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Posts posted by nkenny

  1. There is a simple reason why Western designers had to to be very specific and careful with their claims about their products, not least because their competitors (IE other western companies) were trying to sell similar equipment and any illegitimate claim would be torn to pieces very quickly, which looks bad to your customers when you are trying to sell them multibillion dollar defence projects....

    Damn straight.

    If its one thing western capitalism does get right its that the BEST product wins all the time. I mean it always does what it says on the box, particularly when it comes to modern military equipment. How else could they sell it?

    In the Soviet Union equipment specifications, production facilities and executive design decisions all came down to politicians, their hordes of lying cronies and the Generals/Admirals currently in favour. No wonder all they did was crap!

    Man you've really made me see things clearer Ollie.


  2. I'll tell you that highlevel Quake3 (or 1, 2) matches definitely aren't random bash-em-ups. Also it DEFINITELY matters whom kills whom. How else would you accrue kills and win the match? While it may appear that closed communities form the heart and soul of arma2-- everyone has to start somewhere.

    An accommodating and welcoming online public goes a long way to forming new communities or inviting potential players into existing ones. Arma2s poor user interface creates a bit of a hurdle, but nothing that can't be improved upon. As an old school gamer I'd say that the cries for 'Lack of teamwork in public play' is hardly specific to Arma2. Despite our best wishes Arma2 isn't a golden chariot of perfect online gaming.

    Here's the kicker. If you want teamwork you might have to make an effort yourselves. Connect to Teamspeak. Use VOIP. Read up on some military manuals, gaming resources, or whatnot. Its been my experience that on a 20 player server you have 18 players all pining and complaining about the lack of teamplay-- in their own rooms or after the game has ended.

    Take a few steps to invite teamwork in and you'll get it.


  3. PvPscene has the long and short of it. Particularly the notions of altering or focusing the Warfare game mode to a bite sized package more accommodating for new players-- or simply those of us who cannot/will not spend 3 hrs playing a single scenario.

    Joining a gaming clan or community is really the best choice. The most profitable time I have in Arma2 is playing with www.nopryl.com -- essentially one of the of the many communities of players. We have a weekly play schedule, with a monthly ultra-realism session. When times are slow we hop in on one of the Public servers as a fireteam (or more)

    Servers vary wildly in terms of game experience. That's just the way it is. Try a few and you'll quickly see that yes, Indeed it is quite possible to end up with fulfilling teamplay in arma2-- it sure helps if you have one or ten mates to help drag the teamwork out of people first!

    My greatest annoyance with some arma2 players is that they front an opinion that the height of MP mission design is apparently to emulate Battlefield2.


  4. You have to excuse me for laughing, but do you really think a website with the prefix .ru might be a wholly impartial source of information about the performance of Russian military equipment?:D

    And Wiki, the Dagestan war thing, not a lot mentioned there about the T-90 mate.

    Yes this is true. In fact russians are all liars and have for years been deceiving the west! Detailed picture analysis has proven that Russian tanks are in fact made of stacked cardboard and powered only by cheap Italian FIAT car engines. Yesterday when I was wanking to a picture of a M1 Abrams tank it all came to me. Russia doesn't actually exist! Its all a lie created by the filthy Euros to have expensive superior American military forces deployed there to protect them from ehh err Germany! yes Germany!

    All this years you've been tricked! There never was an ironcurtain nor a humongous industrial, military, and political coalition in the east. Its all tent camps and horses. I'd say this qualifies as proof of a massive cover up and I'd NEVER been able to figure it out! Its all thanks to you Ollie1983.


  5. Carefully and methodically. Just like everywhere else.

    Making periodic stops (dropping prone) and just listening for sounds is equally good practice. If you are having problems spotting enemies yourself tell one of your AI to 'advance' (Fx-1-2) in front of the rest of the squad and act as a pointman.

    The distance and speed which the AI targets enemies is related to the weapon he carries. An assaultrifle with a scope is usually ideal.


  6. Would it be possible to replace the default BIS troop-UI


    with _only_ the Shacktac HUD somehow? Perhaps a special version for the leader (to allow for unit reports)

    Shacktac HUD provides much the same information and consumes less screenspace. Particularly when playing with players it provides a much more useful and relevant information than the command UI does.


  7. I think the clock system works well. As a feature I would want the temporary waypoint set by the Squad Leader (shift-clicking) to be transmitted to all members of that unit and that direction designated as 12 oclock

    It makes sense to establish temporary waypoints in the squads marching direction!


  8. Now that is what is needed, what would be alternative to this though in A2? (As I may be missing something also). All I know is AI spot targets and they end up in your target list, but I can never tell what AI spotted what in the list or what I did, just a large list of targets to assign. I also maybe missing how to tell exactly what AI spotted who'm, in which case get them to target as they are in range to shoot?

    The more I type this, the more I question my own use of it :)

    Its still possible!

    1. As of 1.59 Left clicking on an enemy should TARGET and not ENGAGE the enemy. Having the unit selected and leftclicking again will ENGAGE.

    2. If you look your keybinds you will find that right-mouse button is bound to 'BACK'. Simply unbind it and you can right-click target ala Operation Flashpoint.



  9. For the AI? It really depends on the unit composition.


    AI armed with light assault rifles will engage targets quicker. AI armed with heavier weapons (like machineguns) will usually engage targets out to further distances, but take a longer time to get in place.


    Any Assault Rifle will do. The AI has an upper effective engagement envelope at around 230m. Any time you give your AI Grenade Launchers or Rocket Launchers you slow down their effective engagement time-- as they waste valuable time switching weapons or missing with the Grenade Launcher. As such the most important characteristic of your weapon is that ammunition is plentiful!


    As a squad leader your job is to spot/find the enemy using binoculars or weapon mounted optic. Do this successfully and a VERY potent unit composition is 1 MG and a number (say 4-5) riflemen on the flanks. Throw in a RPG/SMAW/MAAWS/NLAW if expecting vehicles. Any armed vehicle should be considered a valid target for your RPG soldiers!

    An MG will with good positioning and yourself spotting be able to take down static targets out to 800m. Your Riflemen will spread out on the flanks and provide close-in protection for your unit.

    Units armed with nothing but sniper rifles or MGs are deluding themselves. They may be somewhat effective on the defense or in ambush-- but the moment you need to assault a position, or deal with an unexpected development every split-second is valuable.

    In short

    - Light weapons are faster to acquire targets

    - AT and GL weapons confuse the AI

    - Squad leader should spot (call in) targets for his heavy weapons

    - Plentiful ammunition is more important than caliber or delivery platform.


  10. Interesting RC. Will test more later.

    1. While AI troops still prefer the GLOCK to their primary weapon (particularly KSK-Machinegunners with the MG36) I experienced not a single instance of units being irrevocably stuck. Please. Reloading your primary is ALWAYS better than reverting to your sidearm in arma2.

    2. It may be placebo, but AI appeared to be more willing to spread over a larger area while in Danger mode. *shrug* It certainly increased their survivability.

    3. AI units healed by BIS first aid modules still refuse to change stance. Meaning they stand around when bullets are flying...

    4. Mouse appears to be a bit more laggy than before. Its probably on my end somehow.


  11. Added link to Armaholic mirror. Thanks a million. :)

    @Colonel Stagler

    Ehh.. You got me. Actually despite the images showing differently I believe the mission uses woodland troops. I’ll have to double check that however and will certainly update as appropriate.


    High command module is activated for the mission-commander. It’s a feature I’m quite fond of and used it extensively when testing certain aspects of the mission. A word of warning is that its hard to get the AI to mount or dismount vehicles, and certain mission essential equipment (eg. Launchers and GPMG) are contained in an equipment crate. There appears to be no way for a high-commander to get his subordinates to rearm.

    For the release version I decided to disable AI. AI combined with High command module doesn’t always play nice with Norrins Revive Script. I would be happy to create a separate version for you using BIS revive and reactivated AI; otherwise you are welcome to De-pbo and make your own modified version.

    Thanks to everyone who has downloaded. Feedback is always welcome.

