s, two T34s and a BRDM2 constituted the total amount of heavy equipment on the map. Asymmetric resource distribution. Tension? Oh yes. Arcade? Oh no.

    The notion that PvP must be run and gun is ridiculous.


  12. Everytime you enter the 'targets(2)' menu your clock indicator updates.

    If an enemy is listed at 3 o'clock turn CLOCKwise. (to the right)

    If an enemy is listed 9 o'clock turn COUNTER-clockwise (to the left)

    Take your time and avoid running in like a headless chicken. At sub-200meters the AI is quite adept at spotting enemies. If you can provide the binocular work of spotting the enemy, expect some pretty decent shooting from your own allies (equipment dependent)

    If you find yourself with contacts being called in close terrain (and particularly if you have danger or stealth mode active) you are often better served by dropping prone and staying static (preferably in cover). Keep in mind that the AIs formation continiously updates based on your movement-- so you might disrupt your friendly AI's sight-picture by forcing movement.


  13. Wounded gun Shaking

    I know this depends greatly on the situation, but do know when it comes to life and death things change. My great grandfather severed in the Anglo-Boer war as a desert rat, he had a shoulder shot - shattering his shoulder yet he continued to shot 3 more attackers.

    Its certainly not impossible to hit targets with the aimshake, its more a matter of keeping calm and lining up your shots.

    Of greater annoyance is that it actually affects your mouse-input (ie the direction you are pointing contra your weapon) whereas a preferable solution would be operation-flashpoint style keeping your mouse-input absolute but the WEAPON would lag behind/shake *shrug*

